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Posts posted by Elle92

  1. yayy they filmed stuff in vienna! i can't believe it's been 2 weeks:(


    and i understood almost everything, which is really weird because i didn't think these past 4 years of french at school had taught me anything.. but i guess i was wrong! he's adorable when he's with his sisters. well, even more so than usual.

  2. Hi


    I started looking through the pages here trying to find a Hanson thread, only to finally find it on the first page (when I realised I could search). :D


    I actually like TBS (and love the video) even though I haven't been very impressed by most of the new stuff


    i know right, i only joined a few weeks ago and was pretty surprised to find the thread since i didn't think a lot of Mika fans would like Hanson


    and a lot of people that didn't like the last two albums seem to feel like that, i really haven't heard a lot of people say they don't like the song.. which is good:)


    and neeve272, that video is hilarious! i burst out laughing the first time i watched it.

  3. i totally agree! i´ve come to the conclusion that there is no life after seeing/meeting Mika.haha I also think i´ve scared potential lovers with all my mika talking =D and now i´m also starting to scare friends..they cant hear the name "mika" anymore.

    Its the Mika obsession ruling my world!!! well..i hope that i´m not crazy. =D


    all my friends that went to the concert with me are like that now so i think it's pretty normal! i haven't even seen hanson live and i've been talking about them non-stop for the last 2 years. my friends have been nice about it so far:wink2:


    whaaa i'm getting more and more mad at myself for not staying after the show. i just went home without even buying that t-shirt i wanted:(

  4. living on the wrong continent =/= fun. seriously. nobody ever comes here (austria), seeing Mika live last week was a miracle:D


    anyway, i LOVE the new single!! can't wait for the video, even though it's probably gonna be full of secondhand embarassment..

  5. a Hanson thread! awesome:D


    i'm not gonna buy any of the packages except maybe the one with just the extra dvd (but only if i can buy it without a credit card) and i'm unfortunately not going to the 5 of 5 *sigh*. mostly because i live on the wrong continent. they did say something about streaming some of it live though, i hope they do it!

  6. i don't really have much to say, but i thought, since i was at the concert, i'd post anyway:P reading all the reports here is making me jealous.. actually, not jealous, just mad at myself. it was my first concert and i got there like half an hour earlier so i obviously didn't see very much, i didn't wait for Mika at the end of the show etc.. ah well. i'll queue next time! and it was still completely awesome and totally worth the 30€. i was a fan before, but now i'm completely obsessed:D

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