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Posts posted by skyenat


    crap do I have you on fb? hahaha pm me your email or something! :D


    ROFL. So guai, eh! xD

    I can't remember what I did when I was 14.

    Was I ever 14? Gourd. O:

    Lol when I was 14 I was running everywhere joining stuff and doing everything but school work :teehee:

  2. Haha I would be willing to participate but I'm only 14 and don't really have that much freedom for this kind of stuff, you know what I mean :aah: My parents' hawk-eyes are on me all the time.

    And yeah it's pretty hard to convert people ._.

    Everyone's crazy bout Justin Bieber and K-pop:blink:


    haha don't worry, you could just as a participant? :D like for 1,2 pracs and the main event? :D I totally get you anyway, tho I used to run away to do this kinda stuff when I was your age :P bad bad me lol

  3. Lol. I have 1 friend who was in my class that liked Mika and went for the concert too! But he was on special schedule so I don't think he's in my class this term :( boo.


    Anyway, okay so those willing to help for the Flash Mob thingy






    right? Anymore? :D I guess I could try helping to plan something? I think? Maybe those interested pm me your msn/fb email if I don't have it already and we can discuss? :D

  4. 20 seconds is a rather short so.. :dunno: Just the chorus of one of the songs would fit I suppose.. poll? :)


    This thread is dying!


    Unless we could try to pull for 40sec or something cause we're all doing it tgt and not just a 1 person vid? But I guess need to ask...

  5. Yey! So tt' settled!! Singapore birthday video! Ok? Ok?

    Now we need the time and the venue and the no. of participants.

    I'm working so have to try weekends ya.:wink2:


    You want me create a facebook event page or something? Or can anyone of u do it? :biggrin2:


    We have a video of their dance rite? I haven't seen Bluesky's videos yet.


    I think maybe we should plan abit more before creating a fb page? cause usually when Idk like when ppl view fb events they just see it once and dont really check for updates.


    I guess like

    - where will we hold it?

    - when (like you you mentioned)

    - how are we gonna get the video to him?

    - participants/contact of participants etc?

    - people to help video ( I'm guessing most of us would wanna be in it! XD)


    ETA: and how will we play the music? (like bring a radio etc? * this was the main thing when I did a flashmob with another grp Lol.)


    Also, we might need 1 or 2 meetings for a tiny practice just so people know what to do and not have it fail hahaha


    yeah :P just a thought.

  6. i second this! I LOVE JIMMY AND DAVID'S DANCE :aah: natalie and I were just discussing this over twitter and i suggested the flash mob to be his birthday video as well!!!


    YESSSSSS :D haha but we need to plan stuff soon if we agree on this idea! :D

  7. I am just happy that the mika fans enjoyed the photos. I hope the photos do show the essence of mika and the fun we all had at the concert that night.=) The photos are still available at the facebook link above too, so do drop by and take a look if you would like.


    For the meet and greet photos, do contact the universal rep if you had your photo taken with Mika. they will be glad to send it to your email directly.=)


    Heya, is it possible to get the High Res pics from you? As in concert photos, just wanna keep them for memories but will credit if used for anything :)



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