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Posts posted by yurifukawa

  1. i second this! I LOVE JIMMY AND DAVID'S DANCE :aah: natalie and I were just discussing this over twitter and i suggested the flash mob to be his birthday video as well!!!


    Yey! So tt' settled!! Singapore birthday video! Ok? Ok?

    Now we need the time and the venue and the no. of participants.

    I'm working so have to try weekends ya.:wink2:


    You want me create a facebook event page or something? Or can anyone of u do it? :biggrin2:


    We have a video of their dance rite? I haven't seen Bluesky's videos yet.

  2. Uneducated me : "A flash mob (or flashmob) is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and pointless act for a brief time, then quickly disperse.[2] The term flash mob is generally applied only to gatherings organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails. The term is generally not applied to events organized by public relations firms, protests, and publicity stunts."


    Oooo!! Ok!! I want to join! Anyway you guys Know there is a Mika birthday video somewhere in the thread right?? We were suppose to send a video and they would compile everything and give it to him yadah yadah..


    Why don't we do it together ? Flash mob = birthday video??


    Kick ass sounds good! Come on ! Come on! Let's start saying something about this~ *excited*

  3. Ha ha so KIASU!!!! Soooooo Singaporean!!! :roftl::roftl::roftl:


    I've read everything, but seriously no time to write.... I WILLL come back to write my report... I will...



    Fab pictures girls! & what a report 'Guineverer'!


    Hey u said Kiasu! Lol. Yea..I am very Singaporean but I'm the nice and polite ones okay? Haha! Screw my fake japanese nickname! It was nick a that got stuck w me like 10 years ago and was a very unique username as rarely ppl uses it.So pls do not judge me as a jap poser becoz of my nick, im too lazy to think of another username.


    Small details I can recall in my very fuddled brain...Martin hit his head or something at one point...bit of blood there...Mika stuffed up the words of a couple of songs...what's new:naughty: Someone was encouraging Jimmy to bite the stage again (with their sign)...they made a pro video of the entire show, which if it ever gets released will be amazing. The cameraman was in front of us (which wasn't always the best) but looking at his screen, the shots were amazing, and were switching to and from his camera and about 3 or 4 others.


    Did Martin really hit his head? OMG. Because I was also takin pictures of him and lookin at him and I thought that his neon paint got smudged when I saw someone wiping for him and then Mika wiping next. And I was clueless, I still kept thinking he smudged the paint coz you could see the flower on his head came off half way.Oh man...:bash: he was right in front of me, even made eye contacts so many times,I really didnt see.....:blowup: Just KILL ME.

    I feel so bad now. I am so blind. If not I would have given him some "R u ok?" sign when he look...arrrrgggghhhhhhh.:giljotiini:


    There were individual MIKA reviews on Lifestyle, My Paper and TODAY newspaper.

    All kinda similar but different details :D


    Could anyone do a scan on the articles or something? I was too late to get my hands on Today papers.

  4. I haven't because your photos aren't public -- they're private, so that

    someone needs to be a Facebook friend of yours to see them. Can you

    make that album public, please? Or maybe just post some of the photos

    here? Thanks! :thumb_yello:


    Thanks for the info! How about trying this link?




    If not I'll find do other ways.


    Thank you!

  5. I'm no report writer and I barely remember the order of his songs etc...Only thing in my mind is Mika singing in silent, moving in slow motion now...ahhhhh~


    Can't wait to see what will you all write!


    I'll do my part in sharing photos then!




    If anyone wants high res,feel free to PM me.



    And YES I really think you people at MFC are awesome! Makes concert newbie (and not so young woman*cough*) like me feel comfortable and EXTREMELY HAPPY!


    Thank you!


    And thank you MIKA for ever coming!

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