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Posts posted by Seatown

  1. I don't think my family understands my appreciation for MIKA :/

    See, mum isn't too swayed towards falsettos like me... and pop doesn't like the fact that he was a 'loser' in school. Maybe because I totally was one until I got into high school and got into all sorts of trouble :shocked:

  2. A few weeks ago there was a commercial on ABC for some saturday night programs where at least 3 shows were advertised, at the end really quietly in the background while the voiceover was promoting you could hear


    "I could be brown, I could be blue, I could be violet sky..."


    I then rediscovered my inner MIKA fan.

  3. Yeah, it had nothing to do with Lily, he just didn't want to get what he thought was a crappier slot so he told them to f off, but he didn't even know that it was Lily's, so his reaction had nothing to do with her :wink2:.



    Ah Lily, she's fabulous... her voice doesn't really match some of the melodies she makes though :\


    I know he's friends with Lady Gaga; who I think is really original and actually can sing when you hear her acoutstic versions.

  4. Sweet! I first heard od Owl City a year or two ago, when he came out with his album... -forgets name- it's like uh... 'Oh! June' or something. And I was like :mf_lustslow: when I heard Hello Seattle :teehee:


    His new music definetely oozes total creativity, I'm not really a fan of synthopop-poppity-pop but Mr. Young seems to have caught me up with it :naughty:


    My favorite is Saltwater Room, that's how I discovered Breanne Duren, although I only like two of her songs...

  5. Originally Posted by iadoremika

    It annoys me when he sings high notes and sticks out his tongue.


    Haha! My freinds and I were talking about that the other day, it is annoying... but I, having quite the attraction to male singers getting up to that fasletto (or close to it) makes me absolutely LOVE Adam Lambert :naughty:

  6. I must say I really, really miss his proper blogs. :tears: I totally enjoyed digging into the stuff he likes and discover new things - visually and acoustically. I like the fact that he took the time to write those little essays to share all that with the world. I hope that, one day he will rediscover his blog. If he does, I will start one, too :naughty:


    Oh me too! I just about passed out when he said he was a great fan of Alan Aldridge, a seattle-based visual artist and one of my favorite artists. I had no idea Mika knew of him!


    I hope he picks it up again soon!


    it's not fabolous - it is hilarious actually...




    Hahaha, that's great! Really, American interviews should be just like that!

  7. His eyes are both green and brown! Always been my fav!:) along with brown hair! :fangurl:


    Ahaha, I've always love that too. And the fact that he's dyslexic, like me... only I CAN read music. I just can't seen to read letters or figures very well :/


    Um, does anyone know if his french version of Grace Kelly is avaliable for download anywhere? Just wondering, I'm lacking in the foreign pop music secton of my mp3 :aah:

  8. Why do you think he likes Lily Allen? I'm pretty sure he doesn't care for her at all. :naughty:


    Lilly Allen! Catchy Catchy songwriter, she is:thumb_yello:


    Absolutely love about a quarter of his musical choices... or I'm really familiar to them. I've never heard him sing Killer Queen, my goodness, he'd be fabulous!



    Awesome list!

  9. Ok here's the revised version.

    I'm 99,9% sure of the lyrics, I changed the line he grammatically screwed up in Paris tho

    The translation sucks cause I've tried to keep it as literal as possible, but some parts are just too hard to translate


    I just hate it when English words aren't enough... or right. At all :aah:

    Translating is really difficult, good job!

  10. AH! I've been looking for a thread like this!


    I had one just last week, I was playing the piano... and for some reason, I was really frustrated, maybe because I was sight-reading and it sounded like crap.


    Anyway, I was playing the piano and I look out the window, and there he is! With his band-buddies all carrying shopping bags.


    I freak out and somehow grab my music (which in the dream-world turned into a my sketchbook) and ran outside. We all have a fabulous time looking at my weird thoughts and sketches... and then all of us are in my room, and we're posting stuf on HERE! MFC that is. Mika's laughing and laughing and then everything got really small and his band members start singing 'You're Having My Baby'. And ten I look down at my stomach and cover it up with my hands and say ' I don't want to talk out it, goodness'. Then I woke up.


    Sorry for the wall of text.

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