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Posts posted by Scott

  1. Mika: Chicago 10-20-2009 @ The Riviera Theater.


    The show was simply amazing. Yes I am a fan and I am biased...but I honestly believe Mika is THE greatest artist/songwriter/musician of this generation.


    Last night I didnt go to a concert, I went to a show...a non stop show. A lot of artists stand at a microphone and shimmy and sing....MIKA PERFORMS!


    The opening sequence gets your attention...it makes you stand on your tippy toes to be able to see exactly what the heck is happening on stage. Mika gets your attention from the moment you see any movement on stage...and he holds it until the last note is played...the last lyric is sang and the last balloon is hit in the air.


    The set list is for new and old fans. Favorite after favorite from the 1st album and then sure to be new favorites off the new album.


    You can tell that He KNOWS and LOVES every word coming out of his mouth. He does each word justice. Its not there to be a catchy pop tune...just for the sake of being a catchy pop tune...it is meant to tell a story and make you feel...and it does just that.


    I was lucky enough to be a part of a meet and greet after the show last night. Sure when WE meet Mika...we want to be able to talk and take a picture...and he COULD just walk thru and shake and smile and move on...but he seems to care and share with everyone. He cant spend hours with each person..but the time you do get with him is special...because he makes it special.


    I brought along a gift for Mika...a very cool bow-tie that I picked up at a vintage store in Chicago. Mika seemed pleasantly surprised at the gift...and said "OH YES!!! I can use this...this is perfect" and asked where I got it etc etc. I am hoping that I see him wear it...either in pics at a show or in a photo shoot or video...I know the chances are slim...but its ok to dream.


    Mika's team of people were just so friendly and nice. Knowing they have to get him thru a line of people and autographs...but they didn’t rush it...they didn’t make it seem as if it was a "job" to them...they knew this is a moment for each of us.


    This was my 2nd time meeting Mika....I was lucky enough to meet him after the first show he ever did in Chicago @ The Metro.


    If you are thinking "Maybe I will catch Mika on this tour" you need to change your mind to "I AM GOING TO SEEE MIKA" it is well worth the money for the ticket.


    Gary Go was the opening act and I must say he was rather fun. I will be looking more into him as well. Normally and opening act kinda makes my eyes glaze over...but he was good.


    Another amazing show from Mika to us.


    The crowd was WAY into it...and you could tell Mika was feeling us.


    If there is anything else I can share...please ask...I have never reviewed a concert before like this.

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