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Posts posted by LadyCocoMonster

  1. Hi :)


    My friends and I started out on the floor, about five or six people back, but there was so much more pushing/shoving than I've experienced at a show before, one friend and I escaped after about three songs and were able to enjoy ourselves a lot more in the back where we were able to dance and breathe. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the thrill of being right up on the stage just as much as the next person, I just decided that I was in more of a dancing mood than a shoving and screaming mood last night. Props to all of you that stood your ground!


    Anyway, yes, totally amazing show. I loved every minute of it. I cried during "Happy Ending," too. Everything was just perfect. Sorry I don't have much more to report--I just have to say that it was 100% worth the long drive (from Davenport, IA), getting home at 4am to be at work at 6, and almost hitting like twenty ridiculous deer running rampant across I-88.


    My photos aren't the best, but I thought I would share a few anyway-











    It was that amazing:


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