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Posts posted by Mina-Ivy

  1. thank you for your answer !! It's quite weird that some americain writes on youtube about his "french" accent .. Some people even say that his accent is Spanish .. :doh:

    I'm french and I don't hear any french accent when he speaks English.. anyway.. Thank u !! 

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  2. Hi ! I'm french and I read all your comments about Mika's accent. Actually I've been wondering for a long time how sounds Mika's accent when he speaks english. I guess I found my answer here..

    But I have a last question : If a british person comes accross Mika and speaks to him (but doesn't know him), will he guess that Mika is not complitely English or could he think that Mika is English ? Does he sound like a stranger for British people ?? Because in French we have very specific accents, we have north accent, south accent, belgium, canadian.. but we directly recognize  where a french speaker comes from.. And I guess that in english it's not the same, you have more accents than we do, and less distinct.. 

  3. Hi , I'm french and this is a question i've always asked myself.. I read some comments on youtube where some americans or english people said : "I recognize his french accent when he speaks english" or "we can hear that english is not his first language" .. I really want to know if it's true.. someone who hear Mika speaking english but doesn't know him, can guess that he is not an english-native person ? Does he have a french accent ? 


    this is a question that a lot of french fan ask ! 

    (sorry for my english..) 

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