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madame blanche

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Posts posted by madame blanche

  1. Hm, I really like the sound of the name 'Lola' for the puppy! :thumb_yello: But 'knowing' Mika, chances are quite big he just blurted that name because it popped in his head at that moment, and that he wasn't serious, right? :teehee:


    Can't believe we'll probably have to wait until September for more news about his dog! :aah: I'm so curious!

  2. So we arrived at the festivalterrain around 16u30. We couldn't be there much earlier and that wasn't so bad, after all, jumping around and dancing from one pm until midnight is hard to keep up with for a 25-year-old like me :teehee:. We had our raincoats with us, but luckily, we ended up only having to use them to sit on during the breaks. Good thing we had lot's of beverages with us, because singing and dancing in that weather makes you really really thirsty! :naughty:


    We saw Daan perform, which was pretty good. I saw him a few times before for free, but didn't really like his performance back then, so I was pleasantly surprised. The atmosphere around the festival-goers was great, but the skin of some of them was so red - purple, that you could have sworn you would smell burned meat if you passed them by..


    After that, Amy Macdonald came on stage, who - besides a funny Scottish accent - has a great voice. It was pretty good but personally I think lot's of her songs sound alike, maybe not ideal for a festival (although many others seem to disagree). So much more festival worthy were the Scissor Sisters in my opinion, what an energy flew from those two! Even though we didn't know many of their songs, we were dragged into the performance and really enjoyed it.


    An then of course, there was the long awaited Mika! :biggrin2: By that time we had managed to get to the first rows behind the VIP part, so had a very good view of the stage. It was the second performance of him I got to see since I was blown away by his concert in Antwerp earlier this year. I feared it would be a poor imitation of that concert, but boy, was I wrong!! :shocked:


    It started off with an acoustic version of Grace Kelly, which sounded fantastic. Mika looked a little nervous at that time. Suddenly the whole band joined in, the effect of that made my heart beat even ten times faster! The whole time I couldn't get the huge smile off my face, it was utterly amazing! The whole crowd went wild, and the sturdy security guy who tried so hard to look like he didn't care, couldn't keep his eyes off the stage after a while! :aah:


    I loved Mika's funny dance moves, the way he was hugging the beautiful huge doll with a shirt just like his, and how his voice gave me goosebumps at that moment, I loved the moment he was sitting down with his knees up which made him look so vulnerable, etc. etc.


    We danced and smiled during the whole show, enjoying every part of it. The only downsides to his performance were that he didn't sing "I see you", oh, and maybe that he didn't take his shirt of..:naughty:


    After Mika, the Black Eyes Peas showed up. After dancing for a while, we decided - with heavy harts - to go home a bit earlier to avoid the traffic jams in the parking lot; after all my friend had to go to work very early the next morning. Sadly that made us miss the part where Mika came back on stage :sad:, so I'm impatiently looking forward to see that on video!


    When I woke up this morning, I still had that fantastic dreamy feeling, again only leaving me wanting more!! :aah::aah:

  3. Mygod what an amazing concert! :mf_lustslow:

    When I got home from school wednesday, my mom told that she had heard about the concert on the radio and that a lot of people were already there, and some of them had seen the concert the day before also. At that moment I thought: 'hmm, maybe that's a little bit crazy.' But after seeing it myself, i totally get it. I'm very jealous of all the people in Amsterdam at the moment!

    Yesterday I was seriously looking for a way to trade my werchterticket for a TW Classic one. But maybe I just have to go to both. :biggrin2:



    I felt exactly the same way afterwards!:biggrin2:

  4. Okay, so this was my first Mika gig! My friend and I rushed home from work and jumped in the car, just to end up from one traffic jam after another, it drove me insane!:blink: After a very long drive, we finally arrived somewhere before 17pm. Quite a few friendly looking Mika fans were already there waiting to get in. I was warning my poor friend a few times that he would better be real fast so we would be close to the stage :blush-anim-cl:.


    A bit after 18:30pm the doors opened. When they finally removed the bins away, the crowd pushed so hard that my sleeve got stuck behind the bars, so I stood there, with my body close to the doors and one arm behind me. :teehee: Luckily the guys from Sportpaleis asked them to calm down and I got my sleeve back! :biggrin2: We ran to the stage, slowing down just a bit every time a coworker from Sportpaleis appeared, and we ended up in the middle of the stage, second or third row!:thumb_yello:


    When the clock hit 20:30pm, I was impatiently waiting for the warm-up to start, so it would be over soon and Mika could come up! The time just went by so slowly, at 21pm the guys for the warm-up still were nowhere to be seen and I cursed them for being so incredibly late, having to wait so much longer for Mika. So when one of Mika's band members showed up at stage, it took me a few moments to realize it!


    After hearing so much about Mika's gigs, I expected so much of it that I was so worried I would be rather disappointed after finally seeing it. BOY was I wrong!!:shocked: I was completely overwhelmed by everything going on around and on stage, didn't know where to look first! It has left me feeling that, even though I saw so much, I still missed a lot of it! I just want to see it over and over again, not to miss ANY detail of those fantastic costumes and backgrounds!!


    I loved his special trumpet solo :teehee: , and how not only he but also his band members were so fantastic!! It was only afterwards that I realized I didn't watch Chareese a lot, I could hit myself the head for that! :sad: Some curly boy on stage was drawing my attention too much, shame on him! :biggrin2:


    After being part of the magical world of Mika, it was hard waking up in the real world this morning, with a soar throat and no voice left.

    Now there's only one thing left that I want: MORE Mika gigs!!!!:aah:

  5. Dreams are fine and no-one can forbid them, but sometimes only nightmares come true...


    Well, I sure do hope mine don't!

    Wednesday is my first Mika gig, and so far (and I am keeping long dreams real short here):

    - I forgot my tickets at home

    - We arrived way too late for the gig

    - I found out I bought tickets for places way in the back, where nothing can be seen

    - Mika was only singing a few lines, the rest was sung by unknown people who couldn't sing

    - Almost no one showed up for the Mika gig, so we had to move to a much smaller place leaving Mika with a very bad feeling and a horrible gig

    - We choose places way in the back, thinking we were right in front of him when in fact the opposite was true

    - etc. etc. etc. etc.


    Everything that could possibly go wrong already did go wrong in my dreams, let's hope dreams truly are an illusion!!:blink:

  6. The closer we get to the day of the gig, the more dreams I get about everything going horribly wrong!:shocked::aah: On the positive side, it will have to be pretty bad not to be way better than in my dreams!:mf_rosetinted:


    I'm so nervous already!:aah: Reading this, I believe you guys will be there hours before me and my friend, we have to work until short in the afternoon and drive real far... I do look forward to meeting you all!

  7. LEVEND!


    maar niet voor lang meer:mf_rosetinted:


    Ik had zo'n doosje met gif op mn kamer staan, ik slaap op zolder en in de winter komen die pokke beestjes de warme opzoeken en dan dus 9vd10x op zolder...


    en ik hoorde telkens dat zakje met gif ritselen, dus toen heb ik daaromheen zegmaar een doodlopende straat gemaakt, met aan t einde dat doosje. En toen ik 'm weerrrrr hoorde schoof ik snel een doos voor 'de opening van de straat' en toen zat ie vast :biggrin2::biggrin2: even tot rust laten komen en er toen een plastic bak [zo een van de chinees :')] overheen gezet en n prullenbak er overheen =D



    wat nu?:teehee:


    Nu is 't een kwestie van minuten voor hij zich een gat door de zak en vervolgens de vuilnisbak gebeten heeft, op weg naar de vrijheid! :teehee:

  8. Hm nu heb je ons wel véél te nieuwsgierig gemaakt! :shocked::teehee: Kom op, wat is het plan?? :biggrin2:


    kaatje066, je vrije dag was duidelijk niet gelijk een rustdag! :blink:


    De sneeuw hier is best mooi om te zien nu buiten, daar dacht ik vanmorgen in die rotfile wel even anders over. :naughty:

  9. Aaaaaaaaah, kap ermee! :aah:

    Even afleiding ... Deze moet je gewoon zien!





    :lol3::lol3::mfr_lol: Geweldig! Die ziet er zo speels uit! :wub2:


    Die stoel vind ik ook geweldig, waar vind je zoiets denk ik dan? :teehee:


    Als je Mika gaat bezoeken in zijn huis, doe hem de groeten van mij eh! :biggrin2:


    Die watermerken op al die mooie foto's zijn echt vreselijk!! Die waar hij met zijn hand in zijn haar voor dat schilderij zit ben ik aan het bewerken om in het 'watermarks' topic te plaatsen, ik denk dat is de enige die nog een beetje doenbaar is. Nochtans is de laatste die in dit topic getoond wordt mijn absolute favoriet! :wub2: :wub2:

  10. Sollicitatiegesprek, altijd super spannend! :biggrin2: De kunst is om ook je negatieve punten zo te laten klinken dat ze toch weer positief worden. :teehee: En met genoeg enthousiasme vergeten ze misschien even je gebrek aan ervaring? :mf_rosetinted: Laat ons weten hoe het ging! :thumb_yello:


    Ik ben het weer gaan kijken toen me nicht erin mee ging spelen, en nu blijft t leuk om te kijken! Maar ik blijf er niet voor thuis ofzo hoor :aah:



    Normaal dan film je iets en kan je het daarna in de montage nog tot iets leuks knippen, maar nu moet je tijdens het filmen al rekening mee houden dat je alles al op goede volgorde opneemt, want er komt geen montage aan te pas.

    Mjah.. dat is het :aah:


    Klinkt moeilijk. :sneaky2: Veel voorbereiding en dat komt dat wel goed zeker? :thumb_yello:

  11. It's not really a fear, but I hate to change somewhere public, like the dressing room for PE. Even in a clothing shop, in those little dressing rooms, so it's got nothing to do with people seeing me in my underwear. (Not that I like that so much either..) But I just hate to undress, and I don't feel safe until I have got my clothes on again. I do change for PE and in shops.. But I don't feel comfortable. It makes me feel vulnerable and shaky.


    I also hate to wear someone elses clothes. That includes clothes I try on in shops. As soon a I've bought them, I don't mind wearing them though. :blink:


    I get what you mean about it making you feel vulnerable, I feel the same way!

  12. nrjf.jpg


    Mika: Want me to strip ehh?

    Photographer 1: hell yeah, take it all off!!

    Photographer 2: and turn here, hereeeeee!!!!!

    Mika: *giggles* you naughty naughty boys...




    LOL just look at the faces of the photographers behind him....:lmao:


    I look at this picture very different now that I know the story behind it! :roftl: Brilliant!

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