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Posts posted by twelve

  1. Ok, I'm gonna try and write the whole thing down now.


    I arrived at the venue with my friend at about 15.30. At that moment, there were only about 10 people hanging around. We walked past the tour bus and heard someone singing inside, but I'm not sure who that could've been :P

    The crowd started gathering around 16.30. Me and some friends were the first in the queue. Half an hour before they started to let us in it started raining like mad. There were two entrances and ours didn't have a tent to stand under so by the time they started to let us in we were soaking wet, as umbrellas weren't allowed at the gig:D

    At exactly six the security checked our bags and we ran inside like crazies. Me and my friends got places in the second row right in the middle. Perfect places for watching the show.

    But as we had to wait two hours before the warm-up started, I soon got tired of standing there, as it was relatively tight and hot there. So I went to sit at the sitting area with my other friend. The warm-up was as dull as I expected, out of the 1000 people standing in front of the stage exactly ONE was jumping and waving hands. Rest were just standing and watching.

    We had great places there as well, perfect view of everything including the crowd. That was also a good thing, since my main goal was to spot Mrs. P to be a BG. (It wasn't that easy to find her, because there were five doors in different places leading to the band's dressing rooms and two entrances to the backstage, where the dancers get dressed.)

    I sat there with my friend scanning the crowd, looking for a Lebanese woman with dark hair and for a fluffy-haired man wearing a purple shirt (John). During the warm-up I walked around the standing crowd, watching everyone closely like an idiot. Finally it paid off as I spotted the sweetest person in the crowd, Mika's mom. She was walking around looking closey at people like me as well. When Lenna finished her last song, I approached Mrs. P and asked if I could be a BG. She was very happy and seemed impressed that I recognized her. She took me to the group she had already gathered and as I had parted from my friend before, I was very happy to see that she was there too as a LG:D

    Since Mrs. P was afraid that estonians couldn't understand her, she asked me to help her look for more boys, BG's and a bride. Needless to say, all the girls I approached were extremely excited, but the boys needed more convincing. I'm so happy I got along with Mrs. P so well because she was very lovely (and she smelled good too. Penniman family thing maybe:P).

    All the reporters ran around taking pictures of Mrs. P and filming her and she didn't really enjoy it.

    We were in a hurry with gathering people, everything took a lot of time and when we finally got backstage (after being interviewed and photographed), it was only 15 minutes until the show started, so we had to do a quick rehearsal of the walk and try on those massive heads.

    At first Mrs. P said that we would all go on for the death march first, but then she picked out three BG's for the Big Girls song. All the LG's and boys went back into the crowd and we stayed backstage as BG was the second song.

    I was really nervous about going on stage, since I was the first one to enter and had to dance to the other side of the stage while wearing a massive huge mask. I really didn't see anything through that thing. So I got to my place and started dancing and jumping as much as it was humanly possible. I had no stage cramp or anything. Soon Martin (at least I think it was him:P) came close to me and started dancing and rubbing, screaming "Hell yeah, baby!". That was totally awesome:D If anyone has a full video of that performance, I'd love to get it!

    When the song ended we came off the stage, the really nice and cool woman, whose name I can't remember, congratulated us and said we were amazing. We took our heads off and put on some indian-like dresses (which were supposed to make us not stand out:D) and joined the crowd. I was immediately approached by a reporter, who started asking questions about how we felt and how we got up there and if we had been invited to the afterparty. Guess she didn't have enough sources so she tried to get as much information from us as possible. (Just for the record, although estonian press talked about how Mika was going to visit the official afterparty in Venus nightclub, Mika never went there.)

    So we got to dance in the crowd for a number of songs, most of which I don't remember anything of, because I was in clowds because of what was happening. After Kick Ass or so, the cool lady (Olivia?) called us backstage again and we lined up for the march. That went nice, no one fell or stumbled or anything.

    After dancing in the crowd again we all finally went on for Lollipop. It was amazing, so much energy and love. Did a funny dance with Imma as well:P We bowed together wit Mika and the whole band.

    After the show ended, we went backstage and had to clear the way for Mika and the band to go to their bus. They all waved and applauded and Mika said "See you later!":) The bus took them 100 meters away to their dressing rooms in the main building. We changed clothes and were taken to the band's dressing room area as well. There we had to wait for ages before John came out, gathered the things we wanted to be signed. Mika signed all the things in his room and John brought them back to us. Mika had drawn a heart under his signature for me (and no one else:teehee: )

    Then we had to wait another century before John lined us all up next to a white wall, divided us into groups of 5-6 and told us that Mikas was going to come and take pictures with the groups.

    So finally, MIKA walked out of his room. I was in the first group to take pictures with him. HE STOOD RIGHT NEXT TO ME and put his arm around me! I was in heaven. (when I get the pictures, I will post them here). The photographer took 2 pictures and then Mika moved on, saying that we danced really great.

    Then we all went out, shaking like mad and left the venue.

    I was really tired but I walked 5 km to the city center, I guess the adrenalin and happiness kept me going.

    I arrived at my workplace where I had decided to stay the night and I was as lucky as always, because the house next to mine was the one Mika was staying in! I saw them and greeted Mrs. P again. :)

    Then I felt how tired i really was and decided not to go searching for Mika on the town. But that wasn't the worst idea, because by 3 o'clock he was back at his hotel to sleep :)


    Okay this was really the longest thing I have ever written. But it was a truly amazing night! I'm still shaking and my legs hurt like hell!

  2. Ok, I'm back from the concert.


    All I'm saying today is that it was sheer perfection and I got to be a big girl!!


    Mika's mom was a love, I helped her search for other dancers, she asked me to translate.


    I got to dance during Big Girl (I think Martin was the one, who came and danced with me and screamed "hell yeah baby!":D). In the video I'm the first one on stage.


    Of course there was the death march.


    And then came Lollipop where we all got on stage and danced. I also did a little dance with Imma, she's so sweet :)


    Ok, a more thorough report tomorrow. Waiting for all videos and pics, since I couldn't take any:)

  3. I can PM you some more about the rep stuff. As for the concert - check out the venue if you can and keep an eye on the queue (it looks like people have been queuing early at other gigs) - try to find other MFCers - and just concentrate on enjoying yourself :naughty: I think it's a festival, so you may not get a M&G afterwards - but you never know.


    Yes that would be awesome! :D


    The weather here is looking rather ugly and since it's an outdoor venue, I don't think people will be Qing early. And estonians really haven't got used to this whole camping-outside-the-venue-for-a-week kinda stuff.


    And in fact this is NOT a festival, although everyone thinks it is, it just takes place on the festival ground of Tallinn. The venue itself has a capacity of about 100 000 people the most I've seen. But they have sold about 7000-8000 tickets right now.

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