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Posts posted by pig_pog

  1. Hi everyone !

    First of all, for my name, it's not that I dnt knw how to spell 'ping pong' ^^ Its just that a friend of mine who's not english said that her favourite sport was PIG POG, which my sister finds hilariously funny, and asked me to use it as my username. So here I am :D

    For an introducti0n, I'm not quite sure what to say. My name is Antonina and I'm 12. I'm english and live in France so I talk both languages which is quite cool :biggrin2: I got to know Mika because my sister is absolutely in love with him, so I sort of got used to hearing ''Mika said this'' and ''Mika did that'' and ''Oooh Dad Mika's playing round here soo0n, can I goooo ??!''. I admit that it can get very annoying and that at the beginning the subject of Mika was one I didn't wanna hear about. But she forced me to see him at the Roundhouse in London this summer on my birthday, and he's actually quite cool :D. And, when she told him it was my birthday he said ''Happy Birthday Love'', even though he had never seen me in his life, so he must be quite nice :biggrin2:

    So here I am. Pig_pog, new member of the MFC. My sister told me you're an amazing bunch so I can't wait to start talking to people round here !


    Hope this is okay as an intro :blush-anim-cl: and thanks to dcdeb for welcoming me ! :biggrin2:

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