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Eric Yu

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Posts posted by Eric Yu

  1. Hello chefs! 

    Yes, I am that person who was number 1 in the queue and slept outside the venue overnight! I am aware that I am slightly insane!

     I've only recently made an account because the last time I was here I was about 14 and I have no idea what my old account was lol. This was the best night of my life. I was so overwhelmed that when the concert ended and he'd left stage door and gone, I literally sat on the green and cried my eyes out for about two hours. Probably didn't help that I'd been up for about 48 hours at that point. 

     Two points I want to make about my experience queuing- it was entirely not necessary to do what I did, I didn't know what to expect so I wanted to be extra sure I would be front row, especially because I paid over £100 to get there in the first place lol. The group who got there after me and were subsequently 2+ in the line got there at around 5am ish. Please do not take this as 'I need to come earlier than that then', because to be honest, the line didn't grow much until noon, and there really is no real difference if you're 3 compared to 13. Also, sorry to be negative but some of y'all are deadass rude?!?!!? I'd been queuing since 2 in the morning, I was tired and cold. I did not need a group of people much older than me who should have known better to be jostling me and insulting other people in the queue (including me) in their native language. Oh, by the way, I have a fairly reasonable grasp of a few languages so I understood what you were saying lol! You know who you are!! You have made clowns of yourself!!! There was also a fiasco with the O2 priority queue, when people who had no right to be in the queue started trying to lie their way in, and when they got called out by people in the queue (and rightly so), they would pretend not to hear or even pretend they didn't understand. I wasn't even in their queue and I thought this was ridiculous and unfair on the people who were supposed to be in the queue. This rudeness all accumulated to a point where when we got into the venue, my friend ASKED a girl if she could move next to me, and the girl literally shoved her and called her a c*nt. When I asked if that was necessary at all for a question she could have easily just said no to, people started ganging up?? I've never seen such rudeness and childishness and it was honestly shameful, if Mika saw any of what happened he would have been mortified. 




    Everything's pretty much been said about the actual concert, but I just wanted to add that during Love Today Mika saw me in the crowd and took my Pride flag, as well as someone throwing him a Lebanese flag, and he ran around stage with them both. I pretty much transcended at that point lol. I wish more pictures of it had been taken because Mika holding Pride flags after everything he's been through adds 20 years to my lifespan. 


     I have a lot of the concert on my instagram @fauxphrodite, and I also got the whole of Grace Kelly and the finale here.



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