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Posts posted by Shan

  1. haha don't worry, you could just as a participant? :D like for 1,2 pracs and the main event? :D I totally get you anyway, tho I used to run away to do this kinda stuff when I was your age :P bad bad me lol

    Haha ok I'll try, but I have to see what the plans are first. I'm busy with exams and all that:boxed:

  2. Haha I would be willing to participate but I'm only 14 and don't really have that much freedom for this kind of stuff, you know what I mean :aah: My parents' hawk-eyes are on me all the time.

    And yeah it's pretty hard to convert people ._.

    Everyone's crazy bout Justin Bieber and K-pop:blink:

  3. hey guys great to hear from you. what happened to all the planning for the vids and stuff!!!

    me too!!i have been spazzing out smiling to myself and thinking about the concert and how fleeting it was!!

    Yeah I was wondering about the video stuff. It sounded cool, so what happened?:biggrin2: I guess there aren't enough SGian Mika fans yet.


    I used to be the only one in my class too, until i converted most of them! that's what you must do

    Haha ok I have some serious converting to do.

  4. Yay a Singapore thread!!!!:D

    Yo all fellow S'poreans:biggrin2:

    Finally, I know that there are Mika fans in Singapore.

    I mean, no one in my class likes him :boxed:

    That's real sad.

    Anyways, it's nice to be here.

    And I can't stop thinking about that concert it was friggin awesome!!! It was my first one too.

    I listen to his songs every single day now. I just listened to both his albums twice today. While studying for my chem test. I fell asleep when the music stopped, which shows how much I really need his music, haha!

  5. Ok this is hard…I love all his songs!


    In LICM, I think my faves would be Any Other World and Love Today. AOW is just so beautiful while Love Today is so lively and also one of the first few songs by him that I heard.


    For his next album, my fave is definitely We Are Golden! I’m a teenager, so that song kind of relates to me. I could listen to it and jump around the room all day long without getting bored. It just hypes me up. My second would be One-Foot Boy. It’s has a catchy lyric and a catchy tune.

  6. Hi Mika!:blush-anim-cl:

    I’d be real glad if you were reading this. I’m 14 now and have been listening to your music since ’07. The first ever song I heard was Lollipop and I found it so catchy that I just had to find out who on earth sang that song. Now, I absolutely adore your music. There’s nothing like one of your songs to brighten up my day when I’m feeling down. For that, thank you SO MUCH for your wonderful, out-of-this-world music. It touches the lives of so many people and lifts their spirits!:thumb_yello:

    Also, thank you SO MUCH for dropping by Singapore during your Asia tour. I was there and the concert was totally AMAZING. It was a display of pure talent. In fact, I think you’re the only singer who can sing live really well. You put so much effort into your performances, so thank you, thank you, thank you! I really can’t thank you enough for your brilliant music. I hope you’ll return to Singapore soon, and I hope I’ll actually get the chance to finally meet you face to face.

    You’re a musical genius and we love you for that. Here’s wishing you a successful future. ROCK ON MIKA!!!!!:biggrin2:



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