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Posts posted by andi

  1. My review....


    We got to Newcastle at about 4.45pm and parked around the back of the venue. As we were passing the back door we could see Mika sound checking. So me and Ali hung around for about and hour listening and watching what we could. I really wanted my pic signed and tried all ways to get someone to get it signed for me. At one point I was told that after Mika had finisged sound checking, he would do it for me. But time was moving on, so I headed around the front to join the queue.

    Met lots of MFC'ers Sivan, Summer, Mellody, Sparkly, Vix, Hanner, Sharon, Fred, Sara, Caz, Babs, Kath, Kath's daughter.... sorry if I missed you. The atmosphere in the queue was high. I went to chat with Gothy and Helen (lovely to see you guys again !).

    Luke came out to the queue with Andy to do some filming. I missed him as he went down the line, but caught him on the way back to sign something for me. Luke headed back to the front door. And then he came back to me. That's when I got a kiss:wub2: (thanks Ali). I think I will go for the full set!!! lol.

    We were let into the venue not long after. The security asked to search my bag. No problem there... except he only lifted out my umbrella and removed my marker pen!!!!! how bizzare!! I could have had anything in there.. yet he only took my pen!!!! and I never got it back.. it got lost apparently!!!!!! strange security!!!

    Never mind. I managed to get to the front for the first time (Thanks Ali again!!!) Was standing between Kath and Sparkly. I must apologise for my singing and jumping around:naughty:

    palladium came on and were good. The audience was loud and up for it by this point. Once they left the stage, Fred released a balloon for the crown to bump around. This really got the crowd excited. Even when it went on the stage, the happy crew batted it back. How cool!! The crowd were shouting for Mika soooo loud. Take That's audience could probably hear us !!!! (they were playing the arena not too far away!!)

    Mika came on stage and from the off.... the crowd were really up for it. They jumped and sang their hearts out. And Right throughout... Mika and the reast of the band smiled and laughed and messed about!!! They seemed to be having a ball. And so were we!

    There were some really funny bits... When Mikey does his guitar solo in Love today, he turned around and said where is he???Mika had missed his q!! He came back... minus his top and jumped on Cherrises kit where Martin was.....Mika poured water over cherrise and a play fight began when they were playing the bins.. the animals..... Mika and the guys were having a blast.

    Lollipop was so much fun.... and by then everyone was standing in the balcony too... much to Mika's pleasure. We left the gig all happy bunnies.

    We went to the back door again and hung out. We were counted as if they were going to let us inside, but then came the message that Mika would not sign.. and there was to be NO TOUCHING!!!!! hehe.. that still makes me giggle.

    we had 2 lines to the car for Mika to walk through, but then the band came out and just hung out, had photo's, chatted to everyone. The atmosphere was very much party!!!! I got lots of photos with the band. It's lovely how the band seem to recognise so many of the MFC......!!!! I saw Mika's mum.. who loved Sivan's dress sooo much she took photos of it...!!! It is Fabulous!!!

    Eventually Mika came out... WITH A PEN!!!!! he signed, had photos taken and generally chatted. When he got to me he said Hi how are you and really smiled at me:wub2: . He signed my pic... which has gone straight back to the bedside again!!!! lol. Mika and the rest of the guys didn't seem to be in too much of a hurry to leave... but they had to move on. So they left and so did we.


    I'm sorry for the very very long report...

    One more thing..... Mr James Quin.... thankyou for being such a happy bloke!!!! lol


    Right, I will try to upload some of my pics......

  2. I think I may be the first back to post, but It will be short tonight... more tomorrow.


    The Gig was absolutely AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! Mika said so, the band said so, and the MFC said so!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The floor in the Academy was bouncing up and down!!!!!!!

    Mika did come out and sign eventually. He said hello to me and asked me how I was:shocked: He signed my pic... you know, the one from Newcastle in Feb:wub2: No kiss from Mika tonight, but I did get a kiss from Luke, and pics with Luke, Cherrise, and Martin.

    I have loads of pics to upload... but it will be tomorrow I'm afraid..... I'm shattered.


    I am buzzing right now!!!!!! OMG... I think that was the best gig I've ever ever seen or been part of!!!!!!


    Thanks to all the lovely MFC ers..... I love you all:wub2:

  3. Yes if I get the chance I'm going to ask him if he's using the same set in N. America because most of the venues will be smaller I think. He might not want to haul all that stuff overseas anyway.


    Kinda sad that he's moving to stadium gigs so soon, but I'm happy for him. His rise has been positively meteoric. I can't believe it was only a matter of months ago he was playing to a few hundred people at a time.


    the girl we spoke to last night said a year ago he was playing to 6 people:blink: apparently..... those 6 people go to the gigs still!!!!! yay for them!!!

  4. OMG Does Mika really not want us to dress up anymore?:shocked:



    I hope my outfit didn't put him off:mf_rosetinted:


    Hi Jemma xxx


    I think it's more of the fact that so many others have 'copied' the dress up idea that Mika is ready for something else!! He was telling this to Fred... so he should really explain.... but Mika did say he had something else in mind...... watch this space!!!!!!!!

  5. Hi everyone!


    Will make my report short:


    Arrived at the hotel around 12pm' date=' met (finally!) FD and Sara and was real happy to see Caz (Mikas_gal07) again!


    We headed for lunch, then a bit of shopping (alcohol and food,that is), hung out a couple of hours in Caz and Sara's room, then got prepared (thanks Caz for the lovely hairdo and make-up, and all the nice stuff you got me to make me a nice fairy!). Headed to the Dome around 3:45 pm I think.


    It was lovely to see the people I already knew and to meet the others (Babs, Jodi, Ruth and your friend, Andi and your husband, Bexxy, Kath and the lot, it was ace meeting you - I must have forgotten some sorry there were so many people).


    We waited until the doors opened (with a Santa giving Lollipops to everybody, and not really behaving like a Sant to the kids ha ha ha), got a good spot 3rd row in the middle right behind Lauren.


    Mika's show was very good but unless I'm wrong his voice did not sound that powerful to me, it was often nearly covered up by the music - still voice issues I guess. I really liked the show and the fact that it was smaller and more intimate that all these 6000 people venues I've been attending lately, but frankly I did prefer Dusseldorf. The crowd was nice (NO PUSHING AT ALL YEAHHHHHHHHHHH) but although it reacted nicely there was not that frenzy I had felt in Dusseldorf, and I did not feel Mika was as much in it (he really enjoyed people singing his songs though you could see his joy on his face).


    Mika came out quite fast after the show (so not much waiting), when my turn came he signed the DVD card I gave him (and stupid me right after I said "Hi" in French I watched his hand signing instead of him while he was answering in French "Hi how are you" so I still don't know if he can recognise me or not - no big deal but after attending quite many shows I was just wondering). Anyway then I told him about the book to be released about him in France and well, now we know, he was not aware of it at all. I then gave him the CD I made for him with the French hits from the era when he was living in Paris, explaining him there were French crap songs from the 80s-early 90s that might make him laugh or even maybe bring some memories back. He said "ah super merci" (looks like my silly idea was not too much of a bad choice :wink2::naughty: ) - but frankly it went all in a blur so I can't remember exactly - and moved on. Next mission in London: ask him if he had the opportunity to listen to it and if he remembered some of the songs.


    He indeed said later in the queue that some bands now were asking their audience to come all dressed up so he's keen on finding another idea now.


    We then all headed back to the hotel (Sariflor, Droopsy and Niki27 I'm sorry I left without seeing you and thus did not get the opportunity to say bye!), all gathered in FD's room and Babs and Rak1 went on a mission to find pizzas which we hungrily ate - thanks again ladies for saving us from starvation!


    Had lovely breakfast this morning with everybody and then left with Mirtilla and Giulietta to get the train for our respective flights. Thank you so much again Babs for giving us a lift! I hope you found your pouch you were looking for!


    To all British : I'm sorry if I did not talk much in FD's room but after a looooong day (had to get up real early in the morning to catch my flight) my English understanding was not at its top, and with the many different accents and the speed I could not catch up all the time, oops sorry!


    I'm so glad I met all of you and am really looking forward to seeing again in London the ones that are coming!


    Oops was that supposed to be a short review? :shocked:[/quote']


    Hi Em,


    It was great to meet you and I'm pleased you got back home safely...

    I hope we get to meet again.... :biggrin2:

  6. Thanks for your report Andi - folk who push are really annoying,

    but their day will come, when someone pushes them - and they wont

    like it!!! Did you mean he would see if he would sign or sing at

    Newcastle? :shocked: Lucky you - a kiss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The fans I met in Glasgow were great - and I hope to meet more

    in years to come :thumb_yello:



    Hiya Wendi xxx


    He meant whether he would sign at Newcastle.... but I will be there waiting....!!!

    A kiss:wub2: Mika really is an obliging chap:roftl: My husband Ali, said he didn't really want a kiss, which Mika found amusing!!!

    I wish I could have got to Glasgow.... there were people I really wanted to meet..... next time maybe!!!

  7. Hi all,


    Well, I had a fantastic time last night. I can't compare to Glasgow, but I felt Mika had a really good time. He did tell me after the gig in the signing queue that his voice is 'tired'. I think he is just ready for a long rest. As i feel the rest of the band are too.



    arrived at Doncaster at 2.45pm. Met Tia and Bexxy, was lovely to see them again. Then met met up with Fred, Caz, Ruth, Em, Sara her friend Joy, Rose and Babs.

    We headed over to the venue at about 5, once Jodi arrived, thinking the queue would be huge as it was Saturday, but it wasn't too bad. And being inside was fab.

    Met a few more people in the queue, Kath and her daughter and a few who aren't on the forum, but said they would probaly join. then Gill and Tony arrived. The queue was in good spirits, and soooo many people dressed up! The effort people go to to join in and have fun is fantastic. when the doors opened there was a huge surge to the front. We seemed to

    wait for ages for palladium to come on. They were really good. Funny and had a really good time. then a short intermission before Mika.

    There was a very annoying girl who spent the whole time determined to get to the front who was pushing forward and sideways onto people. She actually said she didn't care as she would never see any of these people again!!!! nice:sneaky2: Staggers me how rude some people are.Anyway, Mika came on. His performance vocally was really good. however I did notice he was 'holding ' his throat a little throughout. To me he seemed to be having a great time, really enjoying the crowd interaction. But as I didn't see him in Glasgow etc, I may be wrong. He did cause a crowd surge when he came to the front of the barriers...lucky people who he was infront of. All you could see was hands all over his body, but he didn't seem to mind:wink2: HJ was really good. how cool to get up on stage and 'bless' Mika! The animal encore was very funny.... if a little risque for the mixed age audience (I could just imagine having to explain that one to my 7 year old if I had taken her :roftl: )

    And Lauren was superb up on stage... GO YOU!! you will never forget that moment ever in your life!

    We got to meet Mika for the signing after the gig. We were told before that Mika would sign one thing only and NO posed photos!!!!!!!! We all lined up and waited patiently. Mika was so happy to talk to people, which is great. He signed my lollipop and I got a kiss :wub2: (thanks Gill). We had a bit chat about Newcastle and his voice being tired etc. Hope he gets to sign in Newcastle but he said it would depend.


    Then there was the 'Santa trail' back to the hotel!! and then a drinkies/pizza get together, (thanks rose and Babs for the pizza!!!)

    And then breakfast this morning before we all headed off.


    I had a really really great time!! Great to see everyone :wub2: It wouldn't be the same without the special people we have on here and the other people who join in the atmosphere. Mika really does have some of the best fans in the world..... And most of them are here:wub2:

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