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Posts posted by Elesh!

  1. alright, finally i found a way how to make a glowing heart out of 2 glowsticks. you'll need 2 glowsticks, 4 glowstick connectors, adhesive tape, and a solid stick of about 10-12 cm length minimum (you can just take a normal pen / pencil). tape the connectors to the stick (2 on the one end, 2 on the other), and if you add the glowsticks, here's what you get:






    make sure you use enough tape, best is if you use a separate strip of tape for each of the connectors.


    i'll bring 100 glowsticks and some tape, but if more people would bring glowsticks (and tape, and spare connectors if you have some left from old glowstick packs) and maybe if someone posts it also on the italian forum, we could get a significant amount of glowing hearts in the crowd for HE/TOOL, as it's easy to build when we're there, just with a pen that people might have in their bag. what do you think? :wink2:


    btw, the other idea i had, what would you think of some confetti throwing for celebrate? it's not a new idea, but it's a new song. :naughty:


    Great idea Mellody! I could bring another adhesive tape and old pens or pencils.

    I'm thinking that maybe the connectors are not necessary, perhaps the glowsticks can be taped with adhesive tape directly on the pen or stick, what do you think?


    I was thinking about the confetti idea too but I didn't know how to call them in English :naughty:

  2. Si ma, guardando gli altri show, questo è uno di quelli più affollati!! Ma bisogna farlo sapere: Mika attira folle dall'estero, ottima promozioni per la nostra triste penisola e manna per la nostra malandata economia!!:naughty:

    Ho i biglietti, si si! Stavo cercando accrediti per sedermi.. alla mia veneranda e col mio cospicuo peso mi vedo male un'ora e mezza in piedi..:mikadas:


    Se non è un problema ho visto che di fronte al palco c'è molta erbetta dove potersi sedere ed alcune zone sono anche all'ombra degli edifici! :)

    Mi sembra una delle mogliori location per il concerto!

  3. ok. :thumb_yello:


    oh btw, i've talked on FB with a few people and we thought it'd be great to wear the glasses / hold up other glowing hearts for happy ending (especially the little bit of love part), and for the origin of love. would that be ok for everyone? :wink2:


    Oh thank you for the glasses! :blush-anim-cl:

    Your idea is great! I'm in! :pbjt:

  4. i'll see what i can do... if i order 10, i think they're all taken now... but mariposa said she had a spare as well, so if she gives hers to tina, i'll have one more for you.


    unless of course some more mfcers want them, then i'd just order 5 or 10 more... they have a fast delivery, so i can wait another week or so til i order them. :wink2:


    Sure! Don't worry! I hope it won't be a problem for you or for someone else!



    -17! see you all there!


  5. 1,20 euro. :wink2: i'm on a tight budget too, but i guess that's affordable. :wink2: no worries though, you can tell me in vigevano... i'll just reserve glasses for those who said they definitely wanted them, and the other glasses will go to whoever wants them in vigevano.


    Maybe could you reserve a pair for me too? Thank you so much! :blush-anim-cl:

  6. Ragazze voglio rendervi partecipe di ciò che è successo una mezz'oretta fa *-*

    Per caso ascoltando la radio mi sono imbattuta in Radio 105 (radio che sponsorizza il concerto di Vigevano se non sbaglio) e hanno presentato le NOVITA'....preparatevi!

    Alle 16:30 hanno trasmesso Celebrate!!! Per intera!

    Era arrivata la notizia che qui in italia sarebbe stata trasmessa dal 6 luglio, invece!!


    che emozione ahahah non me l'aspettavo proprio!

  7. Hanno tolto Celebrate da Amazon.fr ma l'ha pubblicata su youtube (sempre un pezzettino) l'UniversalMusic francese!


    ...dei 30 secondi ho capito pochissime parole :doh:

    qualcuna mi può illuminare?*-*


    Stra adoro le parti in cui si interrompe la musica! Davvero, sto ballettando come una stupidella :teehee:

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