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Posts posted by mikafollower

  1. Hi dear Mika! I just wanna say how Happy i am with everything that's going on with You now! I am so proud to be you Fan!

    You are always more and more amazing and i cannot wait to see you on X factor!

    You where wonderful in Japan and you gave so much to them and they where so happy and i love the new song *Live your life* Its a beautiful Sunshine song as i like to call those songs! A song that makes you so happy as soon as you ear it!

    I wanna thank you for everything you do for us, the Fans! I cannot wait to see you again in Canada and i know it will be a long time before you come back, but i am so happy for you, i will wait as long as it takes!

    Continue to live your dreams and to share them with us!

    Love you and always will! Lise! :wink2:

  2. :blush-anim-cl: Hi dear Mika! I have been following you since 2007 and you are truly amazing! I have listen to a lot of Artist in my life and went to a lot of live shows, even Queen, cause i am 50 years old and in the 80s and 90s Rock was a big part of the music scene and i am a Rock Chick so i love it! But when i discovered you, you change my whole perspective on music!

    The first song i heard from You was Love today and after Grace Kelly and when i saw the videos i was like...This Man is pure Genius and i loved you right away!

    You have a way to write songs like no one else can and never will! Sing like no one else can! Write music and arrange it like no one else can and Perform like a God!

    When you are on stage you own the crowd and they eat in your hands! You are just Beautiful and Magical to watch and listen to!

    You have change so many life without even knowing it and you have surely made mine better with your songs and voice!

    You make me feel better when i am down and it always work!

    I love the fact that you are and stay Yourself and never wanted to be like anyone else and be true to Yourself! You don't need to change for anybody, you are just perfect the way you are!

    Hope you will be with us for a long long time and make us Dream for another 30 years!

    Love you Mika for what you are and what you do to people and all i want is to make you happy by following you for the rest of my life and loving you music and what you do! You never seize to amaze me Angel! :sneaky2:

  3. Just for fun, and because it has been a while since we've done this, I added a few new smilies -- deleted a couple that I've never seen anyone use, too.


    So take a look around and see if you can spot them. I'll give you one to start off with :mika3:




    Thanks Debbie! I sure love the new Smilies! Have a great day! :thumb_yello:

  4. This was BY FAR my favorite Mika concert in Montreal :swoon:


    his voice was just magnificient!


    I arrived at the venue around 13h30 & there was already about 20 to 30 people in line. Then barely anyone arrived for another hour. But by 18h00, the line was so long!


    It was very cold though, the wind was a killer! Thank god there was a Starbucks and other little restaurants really close by.


    The security at the venue were kinda poopoo... they separated the line in 2, so that we didnt block the entrance of a restaurant & some kind of store with over priced chairs for sale:naughty:


    Once, in the venue, i ended up 3rd row center, i had a great view just the same & it didn't stop me from having fun at all. Mika was often infront of me.


    I can't remember the set list at all :naughty: We didn't get Hiya Leah or Century Man, but we did get a new song in french. He didn't say the name of it, but "Ma jeunesse" would make sense. It's a very soft and tender balad


    It's the first time we get a new song and what a priviledge it was. He mentioned something about writing it while travelling, parts of it over the phone with Doriand.


    I can honestly say that Mika had the crowd eating out of his hand.

    At one point (close to the end), the crowd was screaming so loud, that Mika and the band had to remove their ear pieces :aah:


    From memory (and believe me, that's dangerous) he played (no particular order)


    Grace Kelly

    Toy Boy


    Elle me dit


    Origin of Love



    Only Love you when i'm drunk

    "ma jeunesse" (new french song)

    Love Today

    Stuck in the Middle

    Over my Shoulder



    Happy Ending (oh and that was so nice!)



    He stood infront of where i was when he sang Stardust & his voice was just out of this world :swoon: i loved it!


    When he sang Rain, he forgot the 2nd paragraph and went to a few MFCers (maybe Roxy) for help... and nobody could help him! :lmfao: some lady handed him her cell with the words for Rain & he used it to continue singing :naughty:


    I didn't wait for him after the concert... i twisted my ankle last week & my pain medication was not working anymore. Apparently he came out not too long after we left, there was a large crowd waiting (100 or so) He spoke to a few people and left quickly


    This concert reminded me of why i am a Mika fan, it was out of this world!



    Hi Guylaine! I really like your review and it was amazing for me to! I will never forget that night! I was right in the front with Mika facing me when he was sitting at the piano and it was amazing! Love this new song he did *Ma Jeunesse* Its really beautiful and touching! Have a great day! :thumb_yello:

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