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Posts posted by Teresa

  1. Ok. But who is Mika? Il Buono, il Brutto o il Cattivo? The Good the Bad or The Ugly?? :lmfao:




    I just had to add my (useless) post, just to say how much I love this movie... Well, pretty much all of the spaghetti western (and their genius soundtracks by Morricone of course)!

    I remember when I was a kid I even asked my granma to sew me Clint Eastwood's poncho in 'a few dollars more' and I dressed up as him for carnival XD

  2. What I find bizarre and somehow uncomfortable for me as a fan is not the fact that the official page wants to 'promote' his looks, but the way they decide to do it: sometimes I have the feeling that the people who run the page are 14 years old fans, or, what it worse, they are adults trying to think like a 14 yo girl, in order to give people what they think they want.


    And since a lot of Mika fans like many of us have no time and have no interest at all in participating in such a page, where every critical sense is left on a side, it happens that in my eyes it has become a sterile and kinda self indulgent mechanism in which the page posts pics of a Mika that is completely separated from the musician or even Mika as a person, he is just exposed as something to be 'liked' or commented as 'hot': these are posts that don't require any application of critical sense, therefore it is normal that they only get those responses.


    Mika is a witty person, he is objectively good looking, and I am not saying it is wrong to point that out, esp for younger fans that have a crush on him, that is pretty normal: but from his official page I expected a way of running it that is coherent with Mika's personality, not such a childish and (for me) embarrassing way; I mean, there are thousands of witty, funny ways even to point out someone's good looks.

    As Christine said in other ways it looks to me like a 'panem et circenses' politics, which I personally find rather sad. I hope something changes with the new album :)

  3. I think it is great that Mika's appearances on these shows is sparking some people's interest and making them listen to his music and find in-depth interviews where he talks about himself and they get to know him. I just don't believe there is anything that is actually happening on these shows that would make someone think he is a genius or an extremely sensitive or deep human being.


    So some people are going to discover the "real" Mika by watching tons of videos and listening to his music, and attending his gigs, etc. and others are just going to see him on TV and think he's hot. I would think this would be a particular issue in Italy with young fans who don't really understand French and English so they are not much exposed to Mika's backstory since he never spoke Italian until recently.


    And I still can't imagine what existing fans get out of these shows except looking at Mika's pretty face and awing over his silly antics. I am not talking about the tiny minority who are able to attend the tapings but the rest of us who are only seeing the end result.


    As far as I am concerned (but this is a personal perspective and I think it is different for everyone) I enjoyed seeing him working for once somehow in the 'musical backstage', if you know what I mean.

    I didn't watch the voice because my French is very poor and because I am not so keen on the format, so I am basing myself on the last season of XF.

    I enjoyed watching his human approach to the contestants, but more that that I enjoyed listening to his opinions, not because they were his of because his face was pretty, but because I found them intelligent and appropriate (even if I didn't always agree with him).

    I also enjoyed discovering what songs he had chosen and why he had chosen them, and I enjoyed how he really made an effort to develop his girls' musical personalities: sometimes I agreed with him sometimes I didn't, yet I was entertained by it.

    I would never call him a genius after a season of XF (I wouldn't call ANYBODY a genius for a tv programme btw XD) and I get your point, but I have to admit that he really emerged as a smart man and artist with a well defined personality. That's why I got interested in him in the first place :)

  4. I can't agree :fisch: but i really think that on this topic there can be many different points of view....

    The point, IMO, is that in television, Mika can talk. :thumb_yello: He can take the time (in the show and in the related interviews) to tell his story: who he is, what he thinks, what he likes to do. For me it is a very important thing to get, especially for the kind of artist that Mika is....because they were his words, his way of behaving, his humility, his sensitivity that have opened the door to his music.

    I know, they are only tv show. But they are long shows, it is impossibile to pretend all the time. Something of true comes out. His pretty face, in my opinion, has nothing to do with this. It was not his pretty face to win over new audiences, it was what the audiences saw behind it. Almost nobody knew him, a part from a few old songs, there was nothing to project on him. :dunno:


    And i don't even think that it is his pretty face to retain the old fans: they have simply recognized on tv those elements of his personality that they have already known. The pretty face, all alone, is not enough. There are around so many pretty faces, even more pretty than his, with "the empty" around and inside. I really think that "the pretty face", at the end, is never the point. But this is only my opinion. :wub2:


    I think we share the same experience, Marta. For me the 'turning point' was Mika being a guest judge at XF Italy two years ago, when he was promoting tool and sang underwater, and they asked him to be a guest judge for a manche.

    I was really impressed because each of his 'judgements' was very straight-to-the-point and extremely appropriate, and I also loved the fact that he said what he thought, also negative stuff about the performances, despite him being only a guest judge and being the semifinal of the show.

    That is when my perspective changed, I only knew Mika as the 'curly and colored guy who used to sing in falsetto about lollipops', and in that moment I really got curious and started searching for what he had been doing in those years that I had missed.

    That's how I fell in love with his music (strangely I never had a 'crush moment', I've always been very rational about it), but for me what really intrigued me was how his personality showed through his music, and I have to say that hadn't been for his appearance at XF I never would have had the interest in checking what he was doing, I would have stuck to the image of the curly boy singing in falsetto. And I would have missed a LOT :)

  5. The debate is complex and very interesting especially for a beginner like me. :blush-anim-cl:

    I try to give you another point of view, the view of who was not there... but now there is. :teehee:

    This is what I see, understand and think at this moment:


    1. Mika is a true artist . And he is able to do many things well .

    I can't see him compressed in the neverending mechanism album / promotion / tour / album / promotion / tour / . In this sense , I DO NOT see him suited to play the role of "international pop artist "

    I don't care very much what was before, a little bit because I was not there, :teehee: a little bit because I live in the present. The combination of favorable conditions that have led him to success are difficult to repeat and trying to reproduce the same scheme would be a suicide for me . The music industry has changed, Mika has changed. I don't see him jumping on stage like a madman all over the world up to 40 and 50 years old . Nor he seems willing to become a puppet, churning out albums. If he wants a long and challenging career, he must change course, look for a different audience, change his image (a difficult task for anyone who has a public image). His image is too closely tied , in my opinion , to the "commercial pop" , an idea of music that keep him in a box too small. And this condition, prevents him to comunicate to the public his wonderful world of art . A lot of people , distracted by a thousand things, do not get anything except for his festive image and catchy melodies . Too many people have never even caught a glimpse of his artistic depth . There is something that does not work. What I see now is a man who has a desire to change , to try, to do different things.

    2 . In OOL there are many beautiful songs , some of theme are really wonderful . But there are too many wrong arrangements , a forced dance style , which does not fit at all in the style of Mika , I think much more elegant and refined. The first thing I thought listening to the album ( just a few months ago!) is that all those "disco sounds" had nothing to do with the Mika who I was experiencing. This guy has to make peace with himself and find the "right machine" to express what now, at 30 yers old, has to say.

    3 . The promotion of OOL was a disaster , it ruined an album with a lot of potential and compromised the career of a talented artist. Whatever choice he takes away from that scheme , including making XF in Burkina Faso , it will be better than that strategy .

    4 . Changing scheme often means also changing the starting point.

    Much better than banging your head against the same wall.

    Re-starting from a " comfort zone " , such as France or Italy , can give him a warm and thick blanket, able to help him in more hostile lands (professionally speaking :teehee:), such as England or America. Step by step you can go far...


    For all these reasons, it seems to me that the choices of Mika, for now, are fairly consistent with a general strategy of chaniging and repositioning on the musical market. We will se. :mf_rosetinted:


    Yes, this is 100% also my perspective on the subject. :)

  6. Agree with Marta. As I wrote elsewhere, Fedez's music is-euphemistically speaking- indeed very far from my tastes. But somehow I have a positive vibe about him, because I like the fact that he is aware that he is a part of a musical-discographical and -why not- televisive system, and unlike many of his colleagues, especially rappers, who have built their whole carrier on going against a system they are 100% a part of, he 'doesn't spit in the plate where he eats' (an Italian expression, but you get what I mean.) In other words, I like that he does not have prejudice about musical genres and that he seems to be quite open-minded. My only worry is about the musical quality of his presence, if he can be a proper judge with linguistic and musical skills, but we have to wait to see. In the meantime I feel like trusting him, time will say if I am wrong :)

  7. I was coming to write exactly what you did, especially the last part. You can't make music like you bake a cake or repair a car. It takes time and inspiration.


    I don't necessary agree with the "getting cheap" part but I see your point. Personally, I think XF brought Mika far more than just easy money. Seeing him watching clips last night with eyes almost filled with tears makes me believe it. And if companies want Mika in an ad, that's because they think he has values and will bring them attention.


    But that just me, always seeing the glass half full:blush-anim-cl:


    I completely share your perspective :)


    Ps: and kudos to Marta, that translation is HUGE, I know how much time it takes, so thanks for doing it, so everyone can understand!

  8. As I was saying on twitter, what really was special about his meeting with Dario Fo to me was the fact that there is absolutely no need to know anything about both Mika and Dario Fo, one can ignore who their are, the value of Fo's work, can even think he's just a funny old man, but one can't ignore the fact that these two people have something in their eyes- call it intelligence, art, youth, whatever- it's a spark that very few people have, and for me that spark is what truly establishes a link between these two, both as persons and as artists.

  9. Christine, I am really sorry that you took it personally, and it is partly due to my wrong choice of words. First of all, my post about the moulding of the contestants was an answer not to your post but to what Ingrid had written a few posts ago, and we discussed it furthermore in the following posts, where I said that I had no problem accepting your criticism of the 'clownish' side of the show. That was just a misunderstanding because I always forget to write who I am actually writing to, my fault. XD And, more important, I never meant to call you ignorant, I have realized I chose a too harsh word to express a simple concept, I basically wanted to say that you have no full knowledge of the XF 'situation', it might have come off as offensive, and I am sorry about it. And, as I said a million times before, I am not denying anyone the right to say anything, or trying to state my opinions as an universal truth, I was just poiting out something. Sorry if I came across in the wrong way. Anyway, I agree to end this conversation, nothing will add anything, I just wanted to make some of my previous words clear. :)

  10. But is your view on these things also not subjective Teresa? How do you know how much of the show I have seen? Basically dismissing my opinion as false and yours as valid troubles me because yes you may think the contestants were great and unique but I do not. Yours is as much an opinion as mine.


    But I don't care. No matter how much you keep saying we are wrong, I won't change my mind about Xfactor. You obviously are a fan of the show so you will keep your positive opinion about it. That is fine. I prefer the Voice times a million and if he would choose to do a second season of any of these two shows, it's the Voice. But I hope neither in favour of new music.


    Of course it is subjective, Ingrid, but I was not referring to liking a programme or the other, that's absolutely normal and legit, I was referring to saying things like 'XF moulds the contestants in something else'. That is not an opinion anymore, it is something that does not reflect reality, at least for the Italian one. It's not that I am a fan of the show, I have enough critical sense to see both the good sides and the bad sides, and one of the good sides about it (I repeat, I am talking about the Italian one) is the fact that the contestant's personality is not moulded into a commercial product. Do not get me wrong, I totally accept and even understand the other criticisms, it might have been too eccentric, you might have not liked anyone of the contestants, it might have been boring or whatever, but you can't say that the contestants' personalities were changed in order to sell, if you have actually watched it. I can even accept the definition of a 'freak show' or a circus if we are talking about the appearance of the show, about Morgan's costumes and about Elio's wigs, but that applies only for the external side of it. The judgements, the song choices, the rehearsals, etc are not a circus, that is objective, not anymore subjective. That's why I was saying it is important to know it before judging, and I am absolutely NOT blaming you for not having watched it (I assumed you haven't watched it simply because you made your point quite clear that you weren't going to watch any talent show since you were not interested; btw I am not going to follow the voice either properly because of the language barrier)I am just saying that some negative judgements that fully apply to the concept of XF as a programme do not apply for this particular programme. And believe me I am not saying this for nationalism or whatever. It is just an objective thing, that anyone who has followed the show can confirm. That does absolutely not mean that IXF is the greatest show or that it is the enchanted valley of music, it is far from that, but there are some undeniable good sides. I am not trying to change anyone's mind or to impose my opinions, I just wanted to point out that some things that are valid for the concept itself are not valid for this particular case, that's all. Sorry if it came out wrong :) now I will stop it because I'm getting off-topic, after all this is the voice thread! ;)

  11. Oh, jesus, I didn't want to cause an issue. I was not saying AT ALL that Xf is better than the voice, I was just getting tired of people using XF as the negative pole when, as a matter of fact, it isn't.

    OF COURSE everyone is entitled to express their own opinion, what I was complaining about is the fact that often these opinions are not based on real facts, but only on a subjective perspective, based on an undeniable very poor knowledge of the issue.

    What I was basically trying to say is that before judging something I have to at least know that something. I don't think it is such an out-of-the-world thing to say, and I certainly didn't even attempt to give a judgement about the voice.

    Saying Italian XF is the same as the others because they mould the contestants into something that they are not is not an opinion, it is a false thing, deriving from ignorance about the issue. Everyone here who has properly watched XF, people who even were skeptical at the beginning- DerMoment, krysady, Nina and the others- I am sure no one of these people will say that XF tried to change the contestants.

    I mean, take the Ape Escape, they are the furthest thing from a pop star, yet, for their talent and for basically being themselves (which includes old and ugly), they reached the final and they even cowrote their own final song. Take Violetta, whom I didn't even like, she could have easily been transformed into a wannabe teen idol, but she wasn't, she remained the girl with the ukulele and she tried to filter every song through her personality. Take Michele, the winner, who has a pretty face and a pleasant voice that could easily give him success among the teens; he managed to stick to his personality, his ability to mean the things he sings, his 'old Italian songwriter vibe', which is very far from what young Italian girls generally listen to now: he basically remained himself. And that's why people liked him so much, because he showed his own personality in his singing. And his final song is perfectly in line with his path during the programme.

    And I am sure everyone who has watched it will confirm that no one was even remotely humiliated (please do not come up with the willy thing because it really was a 1 minute of hysteria by Mika because of the linguistic accident, not because of the girls themselves).

    And about 'the calibre' of the contestants, that is very very subjective, one can't only state that 'they are better'. Someone like Michele might not appeal to you, but for example he does to me, I find a depth and honesty is his singing that is very rare. But you can't just say 'the voice contestants are better', because, written like this, you state as a fact something that is just your own opinion, that therefore is not shared by everyone-me included.

    And about the judges, I see nothing bad about not taking themselves too seriously, as long as their work and their approach IS serious- and it was.

    That's all, I certainly didn't want to create the dualism the voice-XF, I just wanted to show that there is actually no dualism, but maybe I didn't get my point across, so I explained it again.

  12. Ok, I don't even remotely want to start the same old argoment again, but I just wanted to say that it is kinda getting on my nerves that people (not everyone of course), in order to say they enjoyed this programme, compare it to X Factor, calling it a 'freak show', calling the judges (the Italian ones at least) clowns and calling all the contestants talentless. Thing is, if people who say these things had actually watched XF -and when I say watch I don't mean having watched that stupid willy clip on YouTube, but all the episodes, all the dailys, all the rehearsals, all the journeys the contestants and the judges went through - well, if they had properly watched it I would have no problem with it. But it gets on my nerves that people who have only watched a few minutes of it feel like they have the means to judge it all. I never judge something I do not fully know, otherwise I'd judge it out of prejudice. That's just something I needed to point out, that's all.


    About the concept of the format, I have to say I find it quite cruel and nonsensical, I mean, these people are singing, are looking for a life-changing opportunity through music, and they have to sing to chairs!? Seriously? With the fear not to be chosen? It just feels like a superfluous dramatization of the situation for me. If I'm auditioning for whatever at least I want to see the people that judge me in the eyes. And also, what people praise about it (at least here in Italy about the Italian edition, which is really horrible) is that you don't judge a singer by his looks. That's true, and in some ways right, but in a pop artist I am not looking for 'the voice' , otherwise I'd go listening to Maria Callas, I am looking for emotions, for interpreting skills, for, basically, a personality, and a personality is linked to the person, to how he/she is (not pleasant or not pleasant, but just 'him/her') the charisma, to the way he/she is onstage.


    These are maybe 'overthoughts' about the whole concept, but having said these things, if I watch it without hyper analyzing something that is not meant to be analyzed, but only enjoyed as a show, it is indeed an enjoyable show! Unfortunately I don't have much time to follow it properly and my French is near the zero level XD but from the few clips I saw it really is enjoyable, the judges seem nice and well, Mika is being Mika :), and I'm very happy that French people will appreciate him even more after this (btw, 11 millions of audience is a HUGE number!! I hadn't realized it was so popular in France!). So that's all I wanted to say, sorry if I wrote too much XD

  13. Christine, I have a problem with that.


    And actually it was one of the main reasons why I started watching XF. I needed to know if Mika had stopped being himself because of dumping his main principles. Not changing artistically for anybody and doing what you want as an artist is one of the things I admire about him.


    And if he would have betrayed these principles because of him being part of pressing people into a shape, than I could not have been longer a fan in the way I was before.


    So I started watching, with the millions of different opinions going from "worst thing on earth" to "best thing on earth" with all shadows inbetween, from Mika himself and all the people taking part in the discussions, I just had to see it with my own eyes.


    And what I saw wasn't that bad. Mika was just Mika there like we "know" him, being witty, having interesting thoughts, telling his own opinion after the performances.


    And he did choose three girls that where unique in their own way, all having their style. And all being able to retain their own style over the show, with Mika choosing songs fitting for them and Mika working hard with them (sometimes very hard, probably wasn't easy for them all the time) with the intention to improve what is in them, not to change them into something different. Sometimes even "fighting" to get there uniqueness out again (For some reason Gaia, a person and singer with very own nonconformist personality, was "selfblocking" herself after the first episode, until she found herself again in later stages.)


    And as a coach Morgan convinced me very much. He may look strange with his costumes while sitting on the table, but I think he is very sensible when working as coach with his contestants regarding "getting" what is the special thing about a singer and to make the singer show it.


    He for sure did a great job with Michele, the winner. And Michele has won exactly because he is Michele. Not because he was pressed into being somebody else. Than he probably would have never won, because being Michele is just what is his strong point. Because he has a special voice, because he made the songs his own with interpretating them in a way where he gave them much meaning.


    I don't know what will happen now with him and how his album will be. I hope not purple, than I would be very pissed. But at the shows he wasn't painted purple for sure and the EP is not a purple disc either.


    I don't want to say with all of this that XF Italy is the Holy Grail of music or something like that, it's not. It has its borders, one of them simply because of its format of being a casting show, with the concept of people being "only" interpreters, no "full" artists who are writing own songs and singing them. And XF has even some more borders than some other casting shows because you aren't allowed to sing your own songs or play instruments and there is most of the time no live band, like it's possible in other Casting Shows. And I think it's strange that the Judges are deciding the songs.


    But inbetween these borders you can work against the personality of the contestants or with the personality of the contestants (and make "kachinga" because having viewers and CD buyers because you are molding the contestants into something that is sellable or because leaving them how they are and make money because of that). And the intention of the Judges seemed the second thing for me (talking about Morgan, Mika & Elio, Simona is more complicated, but that would go to far now).


    And with a short part of what Mika was saying to Michele after one of his performances I want to end now.




    "Voglio dire una cosa molto importante, una cosa molto molto molto importante. Noi possiamo solamente lavorare con te mentre che siamo insieme in questo studio mentre che facciamo X-Facto, dopo, voglio dire una cosa che tu non devi dimenticare mai: tu non devi cambiare con la pressione della compagnia discografica, tu devi rimanere lo stesso. Questo è la cosa la più importante perché veramente abbiamo bisogno, in questo momento in Italia, ma anche in tutte le parte del mondo, abbiamo bisogno dei ragazzi come te. Ragazzi originali, interessanti, alternativi, ma a stesso tempo molto pop, questo è la cosa che mi piace di più in un ragazzo che canta la musica pop, questo tu l'ai, ma tu non devi cambiare questa cosa!"


    "I want to say a very important thing, a very very very important thing. We can only work with you while we are together in this studio, while we are doing X-Factor, after [=for the time after XF] I want to say something that you must not* forget ever: you must not change under the pressure of the record label, you have to stay the same. This is the most important thing because we really need, in this moment in Italia, but also in all parts of the world, we need guys like you. Guys who are original, interesting, alternative, but at the same time very pop, this is the thing that I like the most in someone who sings pop music, you have this, but you must not change this! "


    *as I'm confusing this all the time, with "must" and "must not", "must not" meant as "not allowed".

    My point exactly, what I had tried to explain at the very beginning of his adventure, and I'm very happy that people like you, or Nina, or others who now I don't recall, who at the beginning weren't 'sided' and wanted to watch it and then decide for themselves, found it at least an interesting experience, not only as Mika fans.


    About Michele, you know how much I agree with you. And pretty much the same things Morgan said were said by Mika himself to him, he basically told him no to let others change him into something he is not.


    And another thing, in Italy we have this tradition (Morgan and Simona started it) that the semi finalists are allowed to sing an 'inedito', that is an original song that will become their first single. Sometimes the contestants write them by themselves and sometimes they get songs written for them, for example by more famous artists. And this year in particular the songs certainly are not masterpieces of music history, but the songs all fit with the contestant's personalities and musical path during the show. Michele's song is certainly not a wow-song (and he certainly is not a wow-singer), but it shows the peculiarity of Michele's style, that is the ability to convey and tell a story, to feel every word he sings.


    That's why, just like you said, I was happy with how it all turned out.


    This were just a few thoughts to support what DerMoment said, I've already said what I'd think about a new season, but I felt these thoughts were necessary :)

  14. Could someone please translate the lyrics for Michele's song La Vita E La Felicita? I understand only some parts :huh: Here's the lyrics:



    Domani non mi sentirai partire

    Amarti non è mica così strano

    Io ho un nome senza via

    Per distrarre la mia voglia di tornare

    Perché non sarai lì

    In questa casa che decise che ci sapevamo amare

    Con la vecchia foto dei miei genitori sull’altare

    Con la voglia di restare anche se non ti sai spiegare

    Cosa manca a questo amore

    E l’estate che non passerà

    Si troverà una soluzione

    La vita e la felicità

    Nessuna via

    Nessuna convinzione

    Qui mi troverai

    Qualunque volta vorrai rivedermi

    Qui a sognare se vorrai tornare

    Io rimango qua

    Perché sei così piccola che quasi

    Potrei tenerti dentro ad una mano

    Però sei anche un gigante

    E non ti accorgi che io sono sotto il suo passato

    E se mi mancherai

    Proverò a non affidarti alle foto in cui ridiamo

    Senza avere niente al mondo

    In fondo il mondo lo avevamo

    Resto ancora sveglio ad aspettarti che son quasi a casa

    Ho nuove storie da ascoltare

    E l’estate che non passerà

    Si troverà una soluzione

    La vita e la felicità

    Nessuna via

    Nessuna convinzione

    Qui mi troverai

    Qualunque volta vorrai rivedermi

    Qui a sognare se vorrai tornare

    Io rimango qua

    E non stupirti degli errori che è normale aver paura

    E ricorda che ci siamo stati sempre fino ad ora

    Se mi aspetterai ti aspetterò

    e vivremo ancora per poi dimenticare tutto il male in un

    Ciao amore


    E l’estate che non passerà

    Si troverà una soluzione

    La vita e la felicità

    Nessuna via

    Nessuna convinzione

    Qui mi troverai

    Qualunque volta vorrai rivedermi

    Qui a sognare se vorrai tornare

    Io rimango qua


    E qui a sognare mi ritroverai

    sotto il tuo passato


    Quick translation :) for me this is one of those songs whose music does not make sense without the lyrics and whose lyrics lose everything without music ;) enjoy!



    Tomorrow you won't hear me going

    Loving you is not that strange

    I have a name without a way

    To distract my desire to come back


    Because you won't be there

    In this house that decided that we knew how to love each other

    With the old pic of my parents on the altar


    With the desire to stay

    Even if you can't figure out

    What this love lacks



    And the summer that won't pass

    We'll find a solution

    Life and happiness

    No way

    No conviction

    Here you will find me

    Everytime you want to see me again

    Here dreaming, if you want to come back

    I'll remain here.


    Because you are so small that I could hold you in a hand

    But you're also a giant

    And you don't realize I am under your past

    And if I miss you


    I'll try not to consign you to the pics where we laugh

    Without having anything in the world

    After all the world, we had it

    I remain still waken to wait for you

    I'm almost home

    I have new stories to listen to


    REFRAIN (the summer...)


    And don't be surprised because of the mistakes 'cause it's normal to be afraid

    And remember we have always stood until now

    If you wait for me I'll wait for you

    And we'll live again, and then forget all the the aching (/bad things) in a 'ciao amore'





    And you'll find me here dreaming

    Under your past

  15. So everything is totally open. Can you remember what time the news were officially announced last year?


    Mika was the first official one, and so was Simona. Elio and Morgan were confirmed not long before the auditions began... I remember because I was desperately hoping Morgan would be there, while all the press was changing news everyday. My advice is not to rely on these online magazines and blogs that don't quote and don't give facts ;)

  16. If someone is interested I saw this on twitter :wink2:



    Marco Mengoni nuovo giudice di XFactor 8 - Elio e Mika abbandonano il talent





    That news is unreliable ;) actually, I think all the judges will change next year: Morgan only stayed this year because of Mika, Elio was begged and begged and only signed the contract a few days before the auditions, and Simona always said she is not doing it if Morgan is not there. Marco Mengoni's name was just an assumption from the media, simply because he starred as a guest judge. But I've read a few interviews and he says this year he's making a new album and a new tour. :)

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