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Posts posted by winleelee

  1. hi~ everyone~ long time no see~

    it's 00:00 here in hk...HAPPY CHINESE VALENTINE'S DAY to MFC!!!!!!!!:wub2::wub2::wub2:

    and LOVE TODAY!!!!:blush-anim-cl:


    leave mfc for a long time.....

    @duolongi, fsphoebe, iris_tse, se7en1een....wanna say hi to u guys~:bye:

    reli reli happy to have gathering today with huiking, suisui, beryl, ping and pingping.:thumb_yello:

    we all had a NICE afternoon and discussed sth about the MIKEA project...i think it's better report to you guys later by suisui, HAHA! THX, suisui~:wink2:


    @oily, jan...so miss u ar.....><

  2. @suisuimeko 出年上海世博?!真嫁?!如果真o既話好想好想去喔!!成數仲好高tim!!起碼唔使咁遠~又可以平d!!:teehee:歐洲都好想去呀....但我唸去到應該連食麵包都無$...仲要瞓street....==


    @ping 下次我一定去接機呀!!仲要做多d準備呀!!人o地又扮lollipop girl 又送suitcase....真係要好好唸o下~我o地完show去carpark都唔係好多人炸...下次一定要surprise佢!!:sneaky2:



    可惜d friend完全唔識mika...所以我身邊d friend全部都知我鍾意mika鍾意到癲o左....


    無計啦~成日唸住mika就會講出o黎....cant control myself!!!!:roftl::roftl:


    @mika baby 我也收到magic no.的email喔...可以validate的都validate了....啊~最近在mikasound收到一個private msg, 原來是spamming...大家收到嗎?:boxed:


    @suisuimeko again: 你本mag好正呀!!如果有得賣,我肯定會想要一本!!!:mf_lustslow:


    @huikings 我好懶...twitter未換相...forgive me!!!:bow:


    有關接機...我想我是支持要接機的...像簡單的禮貌和welcome我們的gd friend!!如果mika真的不喜歡或太累,他可以選擇匆匆上車或告訴他的staff阻止我們...mika難得才來...我們應該把握機會多見他幾面的!!不過..我們要加點創意逗他開心倒是真的!!><

  3. oh yes! i forgot to tell u all: Universal HK juz called the next day and said my copy was FOUNDED!!!! the man asked me to go to the office in Kwun Tong next week:biggrin2:


    actually i've tweeted this!!!! do ya hv a twitter ah winlee???:naughty:




    btw 唔知大家知佢話出來會return to韓國未???? 佢地仲有2次安歌tim!



    (要打中文,,打英文會俾外國mfcers打 haha)


    huikings~ the staff really called u back?? (其實初頭唔係好信佢...:teehee:) so gd!! twitter? i hv one ar...... just registered recently for MIKA~ invite me!! => winleelee :wink2:


    咪係lor!!勁唔開心ar!!tweet o左勁多韓國野lor!! 又講韓文....


    睇見佢仲要著埋韓服... 咁點解果時唔著唐裝...


    totally agreed!!! 穿件唐裝外套都好oY.....:emot-sad:


    佢仲狂講韓文嘛!!!!! 我地就1句普通話/廣東話都聽唔到囉

    而家仲要有個日文tweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 癡線!!!!!!!

    個tweet好似仲係話咩 "東京是最好的"..............................






    遲d睇埋d report 仲死ar............:blowup:


    係囉 =(

    我唔會嬲佢架, 但我好傷心, 我想知點解 :'(

    家下乜都唔知同做唔到, 自己好似好冇用咁!


    死喇今次會唔會係last gig for hk架? 我好驚啊!!

    i googled mika hong kong etc.又搵唔到D咩負面新聞喎

    全部都係讚佢架!! 其次話邊個歌手去睇, 最衰都係講返sexuality姐, but i dun see any clues of he felt bad in hk :(


    heartbroken =(


    其實我o地下面free standing area 就好high....但唔知上面座位d情況...


    之前report 都話balcony 有人早走啦..... 唔知佢會唔會咁所以唔開心呢.........



    hope he really enjoyed hk trip!!!!!!!!!!


    絕對不會是最後一次啦, 香港對Mika而言是很熟悉城市呀, 就是他固定會巡演的一個地點了嘛, 只是他很迷日本和中國的文物啦,(不能諱言連我們亞洲人都會迷日本的一些小東西了xD) 外國人會對東方的東西有興趣就很難得了吧!





    握握手和抱抱也很好.....:wub2::wub2: dreaming..........

  4. Imma: Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow!!!! Korea you kicked ASS!!! You were INCREDIBLE! 2 encores for you!!!!!


    Jimmy: Thank you Korea! What an incredible audience! These gigs are getting better and better. Hope no-one got too squashed while jumping around x


    Mika: Thank you Seoul for an incredible night. We will be back in 2010! Simply amazing








    Amazing is not prefer word...and I dunno which word to use in this gig


    2 encores explains that......OMG OMG


    Yuna!! THX for the wonderful video!! :thumb_yello:

  5. thank you guys .

    i found winleelee :thumb_yello:

    hope she will like it ^^


    I LOVE IT!! I LOVE IT!! I LOVE IT!!:mf_lustslow:

    mokpuiyiu!! can i give u a kiss?:huglove: You are so GREAT!!

    I still cant clam down as u're so kind to share me those wonderful!!

    How can u do it?? U made my day!!! :roftl::roftl::roftl:

  6. hi there winleelee

    wanna send some photos to you

    i captured that and post it onto here ;


    asking who the girl was and i found you !

    hope you will like it ^^


    mokpuiyiu!! U're my ANGEL!!! Thank you so much!!

    When i saw it, I cant believe my eyes!!!! U made my the HOT TEARS welled up....:tears::tears:

    The photos are amazing!! That's the great moment of my life!!!

    and that's the best shot of MIKA & me!!

    It's so touching that u find me so hard....:crybaby:


    littletangerine, huikings, crazy_olly, kodes100, lollipop_monkey, Louiza........ THX for watching my post and love the bear hat... :aah::aah:

    I can't stop to say OMGOMGOMG....... glad to see yr replies!


    All of you are AWESOME!! I LOVE U!!!!!! YOU'RE SURPRISING ME!! MIKA!! MISSING U!!:wub2::wub2:

  7. Today is nearly gone. I think I should write sth about THE BIG MIKA DAY!!! About 24 hrs before now (HK23:30) my MIKA was standing next to me and wearing MY BEAR HAT!!!!!! Its awesome!!!!!!!! He was very cute in it!! OKok~ I’ll clam down & tell u one by one…. Sorry if it’s too long … but I just cant control myself!! PLX FORGIVE ME!



    HKMFCers hv already drafted a list for queue time before…

    ( THX lovely suisuimeko) I was very worry about if we stand at the front row…so I told suisui I decided to wait there start at 6:00a.m in secret mission.. Yes!! I think I’m crazy too~~ :roftl:

    At that nite, I looped around MFC at usual, read that a HKMFCer got a chance to meet & greet MIKA!! Then I checked my email immediately and found that

    I GOT THE CHANCE TOO!! OMG!! I was so excited!! I called other littletangerine & suisui at once. They got it too!! We were saying at high middle C~ We didn’t expect it!! Only 10 ppl and got it.

    Later on…. I started to worry about wt should I say & wt should I bring him… then my BEAR HAT came out in my mind. I brought my BEAR HAT before and I intended to wear it during the show for getting MIKA attention. Yes, it is!



    GOSH… the sky was still dark when I left my home…….but U know? My feeling likes I was catching a flight and going to have a WONDERFUL TRIP! $650 is NOT expensive!! :naughty:

    I arrived the entrance of Stall hall around 6:10a.m. I cant breath there as the air-cons was off. Half of lights weren’t on either… I sat on the floor wv noone and thought I MUST GOT THE FIRST ROW~~~~ I got nothing to do so I took some pics and searched around for MIKA things~ WOW~ what a beautiful print!! A pile of MIKA HK concert leaflet there and I took few aways…um… actually a pile ^^ for other HKMFCers (and me of course) ~ HOHOHO.. I left just 2 hrs later as I need to work :emot-sad:although no other MIKA’s fans when I was there, I don’t think I wasted my time.. Others might earlier than me~ Who knows~


    At lunch time, I was so nervous of meeting MIKA. NO appetite at all!! Just had half bowl of noodle. In the afternoon, I had an outing program of hiking!! POOR ME. Hopefully I wouldn’t lose much energy. Around 630pm, I finally took a bus to go and had my dinner on it.(Half of pudding..)


    I arrived there and littletangerine bought a bread with me on G/F. Then we went upstairs to Star Hall. But we didn’t meet others, because they were guided to the other side to get ready for entry. OMG!! We cant see them and RUN!! Finally got them and entered the hall!!!! YEAH!! WE ARE THE FIRST!!!!!!! We surely got the front row!! And I even stood just in the middle of it!! THX GOD!! But… wt? It was only around 7:30pm!! I want to go toilet……= = We waited and waited ……for…long…time… About 1 hr sth later, lights turned down and the band was on the stage!! WE were screaming!!!!! MIKA finally appeared on the stage!! During the show MIKA dance right in front of me!! We cant stop dancing, screaming and sing with MIKA!! SO GREAT!! :mf_lustslow:We were waiting so long!!!!! WE joined this party finally!! We even have eye contact wv MIKA!!

    14264_1273829092668_1438142756_798284_7083891_n.jpgbut I also think it was too short….


    didn't hear my favorite => MY INTERPRETATION and GOOD GONE GIRL…..


    After the gig, we were exhausted!!


    After the gig, who hv invitation to meet & greet MIKA were gathered. We prepared presents, cds and stuffs for sign and many words to tell. We entered the backstage with many hopes and expectation. But wt the XXX!. We were pushed by the staff and they yelled ‘no sign plx!’ ,‘Hurry up’.‘time’s gone! Take a group photo plx!’ I gave him my presents immediately. MIKA saw the bear hat and said ’did u make it?’ I said ‘no…but I like it & hope u’ll like it’ OMG! I talked to him!! Then also gave him my light bulb necklet…


    the staff kelp yelling. Then we took a group photo and left it…. We were sooo disappointed!! It was totally suck!!!!!:thumbdown: Only 10 winners of us!! Why don’t we cant take photo with MIKA one by one!!!!!

    Our hearts were BLEEDING badly…. Our next hope was CAR PARK!!


    We waited in the car park….the band came down first. And they got on the bus quickly. We didn’t hv chance to take photo wv them… we can only cried ‘u’re awesome!’ ‘u’re great!’ ‘amazing!’ They were so happy and gave us back nice smiles and waved their hands!


    After about 15 mins, MIKA stepped out from a lift. We saw him! OMGOMG!! He put my bear hat on!!! I cant believe my eyes!!!! I stood next to him and took a photo. DREAM COMES True!! He signed our stuff one by one…so NICE! MIKA reli took some time for reading the mag!! Japan MFCer must got one for him!! MIKA reli love it!! We next to him!!!!!! After he finished the signs….he got on his van…


    We cannot but say goodbye to our LOVE..MIKA~


    Sorry if it’s too long & my poor eng… but I just cant control myself!! PLX FORGIVE ME!!


    PS that's a reli wonderful day wv our HKMFCers!! Sisters!! u're so GREAT!!:huglove:


  8. LOVE this interview~ thx for sharing~

    i taught the eye patch was only an accessary....but i was wrong!!

    POOR MIKA~ hope he can get well very soon...

    obviously it didn't affect his performance!! love his sparkling watch...so cute~ i didn't recognise it before they talked about it....:teehee: very happy to get more closer with MIKA and know more about him!! He's always cheerful~ that's why i love U!!:blush-anim-cl::blush-anim-cl:

  9. Are you guys excited yet????:roftl::roftl:

    Sorry - I couldn't resist teasing you just a few short days before the Big Night.

    Seriously I am so happy for all of you.

    The Australian performances, photos, & interviews must be keeping you guys all hyped up.

    It will be an amazing night as you know.:thumb_yello:



    Your right!! We cant wait to see MIKA!!! Always thinking about him....his music cant stop playing in my mind....(when i was working, shopping, eating...even sleeping...:teehee:) only a few days left... but it's really hard to get information about this HK trip.... Neither umg nor the orgnizer of the gig (lushington entertainment) said they know MIKA's schedule.... we even don't know the time of arrival and departure..:tears::tears:


    BTW, I watched the morning show sunrise~ mika's poor eye..... i'm wondering if his eye is itchy during the interview...:teehee:

  10. 我都覺得好矛盾啊-_-



    i've just sent the email........

    i think it's tooo late .............:crybaby: :crybaby:

    i want my ticket too~ but i dont want to miss any chance to see him!!

    so.....i think i'll send it.......

    anyway~ i've scan the ticket!

  11. it's the first time for me to see MIKA too!!

    anxious about the front row thing =[

    my mam dunno i'm this crazy and into MIKA!!!

    she dun even know i'm going to the show!!!

    she'd hv killed me if she does - -

    haha but she's got nth to do now even she knows 'cause i got the tickets :P


    so are u going to join our queue crew too?

    or do u mind talking about the details on msn?

    mine's: lamyeeching@hotmail.co.uk


    and i think all of us still cannot fig out how the queue works on 26th, should we make a contact list and group ourselves into morning group and afternoon groups?

    maybe it'll be more efficient..?


    just suggesting!! =P


    9 days to go!!!!!!


    Make a contact list? Great Idea!!

    The gig is coming!!!!!!! I do think that we should move on and do sth~:thumb_yello:

    But how? On msn?

    I already gave mine to u... wt should we do........

    OMG!! there's only week to go.....SO EXCITED !!!:boing:

  12. 14539_1273972406619_1149185079_30873395_5193474_n.jpg



    sorry that the quality's kinda bad :S


    THXXXXXX A LOT AR~ MrHentai!!!

    U're great!!! Finally see it!!:mf_lustslow:

    At the first u guys mention MTR ad, i thougth it's in a lightboard and bigger....

    btw thzzz MrHentai la~ u make me see it!! ^^


    yo~ 今天搭車時終於聽到那個叮噹tbkwtm ad!!!!

    幾好wor.... 感覺上成個ad都幾搶:naughty:









    我們去hk gig thread談gig preparation事宜吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay:


    個叮噹tbkwtm ad好似唔見咗喇~ 今晚聽903聽到"Mika in hk"個ad喇!! 個ad普通d...無叮噹咁特別...仲話有$450ticket賣tim~(邊有呀..):shocked:


  13. hi!!im back!

    好耐冇上黎-_-因為我考緊uniform test:tears:


    btw..我係south china morning post見到有m gig的ad.!!



    不過真的沒有green day的多, 只看到一次而已



    OMG!! I want to see it!!!

    how's the design??

    is it same as the album TBWKTM?? ><

    never seen it..................:emot-sad:

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