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Posts posted by nanuk

  1. No, Rosa. Yo ni soy enemiga tuya ni de nadie de aquí. Ni tampoco huyo.


    Todo es mucho más sencillo. No comprendo que en un club de fans de un artista escribas lo que escribes. Puedes escribirlo y hablarlo en cualquier otro sitio y con quien quieras, pero aquí, a mi modo de entender, no tiene sentido.


    Si entré a participar por primera vez, fue porque me daba pena lo abandonado que estaba este hilo de fans en España. Y quería aportar mi granito de arena para animar. Ahora entiendo por qué esto estaba tan apagado.


    Si digo adios, no es que huya. Es que decido estar en los sitios en los que me siento a gusto.


    El puente de plata por cierto... precioso


    Que os vaya bien :wink2:


    Abealma , estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo.No encuentro sentido a esos comentarios en este lugar.De todas formas Rosa,quiero agradecerte que me has recordado porque no debo participar en este foro. Reconozco que estos días me he planteado participar al ver que de nuevo volvía a tener actividad(gracias por tu granito de arena Abealma,Mikasister...), pero ahora lo tengo muy claro. Obviamente hay otros lugares donde sentirse a gusto,este desde luego,no es uno de ellos.


    !Hola y adiós!

    !Qué os vaya bien!

  2. You're all welcome :flowers2:




    I could with some time because I can't extract it directly from the vid, I have to re-type it all, but I definitely don't have the strenght anymore tonight :sorry:



    No, please, you don´t do that. I thought you had it written.

    Don´t worry, you did a lot

    Thank you very much:wub2:

  3. About the interview at NRJ this morning: I went for subtitles because I was tired just imagining how to put the Donald Duck thing into words.


    Two things though: First, I've skipped the games, because it's just people you don't know winning things you're not winning, so appart if you want to know that Mika is unable to remember a short sentence he was just said and that next time he'll go to NRJ he will be wearing underpants only....

    And second, some bits were missing in the only file I managed to get so I did with what i had. I don't think that much is missing though, in fact the only missing bits I remember (it might not be the only one but I do think it is) are those three:

    - At a point he said he has been wearing the same suit for days because British Airways has lost his luggages and he's been waiting for them since last wednesday apparently. To which the radio team added that he probably didn't take a shower since then either as his toilet bag were lost too; and he answered that it's not that bad as he smells good naturally anyway :aah:.

    - Fascinating stuff incoming: he also said he does his laundry himself, except at hotels because it'll be rude to ask them to put a wahsing machine in his room. He doesn't care doing it because it's easy, you just have to press some buttons . But he hates ironing. But he likes the smell of the steam and he likes to press the button because it goes pshhit. I told you it was fascinating :P

    - When recording in LA he used the accoustic of different rooms. He has recorded bits in the bathroom and, apparently, in the toilets. Leading to a misunderstanding when the team were joking about him without him even noticing (I'll let you guess, it involves microphones and toilets).


    For the rest here it is, I hope I haven't make too many mistakes




    And from C à vous (I am getting better at picking my tv :aah:)





    Thank you very much for everything !


    please, can you put here the transcript?

    So I can use a translator to understand another language.

    Thank you very much

  4. An interview with Mika's vocal coach, Rossana Casale during XF


    -Hello , how are you?

    -Well, but we are all a bit tired ... a lot of work for everyone ...

    -Tell us about Mika , we all adore him ... Does Mika have any faults ?

    -His faults are also his strengths ... he is a picky man , very strict ... but he is an extraordinary musician who lights up in the energy of music ... but during the preparing of songs, all things must be carried out in detail. He has a way of thinking so international... Italians are more passionate... we get excited right away ... "oh my god I'm shivering" ... but no, he says no , the thrill is not the most important thing, you have to see and understand ... everything has to be perfect. With him you have to work much earlier in the project of a song ... everything is written , decided, organized ... We first met , and well understood , and now he gives me the maximum trust ... and when the work is well done, he repays you very much, he is so happy and he shows it in his face , he lights his face ...

    Mika has the idea of ​​asking the girls of his team what is their "manifesto", their idea of artist and it is a right choice because it is not an easy thing to understand at the beginning. Even for me it wasn't easy to understand .

    [ They talk about the team of Mika and about Rossana, who does concerts and teaches at the Conservatory of Parma ]

    Rossana says also that Mika knows very well Italian music : Francesco Guccini , Tenco , Jovanotti, Tiziano Ferro ... he have studied so much ... but it is natural for him to propose a different kind of songs than those of the great Italian songwriters .

    [ They talk about Rossana's career and liric music... ]

    It 's true that Mika is always late ?

    It ' is true ( laughs) ... but now I have to run because he's waiting for me...


    Thank you!!:wub2:

  5. Mika gave a bracelet to Gaia and Roberta.

    I Don ´t you know if Violetta and Valentina had a gift too. I guess..


    Roberta Pompa ‏@RobertaPompa 1h

    Un regalo che resterà per sempre nel cuore, come te @mikasounds GRAZIE! @ValentinaTioli @gaiagalizia ❤️ pic.twitter.com/rTctEqhhiR





    gaia galizia ‏@gaiagalizia 1h

    @mikasounds un dono dal valore inestimabile. Grazie dal profondo del cuore. @RobertaPompa @ValentinaTioli pic.twitter.com/DOdoSKXUcg




  6. Ok, here we are. A way too long report, I know. So, if you are not calling sick, you can read just the recap:


    everything was just perfect, happyness, met mika, got signed cd, got hug, got pic, met mfciers.



    That was not the first time in my life I drove for 2 hours to Bergamo. I'm used to it, I used to drive in foggy, icy nights to Genova, to Pisa, to Bergamo.

    But there was definitely something new in doing it for queueing about 7 hours among strangers, to enjoy a 10

    secs company of another stranger.

    Still, when that morning I sat in my car and turn the radio on, I felt nothing but joy. No anxiety, no concern, not even excitement. It was just happiness and a sense of serenity, with a shade of strenght.

    I spent the following three hours in that blessed emotional state, enjoying an empty, perfect, foggy free

    highway. Well, they should have been about two hours. But since my sat-nav is basically pretty bitchy, it

    always makes me visit Milan suburbs (it makes me leave the highway, getting lost in the suburbs and then

    come back on the highway). I know, why I keep on listening to it if I'm aware it's garbage? In Italy we use to

    say whoever is born as a donkey doesn't end up dead as a horse. So, my lack of self-confidence made me

    taking this nice trip in Sesto San Giovanni, even though I was pretty sure I had to aim to Dalmine... I said I was in a blessed emotional state, not that I switched to a Superman me, so I did what the freaking thing was telling me to.

    Anyway, I didn't really mind since on my mixed songs cd popped up Mika's ones, so...

    When I finally ended up to the mall, after having got lost again (Mika's fault this time, I was singing Origin of

    Love from the top of my lungs...), I got inside to ask for informations. I asked a middle aged man who worked

    there. " Hi, I'm looking for the parking lot, the one at the second floor..."

    He looked at me, this 34 years old woman, carrying a back pack and a shopping bag full of sandwiches and a towel (to sit on...) and told me ": you are here for that dou.. ch.. eb...ag".

    I didn't bother to answer, since my replied was me, staring at him with proud instead of blushing. A kind of so-what-glance. It worked, since he finally helped me. So I got to the second floor, exactly on the stage... I met a guard who was very nice to me and told me how to join the queue. I wished him someone would be as kind to him as he was to me, which is my way to say thank you, and went down the ramp to join the others fans. They were sitting on the ground at the bottom of the desert anf fenced ramp, so that it was like walking a catwalk, but I didn't care. No blushing for me that day. I felt so comfortable with everything I did.

    When I finally reached those 30 people, I felt a bit alone, standing there, no one was paying attention to me,

    obviously. I take my time to check on my mobile, probably just trying to earn some secs while studying them,

    and finally asked two guys if they minded I sat close to them. I picked the oldest ones, I don't feel comfortable

    with teenagers. They suddenly smiled at me, and told me their names. Ines and Andrea turned out to be some

    of the people who got screwed in the Swatch thing. They were in Milan since 9 am, and didn't get in because of that Le Iene genius.... Lately I found out most people who were there were at Swatch.

    I really enoyed their company. We chatted all the day long, made friends with two China girls (one of them

    turned out to be the one who sang at the castings, I do hope you guys have seen that performance since Mika was so funny), and other guys who happend to be really fun. And funny as well.

    Everyone behave, and in a blink of an eye it was 13 am. Thanks to your advices I decided it was the perfect

    time to meet and greet the loo, and jeez, you were so damned right: as soon as I came back they removed the barrier and let us on the ramp, which was more narrow: that mess of people switched into a proper and

    insurmountable queue. I still don't get how but me and my friends lost many many places, whereas people who

    arrived about noon got in front of us.

    Anyway, I wasn't concerned, my feeling was that we still were in a quite good row.

    I wondered where Flavia was, since at that point it was impossible to me to make her join me.

    Some girls sang stardust - Chiara version - and I totally refused to join it. That's not one of my favourites....

    Meanwhile security guards made all children to jump the queue with their whole families. I wonder where

    grandma was. Next time, my piece of advice is to ask your neighbor to lend you his newborn child.

    I mean, I agree that children who were in queue with us should eventually go front row. But what about the

    passing by families? "oh dear, look, there must be something over there, let's go and see" and they were

    invited beyond the gate.

    Anyway, my anger/anxiety level was deffcon 5. Usually it would be around 3.

    About 4 pm they finally open the gate, let some people in, then closed it again, so that we could reach the

    stage in small groups, which was just perfect. We could queue again close to the stage, while whe were

    offered some tea (I just had one since the loo was now less available than Mika himself). Everything was fine, if we don't mind the crying teenager who kept pouring tears for half an hour and the woman speaker who kept

    rant wasting Parc au Prince. She tried to get the audience involved, asking us for screaming. No, I won't talk to you. You are waisting Parc au Princes and you are so not like him when he asks the audience for that.

    Meanwhile she asked people for some questions for Mika. Thank God there were only two: "are you single?"

    and "will you EVER do a gig in italy". Well, I suppose I was high with all the sugar I had that day (a threat for

    me, that was my special day, no dieting for me!!!) since I managed not to feel ashamed for that. I just didn't

    mind. Still, gosh.

    At that time I was a few metres right behind Francesco's back. I saw him, I saw Mari, but didn't shout to greet them since they didn't know me in flesh, so I thought they wouldn't have listen to me. I planned to wait to be closer, when I would be on their right, but they left a minute before I managed to do it. I should have dare to...

    But again, I was born a donkey, my tail will never get longer or my ears tinier.

    Eventually I got on the stairs leading to the stage. Origin of love was on air, I sang it on my own, just for me.

    I never sing in public on my own, but I didn't realize I was doing it.

    And then, I was there.

    Music was a way too loud to talk, so I just said "I'm here just to say thank you and here I wrote why" and gavehim my letter. He put his hand on it and told Giulio to keep it. Then he signed my cd and hug me for the pic. I wish I could smell him, but I got nothing. Instead the feeling of his warm body under my hand is stuck in my head (he took off his jacket when he started the signing as to get ready for a hard work, which I guess it can be). Please, I hope no one thinks it was about arousal. It was not. I hugged him tight, I hope I didn't smashed his liver. I hate those weak hand shakes, this is why I hold him tight. Just hope he wasn't annoyed by that.

    Then I glanced at him, standing in front of him, saying "Thanks" again, meaning it for good. He smiled at me

    and glance back.

    Then I left, since there was nothing more I could do in such a situation. What benefit would I get standing

    there another two seconds? He had no time at all, I didn't want to be the one who was standing there with no


    It's weird. I'm sure he smiled and look at me, but I remember it like in a dream. I get no details, it's all messy

    and soft and shaded in my mind. Whereas I have this strong memory about his warm side (or maybe it was

    really his liver :aah:) and about me staring at him saying Grazie. It's all focused on me, on what I felt, which

    hides his expression to me, as if I was so overwhelmed I couldn't perceive more. That pisses me off. Mika

    smiles at glance at me and my memory of that is blur!!!! What is wrong with me!!!!

    I hope that all this focusing-on-myself thing didn't block what I tried to communicate to him. I couldn't help but to act this way.

    When I left I waited for Ines, Andrea and the chinese girls, we chatted a bit and said goodbye.

    Then I asked Flavia and Lucrezia for meeting but Flavia was already gone.

    Lucrezia was so kind to tell me to join them at the restaurant at the second floor. I was sooooo happy to meet some mfciers!!!

    When I got there, I finally met Lucrezia and her mom, Mari and hubby, Roberta, Allegra. That was a way too nice to leave, so I hang over there till, I don't know, maybe 8 pm. Extra bonus: Mika left walking by the

    restaurant so that I could see him again close enough to realize it was real (two metres far from me), and got

    some signed printed posters.

    So, here it is.

    That was not the first time in my life I drove so far.

    But it was the first time in my life I made friends like that, out of the blue.

    It was the first time in my life I overcame stress and anxiety so easy.

    It was the first time in my life I didn't mind what people could think about me.

    It was the first time in my life I felt... oh God, I don't know. I felt this way. Happy just for the hell of it, there's no actual reason for feeling this way. I got a signature on a cd. That's all.

    It was the first the first time in my life I got why people queue for hours, and do want this freaking signature: everytime I look at it, I feel good. It's a voice shouting: that was real, that actually happend.

    That was the first time in my life I did something totally crazy and deplorable for a grown-up, according to.. well, to everyone but you guys.

    That was the first time in my life I met Mika.



    PS I just want to add that if for me that was an amazing experience I would remember forever, I guess it was

    quite an effort to him. It seemed as a production line, he couldn't even sit down because of the taking pics

    thing, everything was very fast and repetitive and my feeling is that he tried so hard to be fast and effective in order not to leave someone out.

    I do appreciate him with doing that. So many people were disappointed with the swatch thing, I think I tried to fix it. For sure he earned some money, but to me is more than this. It costed him quite an effort, but he did it.

    When it comes to me, I have to fix my blurred memory of his look, so there's just one thing I have to do: looking for another chance to meet him. :aah:


    Thank so much Elwendin!!:wub2:


    Meanwhile she asked people for some questions for Mika. Thank God there were only two: "are you single?"

    and "will you EVER do a gig in italy".


    What Mika replied?

  7. Violetta speak about Mika...:shocked:





    Ieri sera è andata in onda la semifinale di X Factor 7 che è stata ricca di colpi di scena. Sono stati presentati degli inediti e una cover per i cinque concorrenti rimasti in gara: Ape Escape, Michele, Violetta, Aba e Andrea. Violetta è la pupilla di Mika, il fenomeno di questa stagione di X Factor, e molto spesso è stato fatto il suo nome come probabile vincitrice del talent show canoro che va in onda su Sky.


    Forse tutta questa sicurezza le ha fatto mancare la terra da sotto i piedi, così, si sta comportando un po’ come una cantante viziata. La ragazza è diventata famosa per suonare l’ukulele, uno strumento musicale simile a una chitarra ma di dimensioni ridotte di origini hawaiane. Violetta, prima della diretta della semifinale ha dichiarato al quotidiano Metro: “Del musicista italiano non voglio fare il nome però il suo inedito non mi piaceva”, con queste parole ha fatto intendere di aver rifiutato un brano inedito realizzato appositamente per lei.


    Ha continuato dicendo: “Dicono che me la tiro e che sia antipatica. Mi spiace ma non è così. Forse è passata un’immagine di me diversa da quella reale. Credo sia passata anche la mia passione per un genere di musica non facilissimo: un pop ricercato ed internazionale”. L’aspirante cantante dice del suo rapporto con Mika: “Inizialmente credevo che Mika potesse sfalsare il parere del pubblico a favore della squadra ma le sue ragazze son cadute una dopo l’altra”.


    Trova parole di lamentela anche per il suo coach dicendo che è un po’ assente a causa dei numerosi impegni di lavoro che lo costringono a trasferte tra Milano, Parigi e Londra. La scelta dell’inedito che ha cantato in semifinale è ricaduta sul brano “Dimmi che non passa” di Christian Lavoro: “Ho scelto un brano che rispecchia perfettamente ciò che sono, che avrei potuto scrivere io, con un po’ di esperienza. Il testo non è profondissimo, ma ho solo 18 anni”.


    Durante la serata è stata data la notizia della scomparsa di Nelson Mandela, al quale è stata dedicata una canzone in suo onore dei Simple Minds. Attesissima la cantante Katy Perry che ha mandato il pubblico in delirio con la sua esibizione. L’eliminato della semifinale è stato Andrea; Ape Escape, Michele, Violetta e Aba sono i finalisti che si contenderanno il titolo di vincitore nella finale del 12 dicembre che avrà come ospiti gli One Direction. (s.z.)


    © Riproduzione riservata

  8. Chiara talks about Mika:




    Eso parece que tienes al realizar en vivo: conveniente o glamoroso?

    Glamour! Me gusta estar vestido como un cantante en teatro y elegantes vestidos largos. Por ejemplo, el vestido que lució en el Factor X en la exposición con Mika.

    Vamos a hablar de Mika: ¿Qué has hecho para afectar a este dúo!

    Sí, decimos que nos merecíamos!

    ¿Cuál es tu relación con él?

    Es un gran profesional, amable, genuino, serio y concentrado, pero cuando funciona, y estas son cualidades que me gustan mucho. Conociéndolo, me di cuenta de que una persona no se convierte en una estrella internacional a cambio de nada, es un gran profesional y se nota.

    Usted ha construido una relación aún más personal, así como personal?

    Estamos muy bien y esto trae positividad para el dúo. Si se estima que dos artistas y son lindos cuando cantan juntos se siente.

    Al igual que como juez en X Factor?

    Me hace reír mucho, trajo frescura y positividad dentro del programa.

    Una de sus hijas, Valentina, cuando la salida es criticado por ser demasiado estricto con sus competidores. ¿Qué piensas de esta afirmación?

    El juez debe criticar qué más sirve? Los críticos necesitan para crecer. Al igual que con los amigos que no me gusta lo que acabo de crítica, sino también el que me hace una crítica constructiva.


  9. 27-11-2013

    AskFactor 5: le risposte delle Under Donne







    Ask Factor 5: le risposte degli Under Uomini






    How I can see the videos?

    Thank you!:wub2:

  10. http://qn.quotidiano.net/moda/2013/11/26/988033-mika-musica-e-fashion-popstar-globale.shtml


    Mika Genius


    Per la sua carica di moderna eleganza, per quel suo stile mai perfettino eppure impeccabile


    Eva Desiderio


    Tutto viene dopo le sue canzoni. Anche la moda. Eppure Mika, popstar globale che piace a tutti per simpatia e genialità, è uno dei personaggi più amati dagli stilisti e dai fashionisti. Per la sua carica di moderna eleganza, per quel suo stile mai perfettino eppure impeccabile. Mika col completo di velluto verde, Mika con la giacca di maglia color del mare, Mika che rilancia con forza e gentilezza il papillon.

    Che effetto le fa tanta fama?

    «La sola idea mi fa paura - sorride il cantante che ha appena lanciato “The Origin of Love”, osannato giudice di X Factor, idolo dei giovanissimi e non solo - Io sono prima di tutto un musicista, è questa la cosa che mi piace più fare. E sono orgoglioso della mia carriera: non voglio sembrare troppo modesto ma quello che faccio è una decisione del cuore non un fatto di business».

    Mika, la turba la pressione mediatica e l’ossessione dell’immagine?

    «No, non mi turba. Io voglio solo restare me stesso».

    Lei piace molto anche per il suo modo di vestire. Come nascono i suoi look?

    «E’ vero, tutti mi vogliono vestire. Io però faccio delle scelte. Per X Factor indosso abiti di Moschino, tutti personalizzati però da mia madre Jamie, e quindi fatti solo per me. E ad ogni puntata è come se anche con l’abbigliamento raccontassi una storia. Mi piace molto anche il marchio Valentino, specie per le occasioni di gala, e anche Missoni per il senso del colore».

    Pensa di aver già dettato uno stile?

    «Spero di sì, perchè la moda passa ma lo stile non tramonta».

    Dobbiamo aspettarci presto una collezione firmata Mika?

    «No, per ora mi interessa solo la musica. E mi voglio solo concentrare sul prossimo disco, il quarto».

    Sua madre dunque è la sua stilista personale?

    «Lei in passato ha lavorato come stilista e ha esperienza. Quando lavoriamo non siamo i classici madre e figlio. Tra noi c’è una grande separazione tra lavoro e privato. Ma sono felice che lei realizzi per me i costumi per tutti i miei concerti. Abbiamo un laboratorio a Londra, uno in India e per i vestiti di scena ci serviamo dei costumisti dell’Opera di Pechino».

    Però pochi giorni fa a Venezia, Ca’ Giustinian, nell’ambito della Biennale, lei ha lanciato due orologi davvero speciali...

    «Sono due orologi d’arte, d’ispirazione pop ma anche afro perchè nel quadrante ho voluto delle maschere tribali, realizzati per la Swatch che nella sua storia ha spesso lavorato coi designer. Io ho 30 anni, gli stessi dell’orologio Swatch, e forse mi hanno scelto anche per questo. Li ho chiamati Kukulakuki e Kukulakuku e fanno parte della collezione speciale Mika 4 Swatch».

    Li ha disegnati solo lei?

    «No, li ho creati con mia sorella Jasmine, che è un po’ più grande di me, purtroppo per lei - e qui Mika ridicchia scherzoso - Io e lei siamo legatissimi. Con lei lavoro da 11 anni, abbiamo uno studio-atelier a Londra dove ci divertiamo molto con la grafica. Io del resto disegno le mie canzoni!».

    E come si fa a disegnare una canzone?

    «Ho iniziato a comporre a 13 anni. E anche a disegnare. Il libro delle parole per la mia musica è illustrato. Porto sempre con me questi quaderni. Quando ho finito di scrivere e di disegnare passo tutto a Jasmine che li sviluppa. Costuiamo insieme il mondo virtuale delle mie cover, dei video. E così abbiamo fatto anche per Swatch».

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