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Posts posted by marques

  1. I tried to be off-World-Cup. Impossible. This competition is just... catchy! If even the US pay(id) attention to it, that's undeniable it became the #CupOfAllCups as our government says (in Portuguese).


    Also... no one talks about anything else here. Even the protests ceased. Uh-mazin'.


    EMD is still in the top 100 french songs sold in Canada, 3 years after it has been out...


    These words from Catherine, in the "Boum Boum Boum" topic, brought the question to my mind - is "Elle Me Dit" a classic of the decade in the francophone world?


    As fans, we tend to look at everything in a brighter way, unconciously, leading us to regard our idol's work as masterpieces in any way (sorry if we have a wonderful taste but most of MIKA's is!), therefore we are unable to apprehend the general view on it.


    That said, no doubt there are particular pieces of his catalogue that become personal classics due to the memories attached to it or simply becayse of taste. It is cool to know, tho, that a song from a favourite artist of ours is remembered by everyone.


    As part of the general public, I had already heard of "Grace Kelly" as a remarkable song from 2007, given its refreshing effect on radio and for symbolising a big deal (an artist dealing with the company's restrictions). Also, it was damn popular.


    Now "Elle Me Dit" - I am not part of the french-speaking music market, but numbers say (and numbers don't lie) it was not only successful at its time, but keeps charting in medium positions and, say the fans, receives a lot of airplay.


    So you all who are part of the francophone sphere - is "Elle Me Dit" a classic of the decade in your countries?

  3. No, it's not the sex, it's the gay love + sex (he and his partner) that is a controversial topic.At least it is in my country, unfortunately.It can't be a mainstream or a commercial song.

    I don't remember right now how many songs are there by a openly gay singer about love and sex between a gay couple.Any of you know, by any chance?I'm curious.


    Maybe there are not that many in the mainstream sphere, but sometimes knowing the singer's sexuality does the job - I can't think of a woman when Rufus Wainwright sings "In Between My Legs" or Scissor Sisters performs "Any Which Way" :blink:


    Knowing of EMD's slow escalade to the top is quite comforting. Of course things have changed, it's a different time, but MIKA is the only contemporary artist I follow this close and, if a single nowadays doesn't necessarily debuts at its peak (or reaches it in no more than 2 weeks) like ABBA in the UK or The Mamas & the Papas in the US back in their heydays, I don't see a reason not to hope for a climb.

  4. Has there been any chart news? I'm sorry if I lost it over this thread. I searched for some info and I found this website:




    My French is poor, so is it correct that it debuted at #23 and dropped to #40 in its second week? Is this website reliable?


    Soun soun soun

    Soun soun


    *to the rythm* SOUN SOUN :cheer:


    (It is funny but no real French, I guess, is it?)

  5. I feel so lucky to be a fan for less than two months and being already "blessed" with new music!


    Of course a radio-friendly English language song (a hit please) would be the dream of those, including me, who live in distant places where French music doesn't get through and just international acclaim (or holiday season in Rio) can bring a name like Mika to the surroundings, touring. So, that would make me dream of a good-selling album and maybe a concert down here in 2015/6.


    Still, it doesn't feel like the most probable forecast. Lots of signals recently given show his inclination towards the Italian and francophone market, so keeping my expectations low, I'm just glad there's new music coming and wish you folks in Europe lovely concerts whenever an album comes out :mf_rosetinted:

  6. The night I discovered him, I was for like 3h on the internet, reading about him, watching videos, playing his music, literally had a MIKA overdose. When I finally slept (took me time to sleep with Big Girl going on and on in my head), I dreamt I met him on a pub, he said he was my fan (?) and I replied "so we're even". We started chatting for a while, went to an apartment (whose? dunno) and chicken. Aaaahhh...

  7. Oi malta!


    Não sei se viram um post meu me apresentando, então vai de novo aqui porque parece que tem gente fina por cá.


    Meu nome (não, o nome do meu cachorro! capitão óbvio!) é Pedro Marques, mas se me chamam de Pedro eu boto o lança-chamas pra funcionar, então Marques ou Ledin é supimpa :) moro em Ribeirão Preto, interioR de SP, alguém mais da área (51)?


    Meu troço pelo MIKA é recente - e mesmo q ele não seja meu artista favorito (tenho troços mais... transcendentais com ABBA e Supertramp), cara, me transporta pra outra dimensão.


    Grata surpresa foi chegar na net com tudo e ver que a comunidade de fãs do cara é tão fina assim. Nunca vi coisa tão organizada e uma galera (aparentemente, sejam bons anfitriões porfa) tão receptiva. A veiarada europeia fã do ABBA não é assim não...


    Bom, me desculpem se a linguagem é coloquial e pessoal demais... queria assustar ninguém não xD mas fazeroq, se eu colocasse meu lado chato aqui eu seria um inferno.


    Acho que é isso =)

  8. Hello everyone,


    my name is Pedro Marques (you can call me just Marques or Ledin), I'm a 16-yr old brazilian guy who has just discovered what MIKA is. A few days, actually.


    Logically, I'm no MIKA-nerd (even though I've spent some good time into reading about him/fan experiences on the internet), so I'm gonna be a bit of a quiet member, but I'm looking forward to meet nice people!


    I have always heard his name, but only after a friend in Belgium showed me a little more material I fell in love with the man. Still, MIKA is not my favorite artist. I practically live for ABBA, and have a strong connection to Supertramp beyond music.


    I enjoy collecting music a lot. CDs, vinyl, tapes, whatever plays songs. I'm an avid ABBA collector and I'm curious to see how's collecting in the MIKA fanbase.


    Well, I guess the important stuff about me is said =)

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