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Everything posted by Intergalactic_Flower

  1. Yeah, I have one, you?


  2. So... What have you been doing lately? :biggrin2:

  3. Is your name Zak?

    Mine's Magnolia, I'm 14, I live in Croatia, but I was born in Australia and love everything about it :wub2: Love MIKA too, Yes he is! But I do like other artists (not as much, but.. I'm crazy about music) I like your blog! :thumb_yello: What does foppotee mean?

  4. Ja se budim u 2 poslijepodne, totalno te kontam :biggrin2:

    Laku noć! :bye:

  5. :lmao:

    Da, zamisli ono dođe MIKA u Zagreb npr. a ono nas 20-tak na koncertu iz HR :blink::thumbdown:

  6. :biggrin2:Ne možeš si ni zamislit kolko sam sretna zbog tebe :biggrin2:, da bar i meni bude tako ... Da bar dođe u Hrvatsku, u Italiji je bio i prije Srbije i sad, u Hr niš...šmrc

  7. Vidjela sam :biggrin2:, pogledala sam sve videe na youtube-u i možda zvuči glupo:sweatdrop:, al sam čak i plakala što nisam bila tamo:tears:, vidjela sam i slike i sve i bilo mi je presmiješno kad je pričo srpski (iako je isto ko i hrvatski)... Blago tebi :mf_lustslow:

  8. Ne, htjela sam ići, ali mi bratić nije došo na vrijeme, a on punoljetan, a ja nemogu sama, tak da... šmrc :thumbdown:


  9. Hvala!!! :groovy: Ja nikako da nađem nekog iz Hrvatske, a svi moji frendovi ne mogu podnijet MIKU :thumbdown:

  10. I've seen The Proposal in cinema, it was really funny :biggrin2:

    We don't have that for unlimited internet only 20 MB or 100 MB, but there's no way you can check when you spent it so it starts to take a lot of money (it can take you £1 in one minute)...

    I don't have an iPhone, my mum was worried I would download to many apps and she would get a huge bill so I got an LG Cookie :biggrin2:

    Which one do you have?

  11. I go just to borrow books or DVDs, I'm always at home on my computer when I'm on the internet...I don't get it how can you go with your phone all the time (well, mostly because it's really expensive here, don't know how that works in England, sorry) :biggrin2:

    You got an iPhone or?

  12. Yeah, we have the main library in the centre of Osijek and then 4 "branches" in parts that are not close to the centre (if that made any sense)

  13. Well, somebody tried to hack my facebook account, but didn't know that I'm good with computers :mf_rosetinted:

    What did you borrow at the library? :biggrin2:

  14. I'm ok.

    Tell me something about yourself? :biggrin2:

  15. Hi :bye:

    Thanks for accepting!

    How are you? :biggrin2:

  16. Hi :bye:

    Thanks for accepting!

    How are you? :biggrin2:

  17. I'm not a huge fan of Croatian food, it kindda has too much meat for my taste, but some things are really delicious! :biggrin2:

  18. I always wanted to try Chinese food! :biggrin2:

  19. My mum makes me eat it every day :thumbdown:

  20. Shrimps with vegetable salad :biggrin2:

  21. I'm eating right now, You dinner? :biggrin2:

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