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Posts posted by RosieLou

  1. right im disappearing for a bit.

    ill still be at the pc if you want to PM me i just wont be in any threads.

    i have the huge task of going through all my dvds and making a list of them all as well as putting them in some sort of order as i have so many (2000+) they are all in big folders rather than boxes.

    Making a list should make it alot easier to go through when choosing a film for the evening.


    Wow, that's a lot of dvds..

  2. :lol3:




    Same here...


    She looks a bit like Katy Perry... my brother doesn't agree though.




    hi rosie...:: ..hi hunny :


    Hi steph :D


    DUDETTES!!! theres a new baby on its way! :shocked::biggrin2:

    My first nephew can expect a baby brother or sister (both?) somewhere in march 2008!!!


    Im sooo glad you cant see my face right now.. I look like a retard :roftl::biggrin2:



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