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Posts posted by Austerulous

  1. I don't really have any videos to anything but..


    I was sitting in a restaurant about 2 weeks ago and Grace Kelly came on :biggrin2:


    I live in the US too, so it was a big deal :roftl:


    I tried to make people notice that I was singing alone so maybe they'd go home and google the lyrics or something. :naughty:


    Haha. XD I've done that at a fair I was at. Me and my little bro just walked around this massive warehouse singing at the top of our voices. :roftl:


    What a lovely thread! I walked around with the same idea... let's start!


    Mika book-covering paper (This isn't officially by Mika):




    Mika toilets in Central Park:




    I need the covering! And possibly the toilet as well... if I had somewhere to put it.


    This morning I came on the fan site, only to learn that Mika is number 17 on the Billboard charts with a kick-Ass remix!


    I am Happy beyond words


    The Meeks WILL inherit the Earth!!!


    I love that quote!!!!!!! XD


    That poster was also in Hollyoaks sometime last year in some girl's bedroom.

    ALSO on Hollyoaks aaages ago when the character Amy was pregnant, her friend held her ipod speakers to the baby bumb (which was playing Love Today) and they were discussing names, when she says "Hey what about Mika for the baby's name?"


    it's true :glasses3: but they decided on something else and I can't remember.




    I'm so going to play Mika to my baby bump when I'm pregnant. :mf_rosetinted: Not to mention to the kid when its a baby... and a toddler... and until he/she is old enough to run into their room and slam the door.



    I went to this laser game place and it has a heap of Xboxs with Halo on them to play while you wait... and one of the player's names was 'mikaere'. Surely it was a Mika fan, coz where else would you get that from? :roftl:


    And this page (can't believe I haven't been to this site before):


  2. Fellow MCFers, recently I've been noticing an increase in amount of Mikaness which has been infiltrating the world in general. As a reasonable, logical person, I have taken this to mean that our plan is succeeding, and Mika is well on his way to world domination. :thumb_yello:


    Here is what I've found so far:


    Happy Ending on a Pantene commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIATZmu_3Jc (which I originally saw in English but couldn't find on YouTube)



    Mika poster on kids' show 'Dani's House':





    Kick Ass vid playing at ice-skating (which you can't see clearly, but MFCers can tell its him):




    So, anyone else?

  3. YKYAMFW you take him as a part of yourself. Here is the situation: My mum told me that Mika's jacket was nice and I almost answer her "thank you" as if she was telling me that I myself was wearing that nice jacket :roftl:


    Haha. :teehee: I've done that too. One of my friends says, "I really like We Are Golden." And I said, "Thankyou!" The look she gave me was priceless.


    YKYAMF when you change your middle name to "Mika" on the index card so that at graduation they say Mika out loud. :teehee:


    Oh my gosh! I so want to do that!


    YKYAMFW you feel guilty for having a different artist as your background on your laptop... then change it back ten mins later coz you feel like a bad Mika fan.


    Sammy J






    But... compared to Mika... He's got no chance. :wink2:

  4. YKYAMF When there's a music quiz on the radio and the first question is ''Grace Kelly' and 'We Are Golden' were hits by which artist', and the contestant doesn't know the answer so you start shouting at the radio in disbelief :mf_rosetinted:


    BOO! :sneaky2: I do feel sorry for them though... not knowing the experience which is MIKA


    YKYAMFW you write MIKA/MFC on your pancakes:teehee:


    OMG! I do that too!!!! :roftl:


    YKYAMFW you feel like you know him like so well, even though you have never actually met him in person, just watched a kazillion interveiws and concerts. Its so weird. I haven't been on MFC or watched any interveiws or anything for a month or so, but have been catching up on everything tonight and when I watch the vids I feel like he's my best friend and we chat all the time or something. Its a really strange, strange sensation. Does anyone else get this or am I just going insane?

  5. YKYAMFW you hit your best friend cos she/he says that mika sucks and is gay


    yes my friends "hate" him.I don't understand...How can you hate a man like him?


    you are not the only lonely one:D


    you right..:sad:

    my friends decided to love his musics but to hate him:aah:


    soo true...they love some of his songs,but they don't like this wonderful boy...


    I sympathise with you all. I am unfortunately surrounded by Mika-haters in my friendship group. But they are now distracted with ripping off Justin Bieber instead. Poor Justin but its doing my psycological health wonders. :thumb_yello:


    YKYAMFW you listening to killer queen(by queen) you say killer in a killer voice because mika did it and its realy funny :naughty:


    I haven't seen it! *feels crushed* Links by any chance? Pleeeease? :wink2:


    YKYAMFW your friends no longer notice when you use words like 'Mika-ish' and take them as valid opinions.

  6. Omg I never seen this video before , but I like . :wub2:

    YKYAAMFW you hate your cousin because she says she's a MIKA-fan but she calls me crazy when I say I know all his lyrics and I have both cd's . (And she don't even know the whole story :aah:)

    *Call yourself a MIKA-fan when you're sure you ARE a MIKA-fan , or you get in trouble with me :mf_rosetinted:*


    Pfft. What a poser. :sneaky2: lol


    YKYAMFW you love doing photo manipulation in computer studies coz you can use mika pics :thumb_yello::biggrin2:



  7. I haven't either. :no: but, I am gonna get to go next time he comes back to North America :boing:


    Haha. I'm continuously watching the interveiws where he says he'll come back and tour Australia this year... I need my reassurance. I've been looking forward to it for too damn long!!!!!!!!! :sneaky2:


    haha nice :roftl:


    I know right? :lmfao: I was really freaking out for a few mins, had to really hold onto myself...:aah:


    Haha. :teehee: Ooh, that gives me an idea...


    YKYAMF when you have to restrain yourself from going up to complete strangers and telling them they look/sound a little bit like Mika. Or in more extreme cases when they REALLY look like Mika, you have to restrain yourself from launching a flying hug at them.



    YKYAMFW after doing your everyday Mika routine in front of your comp you stand up, on your way to the kitchen you see your dog which is blocking your road and you say to it: 'excuse me, Mika' (even though it's not called Mika, because it's 8 years old). :blink::biggrin2:


    lol. I keep calling people Mika... I don't think they appreciate that much. :teehee:


    -when u are haveing an argument with someone, the only thing u can say back to them is MIKA


    Haha. That's a good one. And welcome to MFC! :bye: By the sounds of it you'll fit right in. :thumb_yello:


    YKYAMF when you buy TBWKTM for one of your friends birthdays and wrap it in 10 or so layers of tissue paper and cellophane to protect it as you transport it from your house to theirs.

  8. :lmfao


    no wayyyy!!


    LoL! THAT'S BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!


    I want to see your teacher's face... :teehee


    :aah I can see why your teacher liked it, Austerulous! :naughty:


    HAHAHAHAHA!!! :lmfao :naughty :roft: :lmfao Oh my word that is brilliant! That is so funny I'm laughting like a madwomen! XD :lmfao


    I want to see your teachers face as well. :lmfao


    YKYAMF when you need to find a song that tells a story, so you of course think of Mika! And then can't choose one! XD


    OMG :roftl:roftl:

    Oh well, it looks good to me :naughty:


    me too! :naughty


    That's just unbelievable!! :aah: Lovely idea, I have an assignment in .ppt due, guess now I know what background to use...:mf_rosetinted::wink2:


    Haha. My teahcer hasn't seen it yet. But my friends did and they just all shook their heads sadly. :teehee: I'll let you know what happens when I hand it in.


    YKYAMFW you freak out cuz your English teacher's laugh just sounded so much like Mika's :blink:


    That is so awesome!!!!!!!!


    YKYAMFW someone tells you they've saw Mika live and you automatically go into your own little fantasy world, and immediately begin to question them. :mf_rosetinted:


    I'd get the interrogation light going and everything. i still haven't been to a Mika concert. :crybaby:

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