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Posts posted by Perdchen

  1. 1 hour ago, Kumazzz said:





    Gepubliceerd op 30/03/2024


    MIKA in AFAS Live: vooral niet te kritisch zijn


    Amsterdam bruist dit weekend met tal van events die het festivalseizoen van 2024 openen.

    De meest mierzoette daarvan: het concert van MIKA in AFAS Live.

    Een kleurrijk spektakel waarbij alle middelen werden geheiligd voor dat ultieme doel: met een glimlach naar buiten.



    Wie de kritische bril op zet, kan best wat afdingen aan de twee uur die MIKA hier (voorprogrammaloos) vult. Van de 19 tracks die worden gespeeld, zijn er 10 van de eerste 2 albums: de nieuwste daarvan kwam 15 jaar geleden uit. De overige 9 tracks zijn ook zonder uitzondering platen om afwisselend naar de bar en de wc te gaan. Echt relevant kun je MIKA daarmee moeilijk noemen, ondanks de revival die de Libanees-Britse popzanger kreeg na zijn presentatie van Eurovision afgelopen jaar.

    Ook technisch valt het op dat de microfoon bij de refreinen van tracks als ‘Relax (Take It Easy)’, ‘Rain’ of ‘Happy Ending’ vaker langs het lichaam hangt dan aan de mond staat. Logisch dat je 17 jaar na dato niet alle hoge tonen meer haalt, dus dan maar springen en het enthousiaste publiek en backing vocals dat deel laten oppakken. De praatjes tussendoor voelen wat cringy aan: als we voor elke keer dat het woord ‘Amsterdam’ of ‘Love’ zou vallen pils moesten halen bij de bar (à 7,50!) waren we nu brak en blut geweest. Hypothetisch.

    Niet te moeilijk

    Maar goed, MIKA is hier niet om een paar snobs te overtuigen met het wereldrecord strakste show ooit spelen. Het doel van de avond is duidelijk: niet te moeilijk, wel volop dansen en meezingen. De kleuren spatten vanaf moment 1 het podium af, recht de lichamen van de stijf uitverkochte AFAS in. Over een gebrek aan inzet kun je niet klagen: tijdens track 2 staat de rasentertainer al midden in het publiek te zingen en het aantal outfit changes vindt zelfs Madonna indrukwekkend: we noteren achtereenvolgens een felrood pak met duivelsvleugels, dan een felroze pak, een goudenglitterpak, zilverglitterpak, een emoji-pak, lila bloemenpak, een delftsblauwpak , een pino-blauw verenpak en een wit-roze bladerenpak.

    Naast MIKA staat er een live band op het podium. Dat geeft weliswaar wat vulling aan de stage, maar ze zijn duidelijk ondergeschikt aan de rest van de show. Heel letterlijk ook, want ze staan op een podium dat als een robotstofzuiger rond kan bewegen en op die manier passen ze elk nummer weer aan aan de wisselende decorstukken.



    Ook de rest van de show pakt uit met een dusdanig kermislevel dat we ons af en toe op Paaspop wanen. Niks wordt geschuwd: vuur- en vuurwerk, MIKA vliegend op decorstukken die uit het dak komen, grote karaoke-lyrics op het immense scherm achterin de zaal (alsof we de tekst van ‘Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)’ niet kennen). Twee uur lang wordt hier een sprookjeswereld opgetuigd en wie zin heeft om in de regenboogclub (er komen zelfs regenbogen uit piano’s) alles van zichzelf te geven, heeft de avond van z’n leven.

    En waarom zou je dat ook niet doen? MIKA vat het zelf prima samen: ‘Het is vrijdagavond. Het is lente. We hebben een lang weekend. Het kan allemaal erger.’ Zo is het. Lach op de smoel, nostalgie modus aan en voetjes van de vloer.



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    MIKA in AFAS Live: above all, don't be too critical

    Amsterdam is buzzing this weekend with numerous events that open the 2024 festival season.

    The sweetest of these: MIKA's concert in AFAS Live.

    A colorful spectacle in which all resources were dedicated to that ultimate goal: going out with a smile.


    Anyone who puts on a critical eye can negotiate quite a bit about the two hours that MIKA fills here (without support programme). Of the 19 tracks played, 10 are from the first 2 albums: the latest of which was released 15 years ago. The other 9 tracks are also, without exception, records for alternating between going to the bar and the toilet. It is difficult to call MIKA truly relevant, despite the revival that the Lebanese-British pop singer received after his presentation at Eurovision last year.

    It is also technically striking that during the choruses of tracks such as 'Relax (Take It Easy)', 'Rain' or 'Happy Ending' the microphone often hangs along the body rather than at the mouth. It's logical that 17 years later you can't hit all the high notes anymore, so you just jump and let the enthusiastic audience and backing vocals pick up that part. The conversations in between feel a bit cringy: if we had to get a beer from the bar (7.50 each time the word 'Amsterdam' or 'Love' was mentioned) we would be broke and broke by now. Hypothetical.

    Not too difficult


    Anyway, MIKA isn't here to convince a few snobs by playing the world record tightest show ever. The goal of the evening is clear: not too difficult, but plenty of dancing and singing along. The colors burst from the stage from moment 1, straight into the bodies of the sold-out AFAS. You can't complain about a lack of effort: during track 2 the born entertainer is already singing in the middle of the audience and even Madonna finds the number of outfit changes impressive: we successively note a bright red suit with devil wings, then a bright pink suit, a gold glitter suit, silver glitter suit, an emoji suit, lilac flower suit, a delft blue suit, a pino blue plumage suit and a white-pink leaf suit.

    In addition to MIKA, there is a live band on stage. That does add some substance to the stage, but they are clearly subordinate to the rest of the show. Very literally too, because they stand on a stage that can move around like a robot vacuum cleaner and in this way they adapt each song to the changing set pieces.



    The rest of the show also has such a fairground level that we occasionally feel like we are at Paaspop. Nothing is avoided: fire and fireworks, MIKA flying on set pieces coming out of the roof, large karaoke lyrics on the immense screen at the back of the room (as if we don't know the lyrics to 'Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)'). A fairytale world will be set up here for two hours and anyone who wants to give everything of themselves in the rainbow club (there are even rainbows coming out of pianos) will have the evening of their life.

    And why wouldn't you? MIKA sums it up perfectly: 'It's Friday evening. It's spring. We have a long weekend. It could all be worse.' That's how it is. Smile on your face, nostalgia mode on and feet off the floor.



    This is pretty much very close to what my sister (who is not a Mika fan) said about the Berlin gig. I was a little bit (or quite a lot  ;-)) more enthusiastic...

    • Like 3
  2. On 3/29/2024 at 8:57 PM, Kumazzz said:

     :holland: AMSTERDAM !!

    Netherlands is not a French speaking country, I'm really interest in this concert !

    Which language Mika will speak ?

    How about the SETLIST ?


    Can't wait for your posts !!!!



    • 1.Bougez
    • 2. Origin of Love
    • 3. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)
    • 4. Feels Like Fire
    • 5. Underwater
    • 6. Relax (Take It Easy)
    • 7. Yo Yo
    • 8. Good Guys
    • 9. Elle me dit 
    • 10. Lollipop
    • 11. Popular Song
    • 12. Billy Brown 
    • 13. Grace Kelly 
    • 14. Rain
    • 15. Happy Ending
    • 16. Love Today
    • 17. Any Other World
    • 18. We Are Golden














    In the setlist Talk about you is missing as the 3rd song as it was missing in my version of the setlist as well :)

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, CharlotteL said:

    Wait I'm so confused that everyone is saying this is a new version that he was doing yesterday.

    Max has always sung the Nomfundo part in the first part of that song, I just checked a video from Clermont-Ferrand :D


    I'm so happy you shared this, I wasn't sure if it was ok to tell that story but it was honestly one of my favourite moments from the whole show.

    The way Michelle literally gasped, excitedly turned to me and asked: "Waait is she here???" and I was like "??? ... That's Max!" :lmfao:

    I also have to add that Michelle's daughter is one of the funnest concert companions I've ever had. Not a dull moment before the show!! I hope I'll see you all again soon.

    That's interesting! I thought Mika's voice sounded so different in the video recording of the Amsterdam gig. For the other concerts I had the feeling that all recordings sounded almost exactly the same considering his voice, what he sang at which part, what the shaping of the melody was like, where which backing vocal started so i considered it to be partly prerecorded also maybe to match it with Nomfundo's recording. This time he sounded much more "present" with his voice, varied the melody, sang another voice at the end (not the la-daladalei if you know what I mean ;-)) and I could hear Max much clearer so i thought that the arrangement of the performance was maybe changed :). 

    • Like 2
  4. According to setlist.fm the setlist was like that (so no new french songs apart from Bougez which was partly in English and no Talk about you, instead we got Rain, Lollipop, Good Guys, Billy Brown, Origin of Love and Popular Song :)



    2. Origin of Love

    3. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)

    4. Feels Like Fire

    5. Underwater

    6. Relax (Take It Easy)

    7. Yo Yo

    8. Good Guys

    9. Elle me dit 

    10. Lollipop

    11. Popular Song

    12. Billy Brown 

    13. Grace Kelly 

    14. Rain

    15. Happy Ending

    16. Love Today


    17. Any Other World

    18. We Are Golden

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  5. I wonder why Mika skipped Talk about you in Amsterdam. I mean, it's not even in French and I was so happy to see it on the setlist. I don't love QTTFT as much as most old albums but i would still have hoped for the new classics C'est la vie and Jane Birkin as they are also wonderful singalong songs for non French speaking audiences. However I'm very happy that Good Guys and Billy Brown are back :)

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, CharlotteL said:

    Random thought since we were talking about playbacks in another review thread...

    I was watching a clip of Moi, Andy et Paris where he stopped singing because of the rainbow surprise and I couldn't hear recorded backing vocals in that one (just Max's voice). So either he uses them differently depending on the day or generally not as much as the other clip made me think ;)

    Anyway, the fanaction was wonderful and brilliantly done!! :clap:

    I have the feeling that the use of backing vocals changes in between the concerts of the tour. There are some songs where they are used quite frequently (e.g. relax, sweetie banana or feels like fire) and in others they seem to be more flexibly used (moi, andy et Paris, grace kelly or love today)

    It's especially different what the mixing ratio of live vocals and backing tracks is like from gig to gig. Sometimes he doesn't sing the very difficult parts and relies on the backing vocals for them, sometimes they sing together ;-) and sometimes they are actually only backing vocals (or not there at all :)). 

    I have the feeling that over the course of the tour, Mika has relied on his live singing more and and more compared to the beginning which makes me very happy as i love to hear his voice as much as possible. :)

    • Like 3
  7. I totally understand why mika uses backing tracks for the chorus of the dance falsetto songs such as rain or relax (he has done it for quite some years, and these parts are so difficult to sing) especially if it's more of a backing vocals thing. However, I just like to hear his actual voice as it is both beautiful and can convey so many emotions, that's why i love the live versions of songs like happy ending.  And i like to hear it as purely as possible.

    I don't really understand the use of pre recorded backing tracks/ doubling of the main vocals (i mean it's a different thing with actual background singers) for the songs where there is not so much falsetto or which are much calmer. Mika's voice is so beautiful and touching and i would love to hear it more in songs like moi, Andy & paris or feels like fire.

    It's strange when his voice is almost as loud as before when he is not singing at all as in the video of the former and it makes it more difficult to follow his actual singing.

    I'm glad somebody else also noticed that, i thought it was crazy.

    I used to be a big Michael jackson fan as a teen and that game of differentiating between live and playback has bizarrely been a big game in these years, also in fanclubs xD (and Michael jackson lip synced a lot, in that case we were always searching for the tiny bits of his actual singing voice in his performances xD)

    • Like 3
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=603ml0bZ2yc&t=176s

     Hey, I watched Vanessa's video of Moi, andy & Paris youtube and wondered for a moment if Mika was (partly) lip syncing, first I thought there were only effects on his voice, but at 2:56, you hear his voice without him singing in the mic. I really wouldn't assume that (especially as it is not such a difficult song) but I was kind of surprised watching the video. However, I had a similar feeling, considering the effects on the voice on some other songs such as Apocalpyse Calpyso or Feels like Fire...Do you know what is done with the voice in these songs? It's a totally different feeling than with many other songs such as Happy Ending or 30 seconds or Grace Kelly :) I definitely don't think he is lip syncing all the songs but there is something different about the way his voice is recorded (not only the pitch of these songs)...

  9. 17 minutes ago, Deepblue said:

    By the way: The setlist seemed to be the same as before, but with "We Are Golden" added as the final song. If he adds one more song for each gig, the last one will be a looong evening :wink2:


    Somebody has already shared the setlist: https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/mika/2024/zenith-arena-lille-france-13ad59a9.html

    We are Golden was played before as well, just at another place in the setlist.  And He skipped Popular Song this time. So the setlist has the same length as the first gig in Clermont-Ferrand.

    I'm very happy that Origin is back though :)

    • Like 3
  10. Both these concerts are so close to where I live and I planned to be on holidays too. I must think about it. By the way, front of stage tickets in Bonn seem to be already sold out...

  11. I also really miss some songs (tiny love as one of my absolute faves, or Rain or Boum boum boum, lollipop or Origin of love (as i would have hoped for them, there are of course also some songs like my all time faves toy boy and billy brown i would like mika to sing but i would have never expected them. I would have also loved to hear Passager. 

    However, I think it's an interesting and long setlist with some very cool and surprising choices such as Any other World and talk about you (I'm so happy about them!) and i'm sure it makes even more sense in the concept of the whole show.

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