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Posts posted by Mika'sfreak

  1. i dont mean to sound strange, and i dont know where else to post this, but does anyone know who the french (im assuming she's french) woman is that mika grabs and she dances and lays on the piano before sitting next to him on the chair? shes so beautiful and i was just wondering who she was as i thought i recognised her a little...

    thanks!  ;)

  2. I have so many to choose from!


    I love Grace Kelly - it's the first song of his that I heard, as I was around when he first started,

    Any Other World was the first song that I taught myself to play on the piano,

    Origin of Love because Mika is my origin  :wub:

    No Place In Heaven because at his gig I was so happy I burst into tears with this song :naughty:

    Underwater because of the lyrics and the music video, also because I forced my piano tutor to teach me this :thumb_yello:  

    We Are Golden because my favourite thing I own is a rare golden 7" vinyl with this song

    J'ai Pas Envie just because I absolutely love the beat and I find the lyrics to be extremely clever,

    Last Party because I spent absolutely aaaages trying to make sheet music for this gorgeous song,

    Happy Ending because it's so beautifully tragic and sad and it's my dad's favourite song as well...

    But the song that means the most to me is Good Guys, especially the chorus but the lyrics in general I feel a real connection to as I suffer from depression and and anxiety and this is the only song that'll get me out of my horrible moods and the only thing that calms me down  :)  :wub:


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  3. Hey guys! (again) :mikasweat:


    I have another video that I'm hoping you guys can source for me, it's obviously a french video (as it's on TF1) and he's speaking French. I don't know what it's from, but he's saying:


    "I didn’t know that we had to fall down!

    I was asking everyone around me: “What do we do?”

    “But you’re dead, you’re dead!”" 

    (In French of course  :)

    I would love it if you could help me find out what video this is from, thanks  :thumb_yello:

  4. Hey guys! I found a video on Twitter the other day with two guys hugging and singing 'Relax take it easy' (albeit not with fully correct lyrics) and I can't seem to find this video anywhere! There's a small logo-looking thing on the bottom right side but I can't read it due to the bad quality. :mellow:  I don't know if its french or english as the only clip is the two other men singing and mika watching in disgust and looking appalled  :naughty:  i have a couple of screen grabs from the clip if it'll help? I would really appreciate your help as it's been driving me crazy trying to find it! :dunno: Thanks!  :mikadas:

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