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Posts posted by Darriah

  1. Da, numai ca nimeni nu are nici o parere deocamdata,sunt curioasa daca vom auzi la radio ceva....:teehee:



    Dar voua cum vi se pare? Incep sa cred ca numai eu am o problema cu melodia asta :doh:. Daca as auzi-o la radio probabil ca as schimba postul :mf_rosetinted:. *quietly waiting to be kicked off the thread*. Anyway, nu pot spune acelasi lucru despre Make you happy sau TOOL.. sper ca tot albumul sa fie that good :teehee:

  2. F*CK HATERS. Chris Martin a facut ca Rihanna sa sune excelent in melodie. (yeah, yeah, am ascultat-o pe youtube, nu m-am putut abtine). :wub2:


    mmyeah, ma cam enerveaza faptul ca nu mai aflam nimic de la Mika. I mean, come on. stim ca lucreaza si ca e busy w/ the new album, dar jocurile alea stupide de pe FB cu "guess the song" care sunt puse ca sa nu fie chiar ne-updatat FB-ul, sunt stupide rau de tot. ar trebui sa tina legatura cu fanii, sa ii impulsioneze cu ceva ca sa continue sa ii urmareasca cariera. sincer:boxed: la mine, cel putin, nu e cazul. pentru ca stiu ca si daca sunt prinsa acum in 27327 de obsesii muzicale, nu pot da cu piciorul la 4 ani de urmarire generala:naughty:

    anyway, just my two cents.


    Haaa, ma bucur ca si tu simti asta despre melodie, credeam ca m-am manelizat eu prea mult ca sa imi mai dau seama cum suna defapt :blush-anim-cl:


    Motivul revenirii mele aici este urmatorul. Cum in ultimul timp, trebuie sa recunosc, m-am indepartat spiritual de Marele Guru, pazitorul acestui forum, si cum absenta lui indelungata din viata mea a provocat o racire a pasiunii mele, am decis sa profit de tema de engleza, (referat pe o tema random de actualitate) si am ales subiectul Mika. Banuielile mele au fost corecte. Necesitatea de a redeschide arhiva mea de poze cu mika, majoritatea pornografice, dar si de a scrie despre gigurile vazute de mine m-a facut sa realizez ca obsesia isi schimba parul dar naravul ba, sau whatever.. :doh: Asa ca m-am intors ca fiul ratacitor, si chiar daca probabil nimeni nu o sa citeasca/raspunda, eu tot trebuie sa zic: I ADORE YOU GIRLS, AND I RECALLED EVERY SINGLE MOMENT OF THOSE TWO BRILLIANT CONCERTS AND IT MADE MY HEART FALL IN MY DIGESTIVE TUBE AND I WANNA LIVE THOSE MIKA-EMOTIONS AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND WE HAVE TO DO IT TOGETHER. So. Mika. If you're reading this and I know you are, hear my desperate prayer and get that hell of an album done and start a new tour before I die of anxiety.


    Atat am avut de spus. I know I sounded like a mad old woman and that I freaked you out, but I had to let all these out. :old:

  3. dahling, i was just kidding :huglove: plus ca mai nou sunt obsedata de fel si fel de gif-uri:naughty:

    aand don't you just LOVE the fact that there are 8 DAYS LEFT UNTIL MYLO XYLOTOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?!!!!! :mf_rosetinted::wub2:




    Oh my God, we actually have a visitor :shocked:


    Fetelor! Ce faceti? Cum va merge? sunteti entuziasmate pt noul album?:wub2::teehee:



    Pentru mine noul album nu inseamna decat Mylo Xyloto acum. *Sorry big boss, stiu ca asta e spatiul dedicat tie, but I can't help it*

    IT LEAAAAKED!! Diana, cand noi ziceam ca mai erau 8 zile, japonezii il gasisera deja :roftl:

    BEST DAY IN A LONG TIME, COLDPLAY ROCKS THE HELL OUT OF ME :mf_rosetinted: Inclusiv melodia cu Rihanna. Stiu ca a provocat niste riots printre fani, but I really REALLY love it.

    Cine a mai ascultat albumul si imi impartaseste entuziasmul? :biggrin2:

  4. Asteptam vesti de la castel!:naughty:


    ooh yeah, sure:naughty:

    trebuie sa aflam de la altii ca e in Franta. nici macar un tweet cat de mic:mf_rosetinted:


    Probabil i-a fost frica sa spuna sa nu fie asediat castelul de fane,who knows?:woot_jump:


    Ermmmmm, would you be kind enough to tell me what the heck you're talking about? :shocked: E un secret code sau am mai ratat eu un episod esential din viata idolului nostru? :boxed:

  5. App de UW, acum am ascultat-o prima data.. Si ultima pe ziua de azi. Nu vreau sa dau any rushed judgments, dar nu m-a impresionat in nici un fel. Ba chiar mi s-a parut banala. (<- rushed judgment :doh: ) Weekendul asta am de gand sa o ascult din nou, poate imi mai schimb parerea. I just feel like I'm so left behind with all the Mika news and stuff.. Nici photo shootingul din Seoul nu m-a dat gata, pentru ca nu mi-a placut cum era imbracat :mf_rosetinted: In rest, pantofii geniali, el arata genial, dar astea nu sunt meritele lui asa ca nu conteaza :biggrin2:




    Edit: -half an hour later-

    nu m-am putut abtine si am mai ascultat-o o data, and it hit me. THAT something that hits me every time I listen to his songs. Mi-e rusine cu lipsa mea de verticalitate muzicala, dar cred ca imi place after all. Mdah.. :dunno:

  6. Haaaa, uitati peste ce am dat in timeline pe Facebook, postare a Glamour Romania:


    GLAMOUR Romania

    Morning glam girls! Avem nevoie de o melodie simpatica pentru un inceput de saptamana usor, nu-i asa?! Ia sa vedem, povestim ce am facut frumos in weekend?


    Mika - Elle Me Dit (clip officiel)


    Single disponible ici : http://bit.ly/qULJ4l Nouvel album, début 2012 Plus d'information sur http://www.mikalife.fr/ & http://www.facebook.com/MikaFrance

    Unlike · · Share · 21 minutes ago

    You and 6 others like this.


    Si inca ce inceput de saptamana usor :surfing: trezirea la ora 7.00.


    In Franta e #1 de ceva vreme buna si la noi abia au inceput sa o descopere. Da ce pot sa zic, umanismul a ajuns in RO 2 secole mai tarziu decat in restul europei, macar acum diferenta de timp e puuuutin mai mica :lmfao:





    Aaaa, si @Diana, am vb cu Mika, nu il deranjeaza, chiar m-a intrebat daca nu vreau sa imi dea un spatiu de add pe home page :smoke:

  7. Good Luck Daria and everyone :group_hug:. Eu o sa am nevoie de ceva mai mult, anu' asta dau bac-ul:aah: anyway, sper ca la urmatorul concert sa va cunosc si eu:blush-anim-cl:sper ca ma primiti in familia voastra:huglove:


    Oh, big-size good luck for you :biggrin2: Noi dam bacul 2 ani la rand, deci anul asta dau doua examene, iar la anu vreo alte 7 :crybaby:

    But of course :original: ma simt de parca mai sunt secole pana la urmatorul concert, nu stiu de ce :sad:

    P.S: Ai facebook? (cred ca o sa devina intrebarea secolului XXI) Daca da, add me? :biggrin2:http://www.facebook.com/mdaria1

  8. GOOD LUCK celor care incep scoala luni :group_hug: Sa fie un an colorat si shiny, sa se termine cu bine, cu bac, teze sau ce-o mai fi.. Nu de alta, dar trebuie sa fim in forma maxima pentru urmatorul turneu, remember? :groovy: Sa nu ne prinda vara deprimate si epuizate :doh:

    Eu am inceput de o saptamana already, asa ca de dimineata fac teme intr-una :furious: Sper sa imi intru in ritm mai repede, altfel o sa clachez in maxim o luna :freak:

  9. Diana si Alle here. well, noi suntem aici in the middle of the people @ Alba Iulia si am vrea sa facem the so-called video pentru ziua lui Mika. stim ca nu prea am mai discutat de chestia asta dar cred ca noi cel putin o sa il facem, anyway. nu promitem nimic. voiam doar sa va anuntam ca noi n-am renuntat la idee. mai este ceva timp pana in 18, asa ca daca vreti puteti sa va alaturati :biggrin2:


    I'm still in, but the time is running against me. -that doesn't make sense- Anyway, what I mean. Joi foarte de dimineata o sa plec spre ARAAAAAAD, unde voi sta pana marti, iar de acolo spre Croatia, de unde ma intorc la finalul lunii. Therefore ma ganeam sa filmez de acolo, si poate ne si vedem, cel putin eu si Petra :das: Dar nu cred ca o sa am timp sa ajut cu editul final :dunno:


    P.S: Poza zilei slash secolului http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150260842363040&set=a.10150260830283040.332961.6006248039&type=1&theater ... de fapt tot albumul e gasmic, daca e sa o luam asa :swoon:

  10. I put some pics, a small report and BIOTW here:




    I have a few vids, I'm uploading them now.


    Thanks for posting!! Especially for the vid, even if the annoying voices can still be heard a bit :doh:

    I've never seen him so nervous, like in the beginning of BIOTW... :sad: I guess this gig was quite a challenge for him..

    But I'm glad to read that the concert was such a success despite all the circumstances.. :original:

  11. Well, it was not Live Aid either, so it wasn't supposed to become a dedicaton to all of those who suffer in Africa or around the world.


    It was just something he felt like doing, because the events were too recent, and he was probably shocked with all of that. Just because we can't show the support for ALL of those who suffer everyday, it doesn't mean we should never do it, or focus on a specific case once in a while.


    If it was "oh so brave"? No, not really. It was kind and respectful.


    No problem with that, as far as I can see.


    You are so extremely right!! :wink2:




    And, where are the reports? :shocked:

  12. The thing is, it was a festival. Not a requiem mass.

    People went there to enjoy themselves.


    Also there are many people dying all over the world all of the time. What about the millions suffering and dying from famine and drought in Somalia?

    Something could be mentioned at every gig you went to at this rate.

    Maybe it should be if you were going to a charity gig or fund raising rally.


    And in this case it's about Amy, not about Mika.

    Poor Mika putting on a brave face, suffering through his work to hide his sorrow.


    People do this every day, mourning for people who were a lot closer to them than Amy Winehouse was to Mika. And they have to go to work, look after kids, carry on. Yet many of you seem to think Mika's actions are extraordinary and very brave. I don't know why everyone thinks he is so weak. He is a strong resourceful person.


    Yes, yes, I know, this is the Mika Fan Club and I am clearly not a fan.


    I don't think that by dedicating a song to those people he ruined the atmosphere of the festival.. He took a risk by mentioning these events but I think he did the right thing.. It was supposed to be her gig after all..


    It's not a weakness to be touched by the awful things happening around you.. Standing there and and talking about her and Norway is brave enough, right? People all around the world empathized with the victims, and felt sorry, even if they didn't know them personally.. So I don't think it was an extraordinary action either.

    The only reason I was talking about Mika and not about Amy is that he was the one left handling a gig in these circumstances..


    A fan is allowed his own opinion, right? So we couldn't be more fans right now :doh:

  13. Maybe that person didn't understand the seriousness of the situation , or maybe they don't understand french because hopefully no one is that insensitive ! :sad:


    Those fans have no excuse, especially because most of the screaming is in French, so they understood what he was talking about.


    Looking at him is really painful. I don't think it's just my impression, he really seems to make efforts to stay in a good mood for the public.. It doesn't really matter if they were close friends or just knew each other.. She was a talented singer his age, he respected her, and her death comes after the Norway tragedy.. It's just too many shocking news at the time.. He is a professional, it's his job to hide his feelings, but first of all he's a human being. And he has all rights to feel this sad.. And fans should have his back no matter what, this is our job. So I don't understand what was the front row doing.. They could have been more supportive..

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