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Posts posted by tygerlillie93

  1. OK erm not sure what to write here.


    My name's Tina I'm 17 and live in a small village called Haydock, St.Helens (England), which I can almost guarantee nobody on here has heard of it's that small all I can say is it's in between Liverpool and Manchester.


    I'm obsessed with MIKA XD have been since I saw what I think I was his first ever TV performance (can't remember what it was now).


    I'm gonna see him live next time he tours even it kills me :) jealous of everybody that already has. My first (and only) concert was, rather embarrassingly, Eton Road the band off The X Factor lol.


    I'm currently looking for a job so I can buy on-line A level courses. I was in college but got ill and had to leave 'cos I'd missed so much work :(


    Erm what else . . . I have two dogs Zac (10) and Tilly (1), a cat called Eli (2) and a hamster called Jedward (1 - my mum named it) and I am hoping to get a Maine Coon for my birthday (a big fluffy cat - I'm a little bit obsessed with cats BTW)


    erm I'm gonna stop rambling now I've bored you all to tears :)




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