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fire and ice 16

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Posts posted by fire and ice 16

  1. hi everybody


    i am a new addition to the MFC. and Kick-ass is my favorite song.

    so here goes my first proper post. :crossed:


    here is what i think of it, but i would really love to know what you guys think of it and my reading.


    he says we are young, strong but not cool. in all complexity of reverse psychology, declaring that you are not cool is a sure shot way to get people to know your weird quirks and label you as 'cool'. Irene Adler in 'Sherlock' says that geeky (the traditionally 'uncool') is the new "sexy". and by extension, therefore, the new cool.


    then Mika sings about how we are not cool and still free. portraying an image of cliched coolness all your life requires a lifelong enslavement to a lot of things- from a certain brand of clothes to the type of books you read or the kind of food you eat.


    not being cool also requires a dedication but to the opposite. not reading those books, not eating that type of food, it is a different kind of enslavement. being weird is a piece of work. Lucifer did the exact opposite of what God did, and eventually lost his element of surprise. Bella will stop surprising Edward all together in some future sequel because she did the exact opposite of what he expected her to do.


    only a truly unpredictable person like Mika himself, or Alaska from John Greens' 'Looking for Alaska' can actually be free and cool, in the full sense of the words while not being cool in the cliched Hollywood sense.


    Mika, i think, is talking about that person. the unpredictable person, who does not give a ****, who can kick serious ass. but they are few and far apart. Mika is one, that new singer Lorde could be another, other examples can only be

    found in books.



    Does this make any sense to you?

    Please reply. i am really really excited, this is my first proper post. :excite::wait::wait:




  2. Hi everybody,

    i am from India. i found Mika (actually his first album) when i was re-organizing the old albums of my brother. i played it and i was hooked instantly. i have been listening to him ever since. i have also converted many of my non-believer friends into willing Mika fans. :mikalove:

    apart from listening to music, i read literature at university level.

    i really hope, as do my friends that Mika comes to India. but i guess, that'sa long way down the line.

    till then i need to be content with the internet.


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