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little FiFi

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Posts posted by little FiFi

  1. 好啊,你好啊,哈哈,想不到今天在mfc可以看见两个中国fans的身影喔,太激动了!!!:mikalove:唉,最近到mfc来的中国fans实在太少了,连chinese thread都变得很冷清:tears:



  2. Hello!!!Hey,welcome to MFC!!!:wink2:哈哈,终于再次有新的中国面孔出现在MFC了,欢迎你啊Jessica,我也是来自中国的,你可以叫我“东东”,如果你在MFC里有什么问题的话可以留言给我或者PM我的。这里是我们中国歌迷在MFC的讨论区:wink2:http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13841 有空的话可以来这里与其他中国的mika粉丝聊天的。 这里的连接是有关MFC的介绍 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/sh...7&postcount=65




  3. Mika hasn`t announced any dates of his British concerts, so we have no idea so far((. But surely you won`t miss that info when it appears on his Facebook page.


    Yes, I totally agree he needs a UK tour to bring his fame back there. Britain seems to forget him. A tour + star collaboration + 4th album = :wub2:



  4. it is after reading more than twenty “introductions” did i have the courage to start mine, and i’m still nervous about making mistakes in grammar or punctuation with using google's language translation service a lot. I feel so guilty about my english.


    Hi everyone, you call me tungs, for i don’t even have an english name. My friends all call me tungs, or 糖子,whatever; they sound the same. I first heard of mika about five years ago. I was watching a talk show or something with my sister and i was like” wow look at that boy! His voice is so tender so fresh”; then i fell for him.

    I heard of mfc for a long time but, i’m always diffident about my english. Otherwise, i’m kind of afraid to contact with strangers. My sister (she’s a little angel) encouraged me:” no one is going to laugh at you, who cares!” well it didn’t sound like encouragement but it did inspire me. That’s why i’m here.


    Uh-oh, i’m really a chatterbox when nervous.

    Hope to find more friends here.:blush-anim-cl:


    P.s. Tomorrow is dragon boat festival; i know you guys don’t celebrate it but still i want to say happy holidays!



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