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Posts posted by SerenaLovesMika

  1. YKYMFW no matter what you are doing or where you are, you hear a Mika song in the background and you have to shout, "MIKA"


    And everyones like... "yeah.. it is:blink:"


    Yess true :teehee: when he played in ASDA i almost started dancing but my sister held me down lol cause i was embarrasing her :aah:


  2. Well, if this makes you feel any better, I've only been to one of his concerts and I've never met him (and I don't think I'll ever will :no:)... It felt weird when I return from the gig, it was as if it was all a dream...


    Thats how i felt :( cause the concert felt so unreal and when it was over it could have all actually beeen a dream but it wasnt it was just the best time oif my life :) why did it have to end :(

  3. I think listning to his music atm. will just make me more :sad:

    have went though the piccies i took from that day and made me smile

    I didnt get pmd after the first time i saw him. Glad i didnt. I was fangurling over it for a month time i think


    Oh right yeah. For me i couldnt help but smile listening to his songs.

    I'm still fangurling over my first mika concert in march lol. I can't help but talk about the concert sometimes which annoys the people who don't like Mika. I wish i had a friend who lived near that i could go crazy about Mika with. i think thats why i'm soo obsessed witht he mika fan club because everyone loves mika here :).


  4. Heyya

    I've had my first Mika Mail from STEP___ and i loved it!!!

    I hope she liked what i sent her :).


    I've been enjoying Mika Mail soo much i wanted to find another partner aswell =).

    I've been talkign to Hippieibbie and she has agreed to be my partner could you add us to the list =)



  5. Last friday in Denmark. Meet him after. I donno when i'll see him again... next year? 3 years? Ever again? :sad:


    Aww that was so recent no wonder your feleing depressed :(.

    You will see him again i know you will somehow. Maybe next year i think that will be when i see him again. But for now you will just have to listen to his songs and remember how good the concert was and feel lucky to have seen him :). Maybe you could make a book or poster with all the photo's and funny things tht he said at the concert? I did somehting like that and it helped a lot. You wont feel like this forever btw. Just remember you still have his music to help you through and somehow he is with you if we hear his songs. xxxxx

  6. i donno if its just me theres unlucky... but not many wanna talk to me about it!

    Think nobody did it back in March


    I will talk to you about it.

    I saw him back in March and i felt so sad after the concert cause i had such an amazing time seeing him and then he was just gone :( and i didnt know when i would see him again and i still don't know.

    When did you last see him?


  7. I have it again already and I hate it! :tears:

    Theres never somebody to talk to about it!


    I know what you mean about having no one to talk to cause they just think i'm being silly or i'm just obsessed.

    But you can talk to us on here cause we understand :huglove:


  8. He's always touching his neck, specially the front part when his throat is not good, he feels as if the is gonna heal it :aah: But also the back and now I'm starting to do that :aah:


    Oooh nice. Well ive probably started doing cause i've had a really blocked up thoat these past few weeks :aah:

  9. Can I get psychological on you?


    It's 2am. Of course I can.


    I think that in a lot of cases, gay men have a lot of more "feminine" qualities than do sterotypical sports loving, grunting, beer-can crushing macho jocks. Some like to shop. Some appreciate the arts. Many have been blessed with fashion sense, and some with the taste for a good appletini. As a female, I think it's easier to relate to guys with more feminine qualities.


    Never hurts that it seems a disproportionate number of gay man are really quite attractive. :naughty:


    Yeaah thats what i love about gay guys. And also they show their emotions more and don't hide behind being a macho man. I wish that their were more straight guys that had the quality's as gay guy.

    My best friend is friends with a few gay guys and she says that they find it easier to be caring and understanding.


    I really don't understand people who are against gay people. I mean why? I don;t get it.


    I'm not sure if i like girls as i like guys but i do find girls attractive sometimes but i dunno if that means i'm bi. But i'll jsut see what happens in the future :).




  10. This is a good idea :)

    i like this quote

    “The one thing about me is that I don’t even know where I’ll end up, and I don’t know what I’ll be doing but I know that I’ll never really stop.”


  11. Last night i dreamt that the world was about to end cos the sun exploded, and then a UFO popped out of it and flew away. and then everyone had to meet the new queen at buckingham palace and we had to get in a line and shake hands with her. As i was lining up i was told that i would have to wait 15 hours. so i though "ill talk to some people in the queue" so i turned round and mika was behind me. i was so shocked that i started talking and talking and talking to him. and then cos the line had moved on sooo much, everyone had left and we were just standing there talking. so then we looked for the line again, and miranda (the most amazing comedien in the world
    ) was in my place and a randomer in mikas place! i waved at miranda and she smiled back and it was amazing!


    Hahahahaha that dream sounds amazing!! The best way tos pend the last day on earth :aah:


  12. YKYAMFW - you're at a youth group and people are waiting for their parents to come and you hear someone very quietly singing Relax take it easy, and their sat the other side of the room. You jump up and practically scream "I love that song it's Mika!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


    YKYAMFW - you're drawing a cartoon Mika in your sketch book and your sister peers over your shoulder "Is that Mika?" she asks and you say no, it's just a tall skinny curly brown haired man. When she leaves the room you whisper "It's ok Mika, I know it's you" :roftl:


    ahhaha i love those reasons :aah:


    haha "its ok mika, i know its you"


    we mika fans are mad talking to paper :aah: :aah:

  13. I think this needs to be added.


    His cover of La Solitude in Luxembourg. Thanks tiibet. :wub2:


    (He talks for the first bit, and starts singing at around 3:16).



    Beautiful :wub2:

    I wish i understood french :(

    I wanna hear what he said at the beggining and what the lyrics to the song are lol.

    I love this song sooo much ever since i heard mika sing it :biggrin2:


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