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Status Updates posted by Galy

  1. BUON NATALEE :huglove::newyear:








  3. Thank you for the card, it's lovely:huglove: Wishing you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and happy holidays!



  4. Ahah sì, dai speriamo! Lo scientifico mi ha sempre intrigato, ok, tutto tranne la matematica, ma chimica e fisica sì. No, sono in quarta :( per colpa di quell'anno studio all'estero non volevano chiamare tutti i professori per farmi l'esame e son venuti fuori con una scusa facendomi perdere un anno D:

  5. Ahah, I know xD I may teach you one day :mf_rosetinted:

  6. Appunto, anche perchè se non fossi maggiorenne me lo sognerei un concerto a Padova (o quello dei Tenacious D domani sera a Milano). Sìsì, un tempo c'ero. Ero (flowerpower), tu che nick hai?:D

  7. Aww, lucky you :wub2: hope you'll have fun, but I know you'll do for sure

  8. Ce le siamo inviate tra utenti del forum (: è stato bellissimo ricevere un sacco di cards da tutto il mondo :naughty:

  9. Ciao e benvenuta :huglove: per la questione delle cartoline ormai è tardi per inviarle per posta. Le abbiamo mandate affinchè arrivino a Natale o Capodanno ma a questo punto non faranno più in tempo entro il 31. Se ancora vorrai partecipare l'anno prossimo :naughty:

  10. Ciao, molto piacere Marina e grazie per il link! Sono di Verona, tu?:)

  11. Don't worry :huglove: at least he was on TV, so even if not that much, he got some promotion of himself.. I just don't see the point of inviting Mika at that show, I read on twitter that they haven't even let him present TOOL while other artists had the possibility? Everyone is saying that it was useless and a waste of his time, but what happened exactly? He sang a mash up of 3 songs and that's all?

  12. Dovevano fare così anche a me, ma visto che in quell'anno non ho studiato tedesco mi hanno detto che non sarei riuscita a farmi il programma di tutto l'anno in 3 mesi e l'hanno fatta finita lì, ma vabbe', ormai è passato. Eeeh, spero ne faccia qualcuno a inizio settembre almeno se voglio andare a lavorare avrò lo stesso la possibilità di vederlo:D

  13. E vedo che hai compito gli anni il 22 mentre io il 24 settembre, che soddisfazione aver compiuto 18 anni! Io sono di Verona :)

  14. Fine, thanks. I was preparing the dough for some muffins, visited your profile and saw all those Mika photos and the process took me almost one hour because Mika was making me distract from what I had to do lol

    So this is what your wall do to some poor and naive visitors like me :shun:



  15. Grazie a te! Pensa che io ero convinta di averti già aggiunta, che testa :fisch:

  16. Grazie mille! Ah capisco, be' dai, per i Muse ne vale la pena:D Faccio un corrispondente lingue estere con indirizzo marketing, tu?

  17. Hey :huglove: how are you?

  18. Hi dear, how's going?

    Yeah, but I really wanted to go to Belgium this year and this could be the perfect occasion xD I can't do the Bourges one because I'll be in Berlin with school the week before and my parent won't let me go abroad again, and not sure about the one in Marseille because it's with David Guetta. I mean, I'd love to go to see Mika, not David Guetta and Then only 3 Mika songs (I don't know how it's supposed to be a festival like this, though). Really can't choose between of those 2, all depending if we'll have more India about them). Are you planning to go at one of those gigs or wait for him to go to Spain?:)

  19. I don't know that, I meant that I wouldn't like to go there if we will see him performing for example 3 songs or so. Obviously he won't sing only 3 but I'd linke to know more about the festival. Never been on one thought, so you probably know a looot more about how it all works :naughty:

  20. I knew you wanted to do that, I can read your mind :mf_rosetinted:

  21. I know, but maybe we can enjoy every gig more and feel them as really special ones because we see him rarely :huglove:

    Like when you love going to a theme park once in a while and you enjoy it a lot. But if you go there 3 days in a row it's not that special anymore. Obviously a Mika gig is special everytime but maybe seeing him only once in a while make us appreciate him more, even if we have that post Mika depression after it :rolls_eyes:

  22. I know, that's the other side of Mika's effect :tears: if at least he could do some other festivals all around Europe! (okay, he came in Italy 3 times last month, but three times in a row and then no more Mika for so long..)

    How many times have you seen him during this European tour?

  23. I saw him only twice, and one wasn't even a gig :sad:

    You can think that there are some people more unlucky thank us, who haven't seen him at all this year (thinking that doesn't help me at all thought, but still.. :fisch: )

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