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Posts posted by iBernard

  1. There is no constructive resolution to this because IT'S A CONCERT. MFC is neither responsible for nor is it going to change what people have been doing at rock and pop concerts for the past 30 years.


    Have you or iBernard ever been to a real concert before? Not Annie Lennox or Grace Jones or other middle aged women - but a proper gig of a young popular artist?


    I was at Arctic Monkeys a couple of weeks ago and do you know what people in the front rows were doing? They were crowd surfing on top of people's heads. For hours. Dozens of them.


    This is what goes on at a concert. If you can't handle live crowds at concerts, don't stand in the middle of one! And please spare us the moaning on your way out the door because we're not responsible for the protocol. If iBernard was back in the 6th row he/she was probably in a row of random account holders at Mikasounds and not MFC anyway.


    Expecting us to do something about it or blaming Mika is ridiculous.

    you people make me laugh.


    Music, 30 years ago, was totally different. No cell phone cameras, no screens projecting to the cheap seats. Pot smoking etc. And Grace Jones and Annie Lennox being "old women?" Elton John, some 30 years ago, inspired the SAME enthusiasm as MIKA is currently. And I personally thing MIKA has "the potential" to BE an artist of Elton John's stature and longevity.


    Please people. Crowd surfing wasn't in existence 30 years ago. 30 yrs ago, music was, mostly, DISCO!!!!! One hit wonders; you know, like SAM SPARRO.

  2. Apparently, all you people with YouTube videos were the same RUDE PEOPLE who prevented people like me from actually seeing the show. I was pushed, yes, PUSHED out of my seat (FF 5) which was three in from the aisle. And then I was caught up in the sea of people RUSHING THE STAGE. It took me nearly an hour to get back to my seat, which was then occupied by someone (female) who insisted it was her seat. I nearly got thrown out by the security people. All you people with video cams and phones and all that technology are just RUDE RUDE RUDE...as bad as the girls in front of me waving the glow sticks.


    I hated the night. I hated all the rude, self-centered people, and I was really sorry I went. You Mika-maniacs really ruined it for some of us who just wanted to support an up and coming artist.


    And to think: I saw Grace Jones at The Hammerstein, and it was like one big happy family.


    Mika: have a word with your fans about concert etiquette. They certainly need it.


    And the parents of the children were worse: drinking alcohol through the whole show, and standing in the aisle to boot!


    I was tempted to sit on the back of my chair, once I got back there, but I wasn't going to ruin the show for the people behind me.


    This was a sham. The entire "fan club seating" was a sham.


    Good luck Mika. You lost a loyal fan. I won't spend a penny on you in the future. Not one penny.


    I already wasted about $200 on your digital downloads, DVDs, and a regrettable concert.


    And to the MIKA FANS?




    If you were there, then SHAME ON YOU.

  3. To whom it may concern:


    I purchased a ticket for this show which was FF 5, which should have been the third seat in on the left of the main aisle.


    I wish I was able to stay there for the night, and not have to fight to get back there after I got pushed out into the aisle by over-zealous fans.


    I'm 49 years old, and my first concert was in 1977 and was Freddie Mercury and Queen.

    This summer alone, I saw Grace Jones, Pet Shop Boys, and Depeche Mode.

    I thought I'd "support a new artist" and travel down from CT to see MIKA, at the same venue where I saw Annie Lennox a few years back.


    I had the WORST time.

    Seeing I was in the "fan section" I was shocked at the amount of alcohol consumed by those around me.

    I'm sure everyone loves MIKA, but I didn't exactly feel the love when they kept SCREAMING "I LOVE YOU MIKA" while he was singing.

    I'm impressed everyone knows the lyrics to his songs (as do I, but I choose to sing in the car), but unless MIKA was "asking" the audience to sing along,

    I could barely hear MIKA as the "MikaFans" around me kept screaming every single syllable.


    It took me over an hour to get back to my seat (where my backpack was, with my medication, and ID, along with my jacket),

    but it took me over an hour to convince the "security" people that I was holding a ticket for a seat someone else INSISTED was theirs.


    So I was threatened with EXPLUSION FROM THE VENUE unless I "calmed down" (and this was during the show).


    I could go on, but I didn't even see most of the show until I got to my seat,

    and then I had to watch through a barrage of the rudest girls with all manner of video recording devices.

    So I actually, from FF 5, saw MORE of the show through VIDEO RECORDING DEVICES instead of through my own eyes.


    I've seen hundreds of concerts, and this was the worst concert experience I've had, even surpassing the recent PET SHOP BOYS at The Hammerstein,

    because I got stuck directly behind VIP queens, busy with some iPhone App called GRINDR, who were so f'd up on meth, or Tina, or coke,

    or whatever it was.


    This was worse. This was WAY worse.

    And I have a disability (I've had six surgeries on my spine: four lumbar, two cervical).


    I've purchased everything MIKA had for sale on iTunes, and the deluxe versions too, when available.

    I bought BOTH his DVDs.


    And I WASTED $25 on a "fan seating" ticket, and didn't even bother to stick around for the "after-show" because the people around me

    were loud, rude, mostly drunk, and vulgar.


    Then there was the extra $25 or so ticket fees on top of the price of admission.

    I spent $28 to take the train in from New Haven (CT). I rode the A train alllllllllll the way uptown, then downtown.

    I spent $12 to park my car in New Haven.

    And $10 on the subway card.


    So I wasted about $100 just to have a really bad experience, to support an artist I thought worthy of a "one-off" experience.


    Tell MIKA that he needs to send out a "fan letter" to his dearly devoted, and tell them to think of the other people around them.

    I felt badly for the kids behind me (when I was finally seated) because I'm sure they are going to grow up to be people who don't go to concerts

    because of the rude, drunk, and vulgar people.


    I'm going to pass on the DVDs to my nieces, because when I think of MIKA, I think of the really terrible evening I had.


    What a waste of my money. An absolute waste of money.


    And to think of how excited I was.


    No more. Just disgusted.


    I had no idea who to send this letter to, but I thought I'd send it here.

    Perhaps you can let his management know.


    Maybe it's just my trashy fellow Americans.


    But I had a horrible, horrible experience.

    I was treated like dirt by people who "had to rush the aisle" and push me out of my seat.

    And then I was threatened for most of an hour by the security people.


    I tried to "smile like I meant it" but I didn't even have that much energy left.


    Thanks MIKA. Have a good career.


    But I'll be sharing this experience with everyone who says "MIKA? who are they?"


    And WAIT until this hits my blog.


    It's so sad when you have a great entertainer, and the very people who support that entertainer

    are SCREWED by over-zealous, obnoxious, drunken, screaming, inconsiderate fans...


    who won't let go of their video-recording devices.


    I didn't know who to send this email to, but I was sending it to anyone with an address for MIKA at this point.


    What a sad experience.

    Very sad.

  4. So I thought I'd see MIKA, for the first time, even though I've dragged myself up to the Palace to see Annie Lennox, I figure this would be a good time. I had great seats FF 5, fan-section.


    Trouble is, so many people rushed forward, I actually got pushed out of my seat, and spent about an hour trying to get back there. Literally. And to the group of screaming girls, and one screaming guy: yeah, I'm sure you love MIKA, and I'm impressed you know the words to all the songs, but what little I got to see AND HEAR, well, SHUT THE EFF UP! I came to see MIKA and HEAR MIKA, not you.


    So, kids (I'm 49) here's a bit of manners: don't scream I LOVE YOU MIKA (or whomever) all night. They are there to sing. And stop waving glow sticks and everything else, and when you STAND IN YOUR SEAT (not on the floor) you block the view for me, and everyone behind me.


    I like MIKA, but I'll stick with DVDs from now on. And the parents who took their kids? Nice thought, but what was with the constant drinking? You were BOMBED, and NOT DRIVING, I hope. Poor example for the kids.


    Overall? I was glad I got to HEAR the concert, because I sure as H*** didn't get to see much of it. The RUDEST people around me, and those damn cell phone videographers. GIVE IT A REST.


    And the staff? You only made it worse. To think I had an actual ticket for an actual seat, and had to fight for over an hour DURING THE SHOW to get there. And to be threatened with being thrown out. Nice.


    Sorry MIKA. You'd better send out a note to your fans to behave, because you not only lost me, but I'll find your latest. released on some music piracy site. My night was effed up, and I figure you owe me money.


    Strange how everyone was like one big happy family for Grace Jones at The Hammerstein. Depeche Mode? RUDE PEOPLE WITH VIDEO CAMS. Pet Shop Boys? RUDE VIP METH QUEENS. Mika? RUDE PEOPLE WHO WOULDN'T STAY IN THEIR SEATS, and WOULDN'T GET OUT OF MINE.


    Over all? Evening sucked. Big time.

  5. I'm going to be in the 2nd row, center, for MIKA's Friday show at the Union Palace in NYC. I'm wondering if, like Annie Lennox did, MIKA shows at the stage door at some point, and autographs and/or does pictures with fans?


    Anyone have any idea? Love to find out ahead of time.


    It was worth the 2+ hour wait for Annie, and MIKA's worth at least that...



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