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Posts posted by RosieLou

  1. I keep hearing an extra syllable before "cautionary"...


    I figured it out, it's:


    Two kids, a dog, and then the cautionary wife.


    Just out of interest what is 'cautionary'? Is it like cautious? Is it a made up word? My mum says it is. I don't mind, I'm just interested.

  2. oops .... its just me not paying attention:blush-anim-cl: feel free to punish as u please...


    does anyone have the lyrics to lollypop... i have most of them but i dont understand the bit in the first verse...


    "take a look at the girl next door, shes a player and a down right wh**e, shes a ???????? she wants more, oh bad girls get you down."



    I think it's :

    "She's a player and a downright bore, Jesus loves her but she wants more, bad girls get you down"

    I thought it was something else too...

  3. I'll do that next time Sunny monkey, I nudged the escape key or something by accident. Just out of interest, seeing as the thread about the donations is closed, what is a suitable donation? I've got a couple of pounds lefyt over on my 3v card that I won't be able to spend on anything.

  4. I just typed it all out a minute ago and it just vanished. I nearly screamed at my computer, it was very frustrating. Well it did say that Mika was brilliant, original, that 10 out of 11 Life in Cartoon motion tracks were brill (They weren't keen on My Interpritation, they say he's more talented than that.), they liked Love Today and gave it five stars. This is the bit I liked:

    "Mika doesn't live up to the hype- he surpassess it."

  5. My brother was singing along to Billy Brown and he just came out with this. He made it up on the spot:

    Billy Onion had lived an ordinary life

    Two kids, a dog and a beetroot for a wife

    When it was all going accordingly to plan

    Billy Onion fell into the frying pan.

  6. I was flipping through the Mika album sleeve and I think I found that his sister's sing the backing vocals on some songs. I think they're called:

    Fortune Penniman

    Zuleika Penniman

    Paloma Penniman

    On Any other world, Big Girl, Lollipop,

  7. Well my actual name is Jaana and no one ever knows how to write it. They always wanna write it with one "a".(One teacher asked if ther's "o" in the end, but then it'd be a boys name:sneaky2: I guess this would be horrible to hear how people would pronounce it it foreign countries:blink:

    I know how you feel.

    No one can write my last name, it's Polish and only 5 letters long... can't be that hard. Some people can't write my 1st name either which is just obvious- ROSEMARY. I've had Rosmary, Rose-marie and I think my maths teacher called me Ro-mery once. Aargh...


    Ps- My last name isn't actually Polish- I'm not Rosemary Polish it's an actually polish name if you see what I mean

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