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Posts posted by iluvumika

  1. So here we go again.....new music to listen to and to chat on and about!


    Mika himself says:

    MIKA official @mikasounds

    I'll be announcing details of my new single tomorrow! Stay tuned…


    MIKA official @mikasounds

    Inscrivez-vous et recevez en exclusivité demain à 9h la cover de mon nouveau single http://po.st/Mikacover


    Have you registered to discover the new cover tomorrow at 9 am?

    this is what Mika tweeted....what do you see in it?




    We are ready to discuss about EVERYTHING, as usual...Language, lyrics, translations, comments, etc etc.

    i see... a blonde girl in a park with trees and a mountain in the back... i really love the idea of the letters in the sky...:mikalove: but i don't know what to say about the red thingy...

  2. Almamegretta

    Simona Molinari

    James Senese e Napoli Centrale

    Giuliano Palma



    they are all italian singers of good level...and good musicians too ...they all make music of high quality...their names are known in Italy but they are not very very famous... except for Arisa who won the last Sanremo Festival...

    The star of the event is Mika, no doubts! :thumb_yello:



    i'm italian but i only know Giuliano Palma and Arisa (Mika too,of course:teehee:)...

  3. does anyone know who are the other artists? i only know that mika's gonna be the last to sing cause everyone comes for him not for the others, so if he were first everyone would go away after his performance and the other artists would n't have anyone seeing them!!:teehee:

  4. 10 aprile 2014

    Mika giudice di X Factor 2014




    Il 13 dicembre 2013, subito dopo la finale al Mediolanum Forum, avete iniziato a chiederci: “Ma Mika ci sarà anche l’anno prossimo?”. Vi abbiamo sempre risposto che a tempo debito l’avremmo comunicato… e a distanza di quattro mesi possiamo finalmente svelarvelo: Mika tornerà a sedersi al tavolo della giuria di X Factor!


    L’anno scorso Mika ha dimostrato di avere grande esperienza, sensibilità e voglia di mettersi in gioco. Ha imparato l’italiano in tempo record riuscendo a tenere testa agli altri giudici con le sue battute genuine e divertenti. Il suo bagaglio musicale ha portato una ventata di internazionalità allo show, facendo scoprire al pubblico canzoni appartenenti alla cultura di altri Paesi. L’avete visto cantare, ballare, arrabbiarsi e commuoversi. È stato un insegnante severo ma anche un fratello maggiore su cui contare. Cosa ci riserverà Mika quest’anno? Una cosa è certa: spacherà!


    Se volete iscriversi all’edizione 2014 di X Factor basta compilare il form a questo indirizzo o chiamare il numero 0423. 402300 se avete tra i 16 e i 18 anni.



    VK VIDEO link : http://vk.com/video232312753_168331271

    :groupwave:yes Yes YEs YES!!!!!!!:woot_jump:

  5. Hi! Welcome to MFC!! :huglove: What's your name? :)

    My name is Cristina, I'm 23 and I'm Italian too :wink2: I'm graduated since 2 months and half, and I just began to work as a teacher in kindergarten and primary school. I became a Mika's fan thanks to X Factor, where I discovered his sweetness, that made me feel curious about his music, and then I completely fell in love with him and his qualities as a great Artist :wub2:

    My biggest wish is met Mika and can talk with him even just 30 seconds :mikalove: but for now I would be really happy even to go at a concert of him :wub2:

    Hi!:thumb_yello: my name's Vittoria.

    I couldn't be able to speak to him for only 30 seconds! One day is the LEAST i could stay with him!:teehee:

  6. Welcome to MFC sweetie :wub2: , have a wonderful time here :huglove:

    My name is Anne , I'm a golding :shocked: (46 in which seven years of loving Mika since I fell in love with Grace Kelly video at first sight /hearing :wub2: )

    I'm French but I live in the west part by the ocean where it rains a lot and where Mika never gives gigs so I have to travel to see him.

    My biggest wish was to meet Mika and it happened after seven years and four gigs (uneasy to go to for family reasons but it's gotten better lately )

    And my second wish was to make him feel happy as a way to give him back a little bit of what his songs give me everyday :wub2: and I managed to talk with him for a minute and crack him up with the singing/dancing chicken I meant to offer him. He turned it down but he laughed so much I hope he remembers me next time we see each other since I'll bring my chicken :teehee: and my third wish is to see him soon again :mikalove: and the fourth would be to sing with him like you :wub2: I love singing Mika songs :wub2:

    PS: I'm Princess Anne Penniman on facebook :wink2:



    But 46 i am REALLY the smallest on MFC!:shocked:

    I hope to meet him soon ( you are so lucky you met him! how could you...:sneaky2:)!




    Good Gone Girl, Toy Boy and I See You lover:wub2:

  7. Hi i don't think that there's a thread like this... so i decided to start my first thread:thumb_yello:. I would like to know a little about the other mika fans:mika3:

    Now, to start the thread, i'm gonna tell about my self.

    I'm 10 years old.I'm italian :italia: and when i was 5 i went to Timor (near australia) and lived there for 3 years (that's why i speak english)! In 2012 i moved back to italy and that's when i first heard about mika and i fell in love with him:wub2:, but only this year i found this website!

    My greatest wish is to meet mika, have a good long talk and then sing with him!:teehee:

  8. hiiii everybody...i know Asaf Avidan i like his song "One day" and i like his singing:thumb_yello:. But he will never be better than...


    THE MARVELLOUS...MIKA:fangurl:


    :mikadas:N. 1 MIKA FAN in ITALY:mikadas:

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