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Alvaro Lopez

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Posts posted by Alvaro Lopez

  1. On 9/14/2022 at 11:37 AM, allegra said:

    I think that Ticketone/Ticketmaster service fees are definitively lost.

    In the terms and conditions of the ticket is clearly written that they are not refunded in case of cancellation.

    Unfortunately there is not too much to do.

    Yeah, I already had assumed that money would never come back from any seller, but in this case it should be MIKA’s team the one in charge of it.

    It’s already bad news for all the fans losing this opportunity and the trouble with the trips, which is always assumed by us fans ourselves, but losing also money from the tickets, which at least in my case I bought the day they came out… It’s not fair on the fans who have trusted him to be the ones losing money in the end.

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  2. Any news about the service fees? I’m not willing to lose 25€ for something which is not my fault. I know these times are hard, but it’s harder for some people than for others. I already lost the opportunity of having my desired holidays of the year, and will have to go to Italy anyways cause I’m not getting the money from the planes and the hotel back.

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  3. 1 hour ago, dcdeb said:

    After speaking with Mika's team yesterday, I think it's safe for me to say that there is NO OTHER SHOW HAPPENING other than Verona on 19th September. Sorry, but I don't want you to get your hopes up. :dunno:


    Do you mean that the whole tour is not only postponed but totally cancelled forever? So there won't be Magic Piano Tour anymore?

  4. 4 hours ago, Alvaro Lopez said:

    Aquí viene mi pregunta. Si no solicito el reembolso de los boletos, ¿tendría mis asientos reservados para las nuevas fechas de esta gira?


    Well, asking in an explicit way about this to the help email, they haven't really said much but just: "if you can’t go to Arena di Verona you can ask for refund."


    So it looks like that's the only possibility. Also, I'm checking to get the refund at TicketOne and I've just realized that I will lose 25€ in terms of "Commissioni di servizio". I love Mika and his work, but this is really annoying and disappointing. This was going to be my favorite holiday of the year.

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  5. 1 hour ago, mellody said:


    It's not clear, because in the FAQs it says


    Se richiedi il rimborso, il tuo biglietto sarà annullato e, di conseguenza, non potrai più:

    - Utilizzarlo per partecipare allo show

    - Ripristinarlo in un secondo tempo

    - Fare il check in e ricevere il tagliando segnaposto per quello show


    Why would they write all of that, except for the Verona info, if there's no other option anyway? Why say postponed if it's a cancellation? 


    And really, just a week to ask for the refunds, during holiday time?! At least here it's still school holiday time, and if I had been on holiday somewhere with bad internet access, I might not have even known about those details in time. Marion is in Korea right now, she has tickets for Milan, I hope she can organize it from there!


    In the tweets by the Rome Auditorium, they talk about an automatic refund: 


    That definitely would be the fairest option for those who bought online - get all the money back automatically, including all fees - and those who bought at the box office should get at least a month to ask for refunds. I don't know whose fault this cancellation is, but definitely not ours, so after "lending" them money for months, the least we could expect is not have any hassle or disadvantages for getting back the full amount. And the reason why I'm saying this is because of my experiences with ticketone from 2020, it was a nightmare to get even a part of the money back! They have pretty much the worst customer service you could imagine. And if it's the same this time, I'll think twice whether I buy tickets for Italy again. The pandemic was one thing, and everyone hoped we could move on from that, at least still in September / early October. Who knows what the winter will bring. And now this.


    Finding a solution for my travel arrangements is bad enough, but these are my own responsibility, tho ofc Mika knows that would be a problem for many fans. I really wish he'd give a better explanation than "production and logistical issues" (At least the Verona theatre gig, how hard could it be to do that the day before the arena show, literally in walking distance?!), but if it's the way it has always been, the info we got so far is all we'll get from him. :tears:

    Thank you very much for your response. I’m trying to phone the help number but it’s not working.


    I would just like to know if there’s a chance of keeping the tickets to have the same seats I was able to get but for the new dates Mika hopefully announces. :(

  6. Hello!


    First of all, thank you for all the translated info.


    I’m really disappointed with this news, since I’m a big fan of Mika from Madrid, Spain, and I had been planning and really looking forward to this two concerts since many months ago. I even got tickets for the London concert he did this summer but resold the tickets when I knew about this special tour in Italy.


    I had got centered seats in the first row for both the Verdi Theatre and the Nelson Mandela Arena in Florence. I thought it would be a really special and magical experience, as it always is coming from Mika. I went to his concert in the Paris Philharmonie and was one of the best experiences in my life, at least the best concert I’ve been to for sure.


    In addition to the nearly 400€ spent in the two tickets for each show, I have already paid 1000€ for the flight tickets and the hotel in Florence, which of course I can’t get back, so I’ll have to be going to Florence anyways.


    So not only I’ve lost the opportunity to see Mika in probably one of his best concerts ever, two nights in a row with two completely different sets in the best seats anyone could get, but also, waiting for this tour, I lost the opportunity to see him anywhere else this whole summer in the different concerts in Europe.


    Here comes my question. If I don’t request a refund for the tickets, would I still have my seats reserved for the new dates of this tour?


    It’s also sad that we have to request it just in one week time without knowing all the information. I haven’t even received any email from TicketOne, so I’ve just known about this cancellation thanks to having the notifications set for Mika’s social media.


    Thank you in advance.

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  7. Hi guys!


    I just realized MIKA released this new single, but it’s just an instrumental song and I don’t really understand what is it.


    I haven’t seen any promotion of it in social media or anywhere. Does someone know what is this all about?


    Thank you!


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