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Posts posted by Pirateprinsess

  1. I always thought "fork out" made perfect sense, as in "Take out my daylight." And since "torture my night" follows that, "fork out" fits into the same idea that someone/something is causing him to become depressed. That's how I see it, anyway. :naughty:


    Is "fork out" an expression? I have never heard it before. If it means what you say it does, ofcourse it makes sense. I thought it was just fork as in knife and fork. That would be a bit more random ;)

    Thank you for explaining ^^

  2. I think that out of the three candidates forgot my daylight makes more sense than fork and fog.. He forgot what used to make him happy, his daylight. Fog also makes sense to me.. But obviously fork is right, and it's the one that I have absolutely no idea of what it could mean. Suggestions?


    And in BB I think duly makes sense. If he hadn't found it duly they might suspect something. If you get what I'm trying to say?


    But I doubt we will ever see any official and correct lyrics. I think he wants us to mishear. Like Hook her, it's obviously supposed to sound like hooker, and bore is supposed to sound like whore.


    The only mishearing I can think of right now is "You think you're a woman, I think you should" (never made any sense to me xD), but I know I have many more. ;)

  3. I didn't manage to get a balloon (which is good after all, I wouldn't be able to get it back to Russia anyway) but I still have the confetti I found on my back (underneath the clothes!) after coming home from the gig :biggrin2: So I know the feeling, oh yes :wink2:


    UPD Pirateprinsess, oh, that's so great, which of the hats was yours? And when did you manage to give it to him? I'm so glad for you! :wink2:


    It would probably be a bit hard on the plane, yeah... I couldn't even get it through my door so I had to wait for a day until it had shrunk a bit xD


    It was red, I threw it on stage when the security girl wasn't looking. He just picked it up and wore it for like two seconds during love today, but still :D

    Thank you! :biggrin2:


    But they do faint A LOT!!! About 4 or 5 girls were taken out of the crowd during the gig, I'd never seen anything like it at a Mika gig before :aah:


    Some people actually want to faint to get attention, maybe to be seen by the artist. If the girls knew each other it is possible that they had planned it. But of course, some people just can't stand front row ;)


    If I ever faint during a Mika gig, don't you dare pull me out, I don't wanna miss anything!!

  4. I found a couple of reviews in Swedish. A Google translation doesn't make sense to me, maybe one of you locals can translate? I don't know if they have been posted though. :blush-anim-cl:



    "It feels disapponting and meagre. As if someone hasn't had the time to think every thought completely. Or at least as if a few lorries filled with decorations, apparatus and accessories got lost on the way. Because when Mika, the curly-haired singer that during more formal occasions goes under the name Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr comes to town it should - no matter what you think about his often nerve-racking songs - be like being locked in in a candy shop where the 27-year old singer is running around as the (sockerchockade?) salesman.


    Instead we're being served a semi-finished show without a red thread. Why would you bring along a giant inflatable womans' leg - much like the one that Elton John unfolded the last time he visited Globen - when it only shows for a minute during Big girl (you are beautiful)?


    And why doesn't the glittery umbrella Mika carries around turn into a Mary Poppins-object that brings him up in the air? Mika has always nourished the theatrical part of his persona, so why does he settle for so little? He should transform the evening into an Andrew Lloyd-Webber-performance in his own honour.


    Now it is instead as if they only managed to unpack half of the escapades. It's time to go on after the concert any way.


    The Beirut-born Londoner has the shape of a jumping jack that either moves across the stage with giant steps or sits at the piano with trembling jazzhands. It is best when Mika puts on the party pants, pulls up his voice to falsetto and puts on a feather coat that looks like the looted Easter decorations of grade 6.


    Everything is finished with a Flaming Lips-party with confetti, serpentines and kingsize balloons but the impression is still that this is a night on part-time (?) for Mika. The crowd is energetic, jumping and dancing. They are in on every chord, all it takes is for the mainman to be bothered to put them out."


    Feel free to correct! I couldn't find any english word for "sockerchock", but it's when you have eaten too much sugar. :)


    I thought this review was very interesting; It's the very first time I heard anyone say that Mika's show was too simple :roftl:

  5. I really didn't want to imagine how things would go if it had been a really crazy audience. In the end it wasn't.


    Thank you for this! During the gig I thought it was over all rather calm, even though, at certain points, some people would get a little over excited. A few too many people had to leave the audience. But it was not like that all the time, and definately not everyone acted badly, IMO. Ofcourse I'm Swedish, so maybe I'm just used to it. I've never been to a concert in any other country so I don't know if it's true what you're saying about us Swedes being violent. Maybe it's the viking blood in our veins ;)

    I personally think it's all part of the experience, as long as no one gets hurt. And people should ofcourse respect those who have queued for their places in front row!

  6. I thought the audience was really nice, compared to other concerts. Ofcourse it was crowded, but that's to expect. :)

    I'd like to thank the nice finnish lady (Can't recall your name, sorry...) for making such a great queue system, it made the whole experience even better to not have to fight for your right to be in front row. :D

    My first mika concert ever, and it was amazing. It was such a show, I think I still have some confetti stuck on me!

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