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The Terminal 5 NYC 2.02.08 Nostalgia Thread

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pirates have nothing to do with our school lol.

everyday had a different theme.




we had....:

pirate day

cartoon person day

white hot wednesday

color war day

and spirit day


in past years, we had decade day, and mix-match day.


We haveee

Mighty Monday

Team Tuesday

Turn back

Color War

Spirit Day




hey everyone! i arrived in paris on friday but couldnt get on till yesterday and then my sisters macbook was bitching out on me so i couldnt post in this thread till now lol! ONLY 2 MORE DAYS TIL I SEE MIKA!!!!! omg i am freaking out lol! i cant believe i am actually seeing mika!!! ahhhhhhh omg omg omg omg omg omg omg! lol o and i had such bad luck earlier this week you cant even imagine! the day i arrived i got my cell phone and digital camera stolen! so now i cant take any pics!!!!!:tears: the first full day on our way to my sisters friends i spot the guy who stole my cell phone and digital camera in a dodgy cell phone/electronics pawn shop/store we go in and ask the manager (right in front of the robber) if he saw a green and black slider cell phone or a lumix digital camera and he says no and he was being extremely rude to us we leave the store and call the police and report the guy who stole my stuff we are stuck in the police department for 3 hours filing a report and this whole time we are walking my sisters extremely hairy and fat shih tzu called chipie and he cant breath well because he has a pudged in nose lol so he snorts and snores lol then my sisters friends (one of them is gay) told us to meet him at this place and said it will be a surprise and it ended up being the gay pride parade lol! so we marched with my dog who was dead tired and thirsty in a parade for about 2 miles along with stripping cross dressers that were giving out condoms:boxed: then my sister told me to take the metro home with the dog so i went by myself on the first day home on the metro with a dog that was about to collapse when i got home the front door of her apartment was jammed so i had to wait in the hall way of her apartment until she came home:boxed: and then when she got home she said we had to go to this really dodgy scummy ghetto part of paris, u would think there would be none lol, because we have to find a person to baby sit the dog at night because he isnt allowed in the apartment:thumbdown: when we met the girl she brought us to her family and omg i thought i was gonna be raped! the only thing the father had on was a towel (that could barely fit) around his waste and it was soooo scary! omg it was a really eventful first day lol!


ooooo i love spirit week!

we have:

pajama day

decade day (as always i dress up from the 80s)

orange and blue day (our school colors)

dress like something your not

formal day

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leaving in 10 min. to meet up w/ the rest of the people from the summer program (i came a little earlier) so i wont be on often. lol (not that i have been, anyways) but i posted my drawing for the billy brown mug! lol:wub2:


tell me wat u think about it? -pouts- lol





love u all!!

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aimee, i no how bad your first day was but....





it just sounds soooo funny! but i'm sorry you got your stuff stolen! can't you get a new camera? don't they have disposable cameras in paris? oh! and your phone has like 8934343999 pictures of mika in it! who ever buys it is going to be either really happy or reallly disturbed!!!


but still, have a super amazing time on saturday!

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so homies, it's been 5 months today. :punk::groovy::tears:


i was watching the "lollipop" video, reliving some memories, i just get soooo happy watching the videos, and looking at the pictures. and it makes me want mika to come back even more!!!


btw, whilst i was watching it, i noticed aimee dancing with a big girl!! groove on groovster!

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