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Posts posted by ayeshaaaa

  1. Eek! I was going to take my sister with me (she's 16). Trying to figure out whether the event really is 18+, or whether it's all ages. Any updates would be greatly appreciated!


    P.S. Can someone save me a spot in line?? I might be a little late and I really don't want to be all the way in the back :( I'll be wearing a blazer and a Lion King skirt!!

  2. Hi there Aayame, I'll be going alone and I don't know LA at all so I'd love to meet up with you and anyone else willing to get together.



    Is anyone else going by themselves and want to meet up?


    Hi, kat75 and Aayame! I'll be going by myself, too, so I'd love to meet up! I get out of work at 4, and am not sure when to head to the venue. I've never seen Mika at a concert before, so I'm SUPER PSYCHED about this!!

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