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Honey Pie

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Posts posted by Honey Pie

  1. In Bercy I tried to write the setlist, but it was difficoult standing... in the dark... while dancing!! ;) So, if you watch again the longer videos from the show, please, check if there is something wrong and if I forgot songs... :)


    • Le Cheval (cover from Jacques Brel)
    • Big Girl
    • Talk About You
    • Good Wife
    • Grace Kelly
    • Rain
    • Boum Boum Boum
    • Les Baisiers Perdus
    • Good Guys
    • Origin of Love
    • Relax
    • SATS (Tant Que J'Ai le Soleil)
    • Underwater
    • Lollipop
    • Stardust
    • Happy Ending
    • Elle Me Dit
    • We Are Golden
    • Last Party
    • ------------------- Encore:
    • J'Ai Deux Amours (cover from Josephine Baker)
    • Love Today
    • Like 4
  2. Thank you Mari for you help ;)
    A guy on FB told me that he found a place to stay in Barolo from the hotels in my list, but the chambers were almost all booked.
    So I add three other places (I didn't write it before because they are farther than others from the venue and probably you will need the shuttle or a car to reach the festival :biker: )


    • AGRITURISMO IL GIOCO, Via Alba 83, Barolo (1,5 Km da piazza Colbert)
    • AGRITURIMO LE VIOLE, Via delle Viole 14, Barolo (3,3 Km da piazza Colbert, the place is in a hamlet called Vergne, that is near Barolo. In Vergne stops the shuttle that arrives from Bra, so you can reach the venue by bus)
    • AGRI-CAMPING SOLE E LANGHE, Piazza della Vite e del Vino, Frazione Vergne (Barolo)(also in this case, you have to catch the shuttle from Vergne )
    • Like 2
    (B&B and Hotels are in order of distance from the venue, that is piazza Colbert in Barolo, or from the shuttles, not in order of price)


    • In BAROLO (more convenient to the venue!    :yes:  ) 
    • CASA SVIZZERA, Via Roma 65, Barolo (80 m da piazza Colbert)
    • EASY COSI’, Piazza del Municipio 4, Barolo (150 m da piazza Colbert)
    • AGRITURISMO IL QUARTO STATO, Via Roma 47, Barolo (150 m da piazza Colbert)
    • ARCHI DEL ‘400, Via P. Donati 6, Barolo (200 m da piazza Colbert)
    • LA GIOLITTA BED & BREAKFAST, Via Cesare Battisti 13 (Centro Storico), Barolo (200 m da piazza Colbert)
    • VICOLO DEL POZZO, Via Roma 28, Barolo (200 m da piazza Colbert)
    • LA CORTE DEL PEPE, Via Cesare Battisti 7, Barolo (200 m da piazza Colbert)
    • ROSSOBAROLO OSPITALITA’ , Via Roma 16, Barolo (200 m da piazza Colbert)
    • BAROLO ROOMS, Piazza Castello 3/4, Barolo (200 m da piazza Colbert)
    • CASA IN BAROLO, Vicolo del Pozzo 3, Barolo (250 m da piazza Colbert)
    • HOTEL BAROLO, Via Lomondo 2, Barolo (350 m da piazza Colbert)
    • AGRITURISMO IL CIABOT, Via Monforte 34, Barolo (1,1 Km da piazza Colbert)
    • AGRITURISMO GOMBA, Via Boschetti 2, Barolo (1,4 Km da piazza Colbert)
      • In ALBA (SHUTTLE in Piazza Trento e Trieste = Piazza della Stazione, in front of the train station)
      • HOTEL SAVONA, Via Roma 1, Alba (200 m da stazione)
      • RESIDENCE CAFFE’ SAVONA, Via Roma 8, Alba (200 m da stazione)
      • AI PORTICI, Via Roma 6, Alba (250 m da stazione)
      • CASA AGNESE, Via Gioberti 16, Alba (400 m da stazione)
      • L’ORTODELE ROSE, Via Cuneo 5, Alba (400 m da stazione)
      • CASA DELLATORRE, Via Pertinace 20, Alba (450 m da stazione)
      • RESIDENCE IN ALBA, Via San Paolo 3, Alba (450 m da stazione)
      • VINCAFE’, Via Vittorio Emanuele 12, Alba (600 m da stazione)
      • I BALCONI DI CAVOUR, Via Cerrato 1, Alba (600 m da stazione)
      • LA CASA DI MILLY, Via Calissano 1, Alba (600 m da stazione)
      • IL CORTILETTO, Corso Michele Coppino 27, Alba (600 m da stazione)
      • LA TERRAZZA SULLE TORRI, Viale Torino 6, Alba (700 m da stazione)
      • MINI HOTEL WINE & DREAMS, Via Ognissanti 26, Alba (700 m da stazione)
      • PALAZZO D’ARGENTO, Via Coppa 3/b, Alba (700 m da stazione)
      • LA PAJASSA, Via Liberazione 9, Alba (700 m da stazione)
      • B&B RELAIS AL BEL SAN DOMENICO, Via Calissano 7, Alba (700 m da stazione)
      • RESIDENCE LE TORRI, Via Cavour 16, Alba (700 m da stazione)
      • B&B DOUCE MAISON, Piazza Rossetti 5, Alba (800 m da stazione)
      • VINOTECA LA SACRESTIA, Piazza Rossetti 6, Alba (900 m da stazione)
      • HOTEL I CASTELLI, Corso Torino 14 (Centro Città), Alba (900 m da stazione)
      • ALBERGO SAN LORENZO, Piazza Rossetti 6, Alba (900 m da stazione)
      • B&B CASA BONA, Corso Nino Bixio 22, Alba (1,1 Km da stazione)
      • In BRA (SHUTTLE in MOVINCENTRO, Piazza Caduti di Nassirya, near the train station)
      • ALBERGO CANTINE ASCHERI, Via Piumati 25, Bra (300 m da stazione)
      • HOTEL LA TOUR, Via Cavour 7, Bra (450 m da stazione)
      • ALBERGO BADELLINO, Piazza XX Settembre 4, Bra (700 m da stazione)
      • NUOVO HOTEL GIARDINI, Piazza XX Settembre 28, Alba (800 m da stazione)
      • LA COCCINELLA AFFITTACAMERE, Via Vittorio Emanuele 7, Bra (900 m da stazione)

    • Like 1
  4. Hi! I'll try to write some infos about Collisioni Festival... How to get there, where you can stay, etc.. :)
    Thanks to Marina for the English and computer tips! :hug:  


    Please let me know if you have any question also about airports or if you need  more infos  for your trip to the Festival. :group_hug: 



    Train stations more convenient to Barolo: BRA and ALBA, near both these stations there are the shuttles departure points.



    The shuttles to and from Barolo will be running during all Festival days, from morning to night (also 2-3 a.m.), following the scheduled events.


    ALBA, Piazza Trento e Trieste (in front of the train station)

    BRA, Movincentro (it’s a bus station near the train station, on the left of the exit of the train station)


    BY CAR:
    I’m not translating  the following  infos, because probably there aren’t many foreing fans traveling by car, but please let me know if you need any help!


    Queste sono le indicazioni date dal sito del Festival:

    DA MILANO (140 KM)

    Autostrada A21 uscita Asti (Est). Dopo il casello proseguire verso Sud in direzione Alba (ca. 30 km); rimanere sulla superstrada e seguire le indicazioni in direzione Barolo.

    DA TORINO (60 KM)

    Autostrada A6 Torino – Savona uscita a Marene. Dopo il casello proseguire a destra in direzione Cherasco passando per la frazione di Roreto. Giunti nei pressi di Cherasco, proseguire sulla strada Fondovalle (a destra) seguendo le indicazioni per Barolo.

    DA SAVONA (90 KM)

    Autostrada A6 Savona – Torino, uscita a Marene. Dopo il casello proseguire in direzione Cherasco. Da Cherasco proseguire in direzione Barolo.


  5. I'll post also the report that I wrote in Italian, but is very very loooooooong... Sorry and don't worry, it's not so interesting!!! I wrote it for me, first of all, so all the essentials are in my previous post... ;)




    Inizio col dire che sono piuttosto logorroica nello scrivere in italiano e poco fluente in inglese, per cui ho scritto molto, soprattutto per me, per non perdere i ricordi, ma io per prima non sono in grado di tradurre tutto quel che ho scritto in inglese... Per cui grazie in anticipo a chi avrà la pazienza di leggerlo e scusate se dovrete usare Google Transalator... .-.


    Taormina non era nei miei piani perché avevo già programmato Barcellona e Cattolica e in più, non ostante fosse chiaro fin da subito che sarebbe stato un evento, mi sembrava un luogo lontano da raggiungere e soprattutto molto costoso...

    Poi, man mano che la data si avvicinava, le amiche di MFC insistevano, la curiosità era tanta e quindi, quando si è presentata l'occasione del concorso per vincere i biglietti, ho deciso di lasciar fare al caso…

    Inaspettatamente ho vinto, così come un fulmine a ciel sereno, nel giro di poche ore, l'avventura è iniziata…

    Mi agito incredula, avverto la mia guest, rispondo a Deb, prenoto il volo (anzi, un low cost bus + volo) e l'alloggio (con AirBnB, che consiglio per risparmiare!), organizzo il viaggio di ritorno non verso casa, ma verso Cattolica, preparo la valigia…

    Sono state ore movimentate, ma sono riuscita più o meno a organizzare tutto e a partire.

    Tralascio tutti i dettagli del viaggio (che comunque è stato avventuroso, tra percorso notturno di 12 ore in autobus e ritardo del mio volo per Catania...) e finalmente arrivata in Sicilia, sono stata raggiunta all'aeroporto da Elena, la fan siciliana che era mia guest, e insieme ci siamo dirette a Taormina.

    Posiamo i bagagli al b&b e poi ci rechiamo in teatro per ritirare i nostri biglietti: aprendo la busta scopriamo che sono 2 posti non numerati, erano le 5 del pomeriggio e la coda per quel settore era già iniziata da tempo… Decidiamo di tornare in albergo, di fare una doccia e cambiarci, tanto la nostra situazione ormai non sarebbe cambiata di molto. :)

    La scelta è stata buona, perché recandoci al teatro alle 20, all'apertura delle porte, abbiamo trovato, è vero, dei posti molto in alto, ma comunque con una vista stupenda su tutto il teatro, sul mare, l'Etna e il cielo con la luna…

    Come sa chi ha visto i miei tweet in diretta (@DropOfSea) la visione d'insieme dall'alto, un po' defilata, mi ha aiutato a condividere passo passo i vari momenti dell'evento… Cosa che se fossi stata sotto il palco, non sarei mai riuscita a fare…

    Quindi veniamo al concerto vero e proprio…

    È iniziato qualche minuto prima delle 22 e già dall'ingresso di Mika si è capito che sarebbe stata una serata speciale: lui in bianco, con collane, e sulle note di No Place in Heaven!!!

    Non so se a causa della zanzara che lui (verso la fine dello show) ha raccontato di aver ingoiato salendo sul palco, o per l'emozione di quell'inizio diverso, la sua voce in alcuni punti è sembrata un po' incerta, ma si è ripreso subito dopo sulle note ormai più consuete di Relax, Talk About Your e Popular...

    Mika inizia anche a parlare, sembra di ottimo umore e cerca il contatto con il pubblico. Dice che quello di Taormina è forse il teatro più bello del mondo e che stasera, a renderlo ancora più magico, c'è un ospite speciale… la luna!

    È un particolare che sottolineerà ancora... Di solito, infatti, nel presentare Big Girl si rivolge direttamente a Dio chiedendo perché non lo ha fatto più grasso, stasera, invece, si rivolge alla luna suggerendo, come sempre, che se fossimo tutti un po' più "big", saremmo tutti più felici.

    Poi ha cantato Rain, che da un po' non sentivo live, l'immancabile Billy Brown, Blue Eyes, Grace Kelly… E poi è giunto il momento di Underwater... Lo aspettavo perché già pregustavo la magia di tante piccole luci accese in quella magnifica arena e della sua voce in quel teatro dall'acustica perfetta... La mia attesa non è stata delusa!

    Durante Good Guys una ragazza (Federica, credo, la stessa che aveva fatto lo stesso gesto al Fabrique) riesce a passargli una corona gonfiabile e lui allora se la mette in testa e pronuncia la tenerissima frase "Io non ho bisogno di una corona vera, me ne basta una di plastica, perché io ho tanti amici!"...❤

    Segue Elle Me Dit con il suo solito discorso preparatorio: "Adesso che ho quasi 32 anni, ho deciso di invecchiare con eleganza… Io non ballerò più!…" E, invece, poi, come al solito, si scatena e trascina con sé anche il pubblico!…

    A questo proposito devo aprire una parentesi: pare che nelle prime file i fan volessero alzarsi e ballare, ma fossero dissuasi dalla sicurezza e dal pubblico più indietro che li rimproveravano e dal poco spazio per muoversi... Giulia (Aichins) in un momento di genialità dei suoi, scrive di getto su un foglio "I WANNA DANCE, BUT THEY SAY NO!", Mika vede la scritta, mostra il cartello al resto del pubblico e la fa salire sul palco a ballare con lui ("Anche tu non hai il permesso di ballare?!? Vieni qui sul palco allora!"). Momento epico! Lei sembrava nata per stare su quel palco!

    Mika ci ha fatto poi il regalo di Stardust con la strofa in italiano (così come, poco dopo, anche Origin).

    Tutto sembrava andare verso il finale, perché lui presenta la band su Happy Ending, ma in realtà lo show va avanti ancora per un bel po' (in tutto quasi due ore!).

    HE è stato un altro momento magico (cantata benissimo!)...si pensava già che di più non potessimo desiderare, ma subito dopo lui ci sorprende ancora una volta... Si siede al piano e attacca delle note che per i fan più accaniti sono inconfondibili e coincidono con commozione e pelle d'oca… Over My Shoulder!!! :')

    Non mi sembrava vero di poterla sentire di nuovo dal vivo! In quello scenario, poi, è stata davvero insuperabile.

    Ovviamente lui, che ama mescolare i sentimenti, le risate con le lacrime, introducendo OMS, inizia a parlare di zanzare e fa sorridere tutto il pubblico… Poi inizia a cantare e il silenzio si fa irreale… Poi gli applausi… Momento fantastico!!

    Infine, in un crescendo di emozioni, sono seguite Last Party (io sono del gruppo che ama alla follia la parte EDM che fa ai live… Secondo me rende molto bene il mood della canzone ) e Origin (Italian Edit), finale con We Are Golden e Lollipop ed "encore" con storiella in siciliano sulla nascita della Sicilia e Love Today.

    Ma ora basta, mi sono già dilungata troppo!

    Non scorderò mai lo spettacolo di quella venue, l'acustica perfetta e le emozioni che abbiamo vissuto…

    Grazie infinite MFC, Mika e MikaTeam per questo regalo!!! ❤

    Luisa :)

    • Like 4
  6. Hi, you all!

    I’m Luisa (Honey Pie here on MFC and @DropOfSea on Twitter), I’m the winner of the Taormina tickets contest. I’m finally home after the Sicilian and the Cattolica gigs, recovering a bit from the rush… :yes:

    I wrote a long report in Italian for myself, but I want to write also a short one here to share with you my experience and my happiness… :wub:

    The highlights of the Taormina show were, for me:

    • The venue itself (with all these ancient stairs, the crowd, the stage with antique columns and sunflowers, the sea aside, the moon above… the perfect acoustics of the theater!)
    • The beginning of the show when Mika walked on stage wearing his white clothes, his necklaces and singing No Place In Heaven !!! <3
    • His prayer not to God, but (as he said) to the “special guest” of the night, the Moon, during the intro to Big Girl
    • The fact that he sang Rain (because I didn’t hear it live in a while)
    • The sweet sentence Mika said after Good Guys (wearing a crown thrown to him by a fan): “I don’t need a proper crown, a plastic one is enough, because I have many friends”… <3 :wub:
    • The dance with Giulia on stage during Elle Me Dit :thumb_yello:
    • -The gift of the Italian Edits of Stardust and Origin *.* :yes:
    • Over My Shoulder (the fun speech about mosquitoes before singing it, then his voice in that perfect venue, the religious silence of the audience, than the applauses that followed his performance…) :fangurl:
    • Last Party (I always love the EDM part that they play live!) :punk:
    • The “encore” with the story of the origin of Sicily, telled in Sicilian :clap:


    If I find some good ones, I’ll post also some of my pics ^_^


    Thanks a lot to MFC, to MIKA & TeamMika for this amazing esperience, from me and my guest Elena! :huglove::flowers2:

    Luisa :)

    • Like 6
  7. So, first recording session, here we go. Every english mistake being offered by me :blush-anim-cl:



    Considering how long you stay up freezing outside - and for the last hour WITHOUT your coat, and how hot it is inside, here is a spoiler alert: this story will probably end up with a massive cold.



    But there is a lot of fun in the middle.


    I won't talk that much about the candidates, first because they obviously will make it to the television so I'll try to focus on the bits that might end up being cut, and also because none of them especially stayed in my mind (oh I am so sorry to say that when they went outside at the end of the show, I already couln't remember half of them :shocked:). I'd say not all of it is worth mentioning but I'll still put it here before it goes out of my very teeny tiny memory:


    So, season 4 is up, and Mika will have to get used not to be the king of it anymore. How long did he stay without anyone choosing him when the three others already had at least 2 talents each? Poor guy, we were waiting for someone to choose him as an act of charity xD. "P*tain, 3 d'affilée!" (f**k, three in a row) he just exclaimed after loosing 3 times in a row. Quite a change from last year's first session.


    Because this year the new attraction is Zazie, and she's quite an attraction indeed. In fact I wasn't worried about her, I knew she was quite smart and knew well what she would be talking about. I also saw one of her shows once and it was almost done like a theater play - she knows how to take the audience with her when she talks. So without a surprise she did the job very well, very good at arguing and all, and seems to be as well fitted for the "weird ones" than Mika. So it was often than both would turn for the same person, and, well... she seems to be able to crush him quite easily :teehee:. Hence him ending the show saying to Nikos, with his child's voice "I don't like her! She's mean! Can't you take her back?"

    But truth is, even if they are fighting every five minutes, she and Mika are getting along very well and it easily might be the "new couple" of the show. We ended up with them lying together on the floor, and then with Zazie on Mika's lap, and then Mika on her lap ('heck you're too tall I can't see anything!'). And then as accidents happens in the middle of this mess she ripped appart the button on Mika's jacket and he had to end the show casually maintaining it closed with one hand (after the audience having to guide him because he couldn't find the said button on the floor). (Also at a point he hugged a candidate and ended up with make up on his jacket so basically after only one show the thing is already a mess, good luck with trying to keep it white and in one piece until the end).

    She is also very funny and Mika is not the last one to go and play with her. Like at a point (ok, I am fully aware it'll gonna be far less funny without images but still) she tried to convince a talent by getting up, and going near each judge, near Florent saying "he has such a voice, you'll gonna have a complex and won't be able to focus". And then near Jenifer "She is so beautiful, you won't be able to focus". And then near Mika... except he had then sneaked out of his seat and was hiding in its back... "and Mika is... where??" They almost started to run around the seat trying to catch each other and as I said it just seems childish and stupid when said but to see it was funny :aah:.

    When she runs out of argument she just says "I don't know what to say so I'm just gonna stop breathing until you choose me". So of course, later when she was arguing too much Mika just went "oh, shut up, just stop breathing please!"


    And so it was with Zazie that we opened the show as the judge's opening song is one of hers, Rue de la paix. Which they had to do twice because someone f*cked up the lyrics (I give you a clue: it was the tallest one). No complaint from us though, they could have sing it five times if it pleased them, especially considering that we just had to go through more than an hour of Nikos recording lauchings for "the next three years, at least", as he said. So them singing was even more welcomed, if such a thing is possible.




    So, from now on it's the "bits that are crossing my mind in a complete mess" extravaganza.


    Mika probably has in his team the tallest and the smallest talent so far. So he was very happy to go and stand near them, the first one being slightly taller than him and the second arriving at around his hip :aah:.


    Sister Cristina was a guest tonight, and so Mika was official italian translator again. And again another time for an Italian contestant (except he took a shortcut and just said to her that the others didn't like her. Which wasn't true :aah:). There were also some bits of Arabic and a little intrusion of Japaneese, so I'd say for the other judges he kind of is a giant google translator with legs now. ( and as a hidden bonus track I think we were treated with some bits of portuguese when he came out after the show).


    At a point a contestant said that she was putting her guts on the table when she sang and obviously he doesn't know this expression and was quite chocked by it, and his revolted "you put your guts on the table???!! urg!" was said in a funny enough way to become one of the quotes of the night. It ended up becoming an argument for Pagny "you put your guts on the table he finds it disgusting I think it's awesome so come with me" and after the candidate was gone Mika was still rambling "I don't like guts and he like guts, that's all..." . Lovely guts story.


    He keeps yawning without putting his hand, in case you were wondering. And as he was quite tired, it happened a lot. So at a point some in the audience began to tell him hey, your hand, remember? But all he coud hear was people "complaining" and he assumed it was after Zazie, so he asked her what she had done to make us upset before realising it was for him "what, me? whyyyy? what have I done???" (had his answer but it didn't keep him from doing it again :mf_rosetinted:)


    We have a song in french, going "Melissa métisse d'Ibiza". He came with a new version of it, Melissa becoming Melachi, and managed to get all the judges singing it, before stopping it "ok, we're actually talking about my dog" and then bursted into laugh. And again, it certainly doesn't seem so when reading it but in fact it was ridiculously cute xD.


    Ok, that really was very random. Sorry.


    He stayed and chat with fans for a little while after the show ended, which was very nice obviously, going on with the always pleasing "it is so nice to have you all here again, helps a lot", etc. Some sweet 'now go to sleep you lot, goodnight' and he was out of stage.



    And then it was all over, and we were outside chatting nicely, and then this guy just went out of his car and interrupted us, so rude, dunno who that was.




    He stayed for a while, was kind and sweet and smiling, made some people very happy, wished us all good night and off he went.


    And he will probably make even more people very happy when they'll know the answer to the "what about gigs?" question. I think it was Camille who asked, wasn't it? Anyway, the answer looked like it: "soon. And lots. LOTS. Far too much in fact, I don't know if I'm gonna get through this!"


    (and casual: a song is called Rio in the next album. Yeppa. Also, no Ma Jeunesse )



    As for me: throat hurts runny nose and headache. Still so talended at cold catching. Let's say if a cold can ever be "worth it", this one has to be.


    Thank you for your detailed and fun report Melyssa!! I enjoyed a lot reading it! You made me courious about the tv show and I'm ready to fight again with my internet connection to watch at least a part of what you described! :huglove:

    The news about the album and, most of all, about new gigs made me super happy and super excited! Can't wait!! :mikadas: ...I hope he can be able to survive too! :mikasweat::mikacool:

  8. So, first recording session, here we go. Every english mistake being offered by me :blush-anim-cl:



    Considering how long you stay up freezing outside - and for the last hour WITHOUT your coat, and how hot it is inside, here is a spoiler alert: this story will probably end up with a massive cold.



    But there is a lot of fun in the middle.


    I won't talk that much about the candidates, first because they obviously will make it to the television so I'll try to focus on the bits that might end up being cut, and also because none of them especially stayed in my mind (oh I am so sorry to say that when they went outside at the end of the show, I already couln't remember half of them :shocked:). I'd say not all of it is worth mentioning but I'll still put it here before it goes out of my very teeny tiny memory:


    So, season 4 is up, and Mika will have to get used not to be the king of it anymore. How long did he stay without anyone choosing him when the three others already had at least 2 talents each? Poor guy, we were waiting for someone to choose him as an act of charity xD. "P*tain, 3 d'affilée!" (f**k, three in a row) he just exclaimed after loosing 3 times in a row. Quite a change from last year's first session.


    Because this year the new attraction is Zazie, and she's quite an attraction indeed. In fact I wasn't worried about her, I knew she was quite smart and knew well what she would be talking about. I also saw one of her shows once and it was almost done like a theater play - she knows how to take the audience with her when she talks. So without a surprise she did the job very well, very good at arguing and all, and seems to be as well fitted for the "weird ones" than Mika. So it was often than both would turn for the same person, and, well... she seems to be able to crush him quite easily :teehee:. Hence him ending the show saying to Nikos, with his child's voice "I don't like her! She's mean! Can't you take her back?"

    But truth is, even if they are fighting every five minutes, she and Mika are getting along very well and it easily might be the "new couple" of the show. We ended up with them lying together on the floor, and then with Zazie on Mika's lap, and then Mika on her lap ('heck you're too tall I can't see anything!'). And then as accidents happens in the middle of this mess she ripped appart the button on Mika's jacket and he had to end the show casually maintaining it closed with one hand (after the audience having to guide him because he couldn't find the said button on the floor). (Also at a point he hugged a candidate and ended up with make up on his jacket so basically after only one show the thing is already a mess, good luck with trying to keep it white and in one piece until the end).

    She is also very funny and Mika is not the last one to go and play with her. Like at a point (ok, I am fully aware it'll gonna be far less funny without images but still) she tried to convince a talent by getting up, and going near each judge, near Florent saying "he has such a voice, you'll gonna have a complex and won't be able to focus". And then near Jenifer "She is so beautiful, you won't be able to focus". And then near Mika... except he had then sneaked out of his seat and was hiding in its back... "and Mika is... where??" They almost started to run around the seat trying to catch each other and as I said it just seems childish and stupid when said but to see it was funny :aah:.

    When she runs out of argument she just says "I don't know what to say so I'm just gonna stop breathing until you choose me". So of course, later when she was arguing too much Mika just went "oh, shut up, just stop breathing please!"


    And so it was with Zazie that we opened the show as the judge's opening song is one of hers, Rue de la paix. Which they had to do twice because someone f*cked up the lyrics (I give you a clue: it was the tallest one). No complaint from us though, they could have sing it five times if it pleased them, especially considering that we just had to go through more than an hour of Nikos recording lauchings for "the next three years, at least", as he said. So them singing was even more welcomed, if such a thing is possible.




    So, from now on it's the "bits that are crossing my mind in a complete mess" extravaganza.


    Mika probably has in his team the tallest and the smallest talent so far. So he was very happy to go and stand near them, the first one being slightly taller than him and the second arriving at around his hip :aah:.


    Sister Cristina was a guest tonight, and so Mika was official italian translator again. And again another time for an Italian contestant (except he took a shortcut and just said to her that the others didn't like her. Which wasn't true :aah:). There were also some bits of Arabic and a little intrusion of Japaneese, so I'd say for the other judges he kind of is a giant google translator with legs now. ( and as a hidden bonus track I think we were treated with some bits of portuguese when he came out after the show).


    At a point a contestant said that she was putting her guts on the table when she sang and obviously he doesn't know this expression and was quite chocked by it, and his revolted "you put your guts on the table???!! urg!" was said in a funny enough way to become one of the quotes of the night. It ended up becoming an argument for Pagny "you put your guts on the table he finds it disgusting I think it's awesome so come with me" and after the candidate was gone Mika was still rambling "I don't like guts and he like guts, that's all..." . Lovely guts story.


    He keeps yawning without putting his hand, in case you were wondering. And as he was quite tired, it happened a lot. So at a point some in the audience began to tell him hey, your hand, remember? But all he coud hear was people "complaining" and he assumed it was after Zazie, so he asked her what she had done to make us upset before realising it was for him "what, me? whyyyy? what have I done???" (had his answer but it didn't keep him from doing it again :mf_rosetinted:)


    We have a song in french, going "Melissa métisse d'Ibiza". He came with a new version of it, Melissa becoming Melachi, and managed to get all the judges singing it, before stopping it "ok, we're actually talking about my dog" and then bursted into laugh. And again, it certainly doesn't seem so when reading it but in fact it was ridiculously cute xD.


    Ok, that really was very random. Sorry.


    He stayed and chat with fans for a little while after the show ended, which was very nice obviously, going on with the always pleasing "it is so nice to have you all here again, helps a lot", etc. Some sweet 'now go to sleep you lot, goodnight' and he was out of stage.



    And then it was all over, and we were outside chatting nicely, and then this guy just went out of his car and interrupted us, so rude, dunno who that was.




    He stayed for a while, was kind and sweet and smiling, made some people very happy, wished us all good night and off he went.


    And he will probably make even more people very happy when they'll know the answer to the "what about gigs?" question. I think it was Camille who asked, wasn't it? Anyway, the answer looked like it: "soon. And lots. LOTS. Far too much in fact, I don't know if I'm gonna get through this!"


    (and casual: a song is called Rio in the next album. Yeppa. Also, no Ma Jeunesse )



    As for me: throat hurts runny nose and headache. Still so talended at cold catching. Let's say if a cold can ever be "worth it", this one has to be.


    Thank you for your detailed and fun report Melyssa!! I enjoyed a lot reading it! You made me courious about the tv show and I'm ready to fight again with my internet connection to watch at least a part of what you described! :huglove:

    The news about the album and, most of all, about new gigs made me super happy and super excited! Can't wait!! :mikadas: ...I hope he can be able to survive too! :mikasweat::mikacool:

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