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Posts posted by thekid

  1. :teehee: I do too.



    Oh, you make me laugh.


    Today, I decided I wanted to dip dye my hair magenta. But when I mentioned it to my mom, she totally shot me down and went off on a long, angry schpeel. Apparently, she's the reason I can even cut my hair in the first place since my dad's family is "super religious". :annoyed_h4h: Ugh.


    ohhhhh, just go to the drug store and buy the magenta 'colour rays' its like 12$, then go dye it in your bathroom, and wear a tuque for a while...... :wink2:

  2. well basically, you send something using canada post, it'll be cheap and they get it to where ever your going. See, all the mail has to go through the border, so they get it to the border quick, let's say your sending something to the states, and then the US mail takes it from the border to where ever your sending it FAST. because their post is good like that.




    if someone is sending something from the States to you, in Vancouver, they US mail sends it to the canadian border fast, and then when canada post gets it, they are hella slow... I have no idea why. My dad said a long time ago, ALL mail to canada was first sent to Montreal for sorting and then AFTER to where ever else in canada, like Van. So maybe that's why it takes forever because all the mail gets sent to headquarters before its sent to you.




    Theres a useless post, I have no idea if i'm even right. Its just an educated guess, also known as BS.



    What happens to your body when taking a breath?

    you chest gets bigger


    What's the world's largest living mammal?

    wooly mammoth


    What does 'terminal illness' mean?

    when you become ill at the airport


    my favourite :


    What is a fossil?

    a fossil is the remains of an extinct animal. the older the fossil the more extinct the animal




    What the - :lol3: what is it?, I just entered, hello

  4. OMG! I was just looking in my new Queen book today, and they had the original scans of those questionaires that Queen did for this Japaneese magazine back in '75. And I just HAD to share this with everyone, it (As in what Deaky said) is so amazing! The question was asking what their dream was.


    So i'll write down what every band member said.



    Your Dream: Total understanding between people



    Your Dream: To be rich, famous, happy + popular + everything else. Everyone wants to be but won't admit.



    Your Dream: To remain the divine, lush creature that I am.



    Your Dream: WET.




    and yes! he did put it in capital letters!

  5. :teehee: Oh you. Do you have a regular hairdresser? I don't trust any one person with my hair. I'm forever hopping from place to place.


    My hair's dark but not black too. Curiously, it suddenly went lighter a couple weeks ago. A "wtf" moment for sure.


    Haha, Yeah I always change hairdressers too. Some of them REALLY SUCK!

    I wasn't even supposed to go to the hair dressers, My mom was going and I was just going to go look around in the mall. And then out of nowhere, she's running after me going "DO YOU WANT YOURS DONE, HE SAYS HE CAN DO YOURS TOO"

    so I just said, sure whatever, I bet he really regreted it though, It took him hours to fix that mess!!


    Oh yeah, that Hair dresser is also my neighbour :D lol. I only went to him once before...... years ago. And I felt he didn't do anything, but this time, he worked his magic. (Note: I only got it dyed, no cut) My hairs ridiculously thick, so I always feel really bad for whoevers doing it. But I always get "you'll be grateful when you're 80" :roftl:


    By the way, try a male hairstylist, Over the years, I've found them to be the best


    I used to go to a guy and his son, John and Edwin Johnston, who are top notch. They're in magazines and stuff, and on google images and all that. Their place is called The Cutting Room.... I think I will go back to them next time....

  6. its really dark but its not black black black.

    I look like a punk rocker :roftl: which isnt necessarily a bad thing. YAY GREEN DAY but I hate all those other lables that go with them. :dunno: I think my hair looks better now regardless, since all that blond I had, I did it myself with a bottle of peroxide so theres random blotches of copper and blonde and white-ish and light brown. And then I missed a couple of spots. OH DEAR, i didn't realize how bad it was until the hairdresser was like :hair: going "WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!!!!!!!!"


    and I went 2 months like that haha!

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