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laymay kang

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Posts posted by laymay kang

  1. :naughty::naughty::naughty:


    오옷 안녕하세요?ㅋㅋㅋ이렇게 반가울수가 ㅋㅋㅋ

    네네 대박이었다는:wub2::wub2:ㅋㅋㅋ

    여기 카페 사용하기 참 거시기하네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    언젠간 정복하고 말리라.....ㅋㅋㅋ

    생존자 아래 대답해주길..그게 몇달후가 될지 ㅋㅋㅋ:tears:

    카페는 활발한데 ㅋㅋ 쓰레드 완전 동토네요 ㅋㅋㅋ

    봄이여 오라~~!!!! :fisch::fisch::fisch:


    ㅋㅋㅋ 아무래도 한국과 여기 시스템은 한참 다르죠잉~ 터질땐 빵빵터져서 접속도 안될때도 있고.. 그 땐 정말 암울;;;

    아무래도 영어도 많고 한국은 겨울이고 하니깐 다들 가입은 하시공, 얘기들은 없으신듯해요 :mikasweat:



    원래 방송에서 간간히 들려오는 해피엔딩같은 미카노래를 듣고 호감이였는데 유투브를 뒤지다가 미카 콘서트 영상을 발견하고 봤드랫죠 :naughty: 완전 팬됬어요 !!


    지방살아서 차후에 있을 내한공연의 참석여부는 불투명하지만.. 언젠가 가서 떼창해보는게 소원이에요 !! 앞으로 잘 부탁드려요 ^오^


    p.s ) 남성팬분들 계신가요. ㅠㅠ 다들 여성분들이신것 같아서




    환영합니다~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 남성팬분들은 계슨듯한데 아무래도 여성분들비율이 핫챠~

  2. 파트 5 열린거 첫글보면서 완전 빵 터졌어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


    미카 팬된지는 한 석달 된거 같은데


    심지어 재즈 페스티벌이 성공했는지 미카가 내한 했는지 안했는지 했는지도 몰랐던


    지방거주자입니다.. 주절주절...


    라디오에서 팝퓰러송 듣고 그 머시기 음악 찾아주는걸로다가 딱 찍으니


    미카 팝퓰러라고 뜨더라구요 그러다가 뭐 앨범 통째로 듣게 되고


    여차여차해서 여기까지 와서 요새 믹서 카페에 난리를 치고 있습니다


    웬지 거기서도 막 수다 떨고 있는데 민폐인것 같고 -_- 진짜 이 에너지를 어떻하지?


    입덕한지 얼마안되서 아주그냥 미치겠습니다.. 알아야 하면 끝까지 근본까지


    그냥 발톱의 때까지 알아야하는 집착주의라 -_-


    믹서 카페에 살면서 (심지어 지금 일하는 근무시간에도) 계속 온해놓고 노는중..ㅋㅋㅋ


    여기서 첫 스레드 열었을때 그 엄청난 에너지 뿜을 분들 어디 계시나요? 같..같이 놀죠?


    아직은 신입 초짜지만 영상 자막달기하고 막 포샵도 놓았던거 다시 배워서 여기


    다시 활기를 불어넣고 싶네요...


    님들이 2009년부터 좋은 인연 잘이어와서 저도 뭔가 보탬이 되고자


    다리 역할을 하고싶네요 앞으로 주욱~!!!


    응답하라 미카 한국쑤레드!!!!!!!! :chair::chair::chair::chair::group_hug::group_hug:


    나랑 누가 놀아줘요 영어는 넘흐 어려워요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ


    이렇게 다는거 맞나?



    겁나 잘 하셨는데요~~~ :thumb_yello:

    자주 놀러오세요~~ 빙하기가 길어요~~


    맞아요. 미카 서울 재즈 페스티벌 엄청나게 성공적이었습니다.


    ㅋㅋㅋ 대박이였지요~:mikadas:

  3. Oh! It happened quickly and suddenly. It will be good experience of your mika life.:thumb_yello:

    I want to tell this at the radio.:blush-anim-cl:

    mika enjoyed communicate with fans diffrent from top celebrity. even his concert. so fans had wonderful experience everytime.:wub2:

    and his nice character~ oh..god..I can't finish!!! :shocked:

  4. Nice interview indeed. Here is a quick translation.




    I don’t know all Grace Kelly’s movies. I started because of my grandma


    (Grace Kelly runs) my grandma had an husband from Siria in Beirut, and then they moved to USA.

    She could just speak arabian and the first time they went out for dinner they went with all my granddad’s friends and Grace Kelly was there.

    She was speaking a lot and after a while my grandma was very sad and started to cry since she could not understand anything. So the image of Grace Kelly has stayed in my head all my life, since my grandma kept repeating this story all the time.

    There was a period where I had lots of problems in the music industry since nobody could imagine a future for me, everybody wanted me to be like Robbie Williams. So one day I went home and I decided I did not want to be like somebody else but I just wanted to be myself. This is the message of this song.

    In this moment when I was angry I found the first song of my pop career.


    ( Now Relax starts)


    I don’t like the word “best of”, so I changed it to “songbook”, since in one’s career there are lots of songbooks.

    It is a project only for Italy while I am working on the italian X factor challenge.

    It is a project that started in Milan, with italian designers. It is the first project I did without my sister, and I think she is a bit jealous.


    (now Blame it on the girls starts).


    This record is the story of my life. It is like looking at my life and career in a mirror. I cannot listen to my music on the radio, usually I turn it off.

    I don’t have a song of my life, since I will be able to say this only when I am in my deathbed.


    (now Popular starts)


    It is very strange since the video has 38 million views, although we did not put it in the radio. It is very strange.

    I made this version since I met Ariana Grande one year ago. She was creating an album alone, and I saw her as a very young talented girl, so I wanted to do something with her.

    So I agreed to have this new version with her, although I thought it would not work. And I was wrong.


    (now Rain starts)


    I am always wrong when something good is going to happen, and becomes fantastic, I am wrong.

    This is normal for an artist, since I look at my work without taking any distance.

    I don’t want a real distance, I want to stay in this imaginary distance, since this is the most creative one in my opinion.


    (Now Stardust starts, the italian version, with Chiara)


    I was afraid of recording this song simply because when we had played the song together in X factor on TV we had a good time, and I was afraid the same feeling could not repeat. But we made it, since the record version is quite different.

    I love this collaboration and I love Chiara’s voice.


    (Underwater is starting now)


    Underwater for me is a very pop song, but not a normal pop song.

    This song is very artistic. When I was a bit fragile I wrote this song to warm up, to get some power, like a medicine.

    I think this is the reason why it had success, since it works for others, not just for me.


    It is very hard to communicate with italians (they show him now in some X factor episodes).

    I want to speak like Elio.

    Morgan is like oxygen with fire.

    Elio has helped me a lot.


    (then they show him when he introduces “Friday I am in love” to Violetta, and she does not know the song. Then they show more X factor videos.).


    It is not fair since Morgan is working only with two, while I have four, and they are good but I need lots of time to work with them.

    They are very young and maybe I am too hard with them, but that is the education I am used to.


    I don’t like that singers change just for the pressure of the public, so I want to be hard.


    (Now Lollipop starts)


    What I like the best of italian culture is the food culture, since food is the most important thing in life, together with music.

    Food is what gives me the desire to wake up in the morning.

    It is an happy culture, anarchic, that works.

    I come from a big family. Last summer we were 48 people from my family during the holidays. In France they would be afraid of such a group, but in italy they are used. There is a connection between my libanese culture and italian culture, this is why I feel comfortable with Italian culture.



    (Now big girl)


    I am not so interested on fashion, I am interested on style. I am afraid of fashion.

    It is important to have a mix of very expensive and very cheap thing. Like a 6 dollars t-shirt from the US with a Valentino jacket, not to be like a credit card. It is very easy to enter a store and say “ok I want this, 5000 euros, like a doll”.


    (Now Happy ending)


    There are many things I would like to do. My life is weird. I work in France, Italy, USA.

    I would have never imagined so many things. Japan, Korea….

    This is for me is the most important thing. When life does not change I cannot find inspiration, and when I do not find inspiration I cannot write songs, since for me the most important is music and find inspiration to write songs.


    I am completely obsessed with the idea of an album. I know that now it is not considered important now, but for me an album is a consideration of my life in the past two years.

    I want that when I am 80 years old I can look at my past life with albums every two or three years with design, illustrations, melodies, stories, illustrations, characters. This is my biggest ambition.


    (Now Love today)


    I want also to be the direction of an opera, write a musical comedy my way, draw lots of books, write many stories, I want to do many things.

    Completely random.


    I always prepare like crazy, then when I have to do something I am “casual”.


    Thanks~!!! I like especially future plan of him:mikalove:

  5. All this pictures and video, reports remind "mika fans is nice people in the world." :huglove:

    These days little bit sad, korea can't buy swatch LE. :tears: we waiting for lottery swatch korea of 2LE... so.. ignored some news from my eyes. but this news was really make me happy. I can feel love from mika about fans, and converse. haha

    one korean fan realy enjoyed london. excellent moment. :mikadas:

    hope someday going to there.

    Thank you everyone. :huglove:

  6. In Japan,



    16 of the 999 limited KUKULAKUKI BOX will be sale by LOTTERY RESERVATION.




    and then


    120 KUKULAKUKU will be sale at SWATCH shops and ONLINE shop ( not ship to foreign country )





    haha yesterday i searched website.:fisch: lottery and olny live in japanese.:mikasweat:..maybe it is equality way. but i can't stand before announce winner... hard time..

  7. SWATCH facebook https://www.facebook.com/SwatchKorea



    Swatch X MIKA 콜라보레이션 시계는 총 2종으로 출시됩니다. 다채로운 패턴이 앞/뒤에 더해진 KUKULAKUKU의 스트랩과 스폐셜 박스를 눈여겨봐주세요.



    임유정 현재 출시 전으로 가격미정입니다. 정확한 정보를 다시 업데이트해드릴게요.






    Thanks for this information! how is going on japan?

    we don't know release day or price or quantity...:tears:

  8. 조금 늦은감이 있지만 다들 팬비디오 찍고, 편집하고 전달하시고..

    정말 수고하셧습니다! 촬영일때 대전까지 가서 차 놓칠뻔한거 생각하면..

    어우 소름끼치네요ㅠ


    그르게요~ 다들 수고 많이 하셨지요 ㅎㅎㅎ 미카가 잘 받고, 즐거워해줘서 :wub2: 이였지요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ


    처음 왔어요 ^ㅁ^ 근데 여기 사람이 별로 없어보이네요 ㅠㅛㅠ


    안녕하세요~~ 반갑습니다~~ 아무래도 영어고, 접속이 조금 느리다보니깐 다들 지하(?) 에 계시네요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

  9. Thanks a lot for posting those links !! :huglove:




    2013.06.26 Mika ho scritto il nuovo singolo a Kathmandu






    2013.06.26 Paul Mccartney è un genio






    2013.06.26 Mika X Factor – Radio Deejay e Deejay Tv






    thanks a lot!!!

    and mari62 download, too :mikalove:

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