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Cornélie Berté

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Posts posted by Cornélie Berté

  1. On 3/25/2024 at 6:44 PM, Camus said:

    I’m sorry for the delay in the publishing of my report but I had a familly week-end following the gig and didn’t have much time to type the report.


    Anyway, let’s go for the report of my fifth Mika gig and by far the best. Like the other reports, it will not contain much about Mika’s suits or about the setting since I was again a 1.59m girl stuck behind a lot of taller people. :annoyed:


    Not much to say about the opening act. It was a female DJ who dit a set of electronic music. Not my taste but it slowly did liven up the audience.


    As usual, Mika was late. His gig was suposed to begin at 8pm. It began at a quarter to 9pm. And, as usual, Mika had an explanation for his lateness.


    The first song was Bougez. It began with the « firebird Mika in a cage » setting (I wish I had seen it better , it must have been stunning !). As for the song, my first thought when I heard « Bougez », last summer was that I was eager to hear it on stage as it promised to be a banger. Well, I confirm, it is ! Definitively, a song made for the stage.


    The second song was Apocalypse Calypso. As my favorite song from the new album, I couldn’t wait to hear it live and I loved it very much.


    The third song was a nice surprise : Talk about You. First time hearing it live and I liked it a lot. At the end of the song, he explained his lateness was not his fault but the audience’s who was late due to traffic jam (It’s true my bus got delayed due to traffic jam but I was there at 7pm and most of the audience was there by 8pm). Well, he said he was ready and waiting in the cage with the 35kg pair of wings on his back. So, his release (during Bougez) will have conséquences.


    The fourth song was Sweetie Banana. After finishing the song, he said his bow tie ? costume ? was perfect at start but was getting more and more messy as time goes by. He didn’t knew if it meant he wa getting less or more devilish:devil:. He also found several disguised or with props people in the audience : a carrot, a non identified costume, several giant flowers and a rainbow.


    The fifth song and second surprise : Feels like Fire. It was so fantastic to hear it on stage, even more with Nomfundo Moh’s part on video ! I was also impressed by how quickly he changed from his red suit to his yellow one at the song’s beginning.


    The sixth song was Underwater. At one point, he greeted the stands who wre on fire and one particularly energetic woman with an orange scarf, dancing in the aisle. He declared her the captain of the stands with the mission of directing people around her. He then engaged a battle between the stands and the mosh pit’s « enfants terribles » (the mosh pit won !:cheer:) and another one before making us all sing together.


    The seventh song was Relax. The audience, fired up by the Underwater exercice, sung a lot. It was followed by the eighth  song, Yo-Yo.


    The ninth song was Jane Birkin. He explained he’s making his sequin suit by coating the suit with glue and rolling in sequin. He gets sequin on his face and founds them everywhere for two days after a gig, even spitting sequin while brushing his teeth. He then compared his everyday life where he doesn’t dare, notably in subway where he doesn’t dare looking people in the eye, focussing on his phone like he just received a bad news when he is just watching videos (of cats ?) on TikTok and this moments, while singing Jane Birkin where he and we dare to be ourselves.


    The tenth song was Moi, Andy and Paris. He said that, in reality, love songs who are defending love are the meanest because they either speak of break-up or imaginary love.  In contrast, Moi, Andy et Paris is mean but also full of hope for a solution for their couple to endure. He remembered us Happy Ending was not a love song and told us he had a collection of videos of people using Happy Ending for their wedding (which he regretted telling us about!:doh:). He also told us Andy promised to drink a beer each time Mika sang this song. And finally, he told us he will have to deal with this mess at Bercy but that by « mess » he meant the situation not the person (Andy) because he’s an ass but that much.


    The eleventh song was Big Girl. As usual, he went down in the audience, this time with Max. He told us once again the story of the Butterfly Lounge which was created by a woman who was fed up of being laughed at and wanted to create a place where everyone, men and women could be who they wanted to be. While going back toward stage, he came near me and god…I NEVER HAVE BEEN CLOSER TO HIM !! :wub2:I could have touched him if I wanted. Strangely, maybe because of my height, I remember more his yellow suit than his face. I Can confirm you it’s not plain yellow but slightly shinny like satin.


    The twelfth song was Elle me dit. At one point during the song, he told us we needed a plate full of vitamins and color to deal with everyday life. He then invited on stage a group of roughly ten colorful fans, calling them by what he thought they were. Haphazardly, those I remember : a carrot (the Sweetie Banana one), a tulip, Nana Mouskouri, the orange scarf stands captain (who took way too much time going down for his taste) and a korean fan who made a 9 500km travel to see him. As he was tired, he gave them the mission to make us dance and lay down on stage. Music started again and they danced like mad men and women bringing us with them . But as Mika still wasn’t convinced to dance, they pulled him on stage while he was still lying down. Obviously, Mika finally stood up tp dance with them. At the song’s end, they all bowed down together (which I found nice for the fans). Once they got down from stage, Mika explained to us that, in english, what they did to him earlier was called « to drag ». He then said he was « draguer » on stage, pun on « to drag » and the word meaning « hit on someone»  in french.:lol3:


    The thirteenth song was 30 Seconds which he played on the swan winged piano. I listened to this song for the second time shortly before the gig and took a real liking to it so I was very happy and moved to hear it.:heart:


    The fourteenth song was Grace Kelly, still on the swan winged piano. Toward the end of the song, a giant inflatable rainbow sprung up from the piano. He then moved up to the fifteenth song, C’est la Vie.


    At that point, I thought the concert has ended but no. The audience was on fire, screaming « Mika, Mika ! » and he obliged us with FOUR more songs.


    The first one was Happy Ending. The way he sung it sounded like he was sorry he had to leave and he made it last for a very long time.


    He then did Love Today. Toward the end, he told us he was gonna make Montpellier fly but, as we are shy, he asked for all the lights be turned off. He then asked us to remember this moment when everything was dark, even in broad daylight (I promised, Mika and I intend to keep my promise !) and, on the count of three, made us jum like mad men and women . Even if I was living this moment for the fourth time, I think I will never get tired of it.


    But, it still wasn’t finished. He then did Any Other World. I was really hoping he would do it since I promised myself to register it for my aunt whose it is her favorite Mika song. So, I have one video from the gig with a s**tty video quality but a good sound if anyone want it (and if a manage to upload on forum).


    Finally, he ended with a very joyous We are Golden and bowed down with his musicians. He seemed very moved by Montpellier’s reception. As we were leaving the zenith, an instrumental of I see You played and obviously, I had it stuck in my head during my whole return to my hotel. I also got Mika songs stuck in my head (mainly Moi, Andy et Paris and Apocalyse Calypso) for the whole week-end but I don’t mind.


    As I said, it was , in my opinion, the lenghiest (even if, even with 4 supplemental songs, it was still too short to my taste) and best Mika gig I went too ! Can’t wait for the next one !:cloud:

    Do you record all the concert to talk about it with such precision ? Or you have a big memory 🧠 :biggrin2:

  2. On 1/24/2024 at 3:26 PM, Hero said:

    Wooowww... :lustslow:  Not at that price though! :eek:



    I'm a bit late but I would like to say it's a great idea Anna :)
    I found others sellers of big flower brooch, they are so expensive but I think very beautiful. They look like the one Mika is wearing !


    broches fleurs géantes.JPG

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  3. On 5/19/2021 at 7:14 PM, Mikasister said:
    ENFIN ! J'ai tellement hâte de pouvoir enfin vous retrouver sur scène pour un concert après tout ce temps loin de vous. On se donne rendez-vous le 18 septembre 2021 à la Salle Pleyel à Paris pour le concert privé Golden Tickets American Express. J'ai réservé tout le premier rang vous ! Pour gagner vos places il suffit de liker ce post, tagger la personne que vous voudriez emmener avec vous au concert avec le #AmexGoldenTickets et vous abonner à American Express! Le tirage au sort des 8 gagnants aura lieu le 19 juin.



    From facebook


    Oooh, so we can win tickets without have the American Express card?

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