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Posts posted by Jeannie

  1. Thank you Deb for your very thorough report. I don't think I have much more to add but will share some of my thoughts on this very special experience.


    When I found out Mika was going to be playing at Good Morning Americas Summer concert series in NY, I immediately thought to go and check it out. I had just seen him live for the first time in LA and was (and am) so hopelessly into him and his music, especially his live performances. And since I had never been to NY, why not? I jokingly brought it up w my husband thinking he would never let me be so crazy but to my surprise, he told me to make the trip! I guess bc he did see firsthand the fanatic I became at the LA gig haha. Needless to say he is very supportive. The only "rule" he had for me was that I couldn't go alone haha. Which at the time I was perfectly fine doing to see Mika again.


    But I asked a few friends if they wanted to do a girls only trip and enthusiastically they were on board! I am a stay at home mom to an almost 4 year old daughter and I haven't done much for myself since she was born. So, seeing Mika and going on a vacation (without kids) was so exciting. And then my sister decided to go so I had my entourage set! Haha


    Like Deb mentioned in her post, I thought there was going be lots of waiting around in the heat but it turned out to be quite a nice day. We woke up at 430am, which for us Californians was a 1:30am wake up call. But when we arrived we were excited and pumped to see Mika. What I thought was going to be a "wait" wasnt so bad. Part of it included Mika and the band rehearsing. Mika was interacting with the crowd and giving us directions what to do when we went live. His charm and genuine personality just made everyone want to listen to everything he said! I was ready and pumped to do my part.


    And then...the party started when we went live! Talk About You was so fantastic with everyone singing and jumping along!! Mika gave us a thumbs up at the end and he looked so happy! I was so happy. Later he played Lollipop, then the medley of Popular, Grace Kelly, and Love today. My friends, who had never heard of Mika before the trip, commented on how infectious his performance was and was asking when he would be performing his next gig! Yay new fan friends!!


    Afterwards Deb announced there would be a M&g for MFC members. I was beside myself, since I had never met him. When Mika came out to chat, I was a total blubbering fool!!! Actually I couldn't even speak I was so incredibly starstruck ????! All I could do was meagerly hand him my NPIH cd for an autograph. But we did get a group picture and I was speechless for a few hours afterwards. My friends and sister kept asking how I felt and I couldn't respond, I was just shock and could couldn't process my feelings haha. I just loved the concert, loved how the tv footage turned out and was so happy that we were a part of this special US promotion.


    I really have to thank Deb, who is just so nice and with it! She made me and my friends feel so welcome and it was a wonderful first MFC experience.

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  2. My understanding is there is lots of waiting and the performers sing only 3 or 4 songs during the two hours. Even so, I'm thrilled that I'll be in Manhattan that day and plan to get up early to see Mika. I just recently discovered him and he's become one of my favorite artists already.

    That's what I figured according to last year's performances on You-tube. But regardless I booked my ticket and I'm gonna attend! I'm also a "newbie" somewhat. I knew and liked Mika and his songs from a few years back but ever since I saw him live at a recent gig, my adoration has taken on a whole new level :)


    Can't wait to go and hopefully meet some like-minded fans!

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