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Posts posted by PinkFlamingo21

  1. My videos-


    Part 1-

    Part 2-


    Kind of like a montage. I made a movie with like....loads of clips of the day but because it had We Are Golden in the background I got an email saying it breached copyright laws and although they'd leave it there it wouldn't be viewable in about 6 million countries including the UK, so it was kind of pointless to leave it up and I deleted it, but I wwas really proud of it and really wanted to show you guys :( Any idea where else I can upload it to?

  2. So here is my report-


    I always expected that a Mika concert would be something spectacular...how wrong I was. What I saw last night was purely and simply out of this world. I can't find the words to express it except to tell I'm still a little shocked and in awe from it!


    After a morning fraught with issues (mainly travel related) we arrived at Hammersmith at about 12:30 to join the queue, collecting numbers 46-49, ready for the longest wait ever. Although, surprisingly, it went pretty fast and the queue was actually quite fun! It was so nice to meet a few of you though I'm sorry I don't know all of your names/user names! Had a good time sat under a blanket singing along to a few songs, playing happy families and chatting to everyone. It was great to hear about your past Mika experiences, and everyone telling us how much we were going to love the show.


    At half 3 ish we got moved to a proper queue after getting extremely confused about where I was supposed to be standing with the numbers thing. We got sorted eventually. And met musicstarlett in the queue and she sort of became part of the group after that :) We chatted to the people around us and ate a bit, then got let inside to sit a bit more.


    It was at this point that I tackled the most annoying toilet of ALL TIME. With a 20 minute time limit on it and the longest cleaning cycle EVER! So that you had to wait 5 minutes between people. I know you don't really need to know about that but it was a significant part of my day! We said hi to he people we'd met and had to leave behind in the queue (they didn't get numbers) and returned to wait some more!


    Before long, we were reordering ourselves, which again was easier said than done, but we managed it. We were let in to the next bit of the building. In the moments that followed I can quite honestly say, I was terrified. I had never been to a standing gig before and all around me I could just see heads everywhere all trying to edge forwards! We waited a while, then suddenly, the doors were open and crowd surged forward. I got in fairly quickly and moved straight down to the front and got SECOND ROW ALMOST CENTRE! I was so happy- it was better than I had ever hoped for!


    It seemed like forever until Erik Hassle began, while they played like...1 piece of music over and over and over! Then finally it began. I liked Erik's voice he was good. I did not find him particularly inspiring and I didn't really know what to do with myself (you couldnt really dance), but he wasn't bad. My friend loved him.


    Then another looooooooooooooooong wait in which we listened to the same song again! When I Just Want Your Kiss Boy by Kate Nash came on, people were so relieved to hear something new there was actually a cheer from the audience and people started to dance! Then finally the light went out.


    THEN AN ALARM GOES OFF! I thought it was a fire alarm was SO annoyed that we were now going to miss the concert. Then it turned out it was part of the show :P The opening was immense (I particularly like when they screamed "We are not what you think we are"- nice bit of drama!), then we saw Mika. And WOW. He was like nothing I had ever seen, bouncing across the stage so effortlessly. And the atmosphere was amazing. Every song was perfectly in tune and it was so amazing to see Mika up close. The first few songs were so lively and had everyone was bouncing. Happy Ending had the most amazing atmosphere and all the people on the circle even were standing up. Was quite emotional really! Then he announced that in the last few songs something had changed (In my head: really?? I didn't notice anything!) and now it was just him and us (In my head: who was it before then? I'm so confused it looks the same) and now he was gonna be completely exposed (which got a massive cheer for multiple reasons i expect). Anyway I never noticed what was wrong so if anyone know, lets me know! It was around here that we had a fainting incident among our number, but lets not ponder that too much. The jumping thing in Love Today was so cool and we all went completely mad in We Are Golden. Touches You was probably among my favourites too. Before I knew it, he'd gone :( We all chanted MI-KA MI-KA and he came back for the encore! Yay! I got the feeling he was a little upset about the technical issues but he said we'd been a great audience :thumb_yello: Toy Boy was fabulous of course as was Grace Kelly and Lollipop was AMAAAZING! I want to know where they get those huge balloons from. The bins thing was cool too :).


    Anyway, a few bows later, it was all over. The whole thing had passed in the blink of an eye. We said good bye to our new friend and returned home.


    Congratulations and thank you to Mika for putting on such an incredible show. I'm still getting over it now!!! As is my throat. Hope everyone else had a wonderful time too.



    P.S. I'll put my videos on youtube and post a link later but the filming and picture/sound quality is pretty awful to be honest. I wasn't watching what I was recording, I was too busy with what was going on live! The guy with Mika model, (we loved that in the queue by the way!) your head also stars in it if you are interested :P


    really? snow all week.end???? Where you live or in London?

    I saw the London forecast and they say rain mostly. If there will be snow I think we're all in trouble....think of some like me who comes from Italy and have to take a plane to arrive there...I have no chances if it'll snow so much :boxed:


    crossing fingers!


    Well yesterday it said rain but since it's been snowing this morning radio 1 at least seem to have changed their tune and said snow instead! They never really know though with snow. Our weather people are often getting it wrong :P Hopefully it'll be fine.

  4. I'm scared :( I live like....40 milesish outside London and it's chucking it down with snow. Apparently it may snow all week. Trains and planes might start getting cancelled. Then I'll cry!


    Although on a more positive note...


    6 SLEEPS TO GO!!!!!!!!!! Less than a week WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. ahh the memories! :wub2: that so makes me look forward to all the mfc queuing in the next few months. :fangurl: although i'm sure i'll curse it, once i'm standing there for hours, freezing and possibly wet, tired and with aching feet. :lmfao:

    guess i won't bother at this first london gig though, and just come over when i wake up & had breakfast, my hostel's practically across the street. still planning to wear my gray skelly costume for this gig (will decide for sure only after ireland though), that'd mean i'd just stand at the side so i'm not blocking anyone's view with that hat. :wink2:


    As in a skeleton??? COOL!!!

  6. Everyone tries to out do each other and lie about the time they turn up to get to the front of 6000-believe me it's not all sweetness- there is a hell of a lot of difference being 2nd row to row 38 or whatever and everyone fights it's horrid tbh.

    And no I don't feel greatful just breathing the same air as Mika and being in the same room- I have been to a lot of gigs and if your at the back it's **** tbh and i have been at the back more often than the front.


    Oh :( Well I hope this time it works out better for you and you get a good place :) We've just made up our minds that we are arriving around 1pm-ish and sticking to it. Wherever we end up in the queue will just have to be good enough :) But I can undertand you wanting to be right near the front.

  7. You know what I think? I think everyone should stop moaning about how long the queues are, how long people are going to queue for and whether or not you will be in the front row and focus on the amazingly fantabulous fact, that 3 weeks from now....21 sleeps time




    I mean thats what this is all for right? So lets focus on the positives people rather than getting annoyed about the things we can't change.


    Anyone up for some singing in the queue???:thumb_yello:

  8. Hey Mika-ish people! So excited about Feb- my first time seeing Mika and my first visit to the Apollo! I actually can't WAIT!


    I got a question for anyone who has been to a Mika gig before. For general admission, what time do people start queuing outside the venue to get a good place to stand?

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