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Posts posted by chloe

  1. This is all so cool! I did a massive load of stuff on Mika for my art GCSE (A2 design sheet, A3 barfly sheet and a canvas) so I'll get pics when I get all my stuff back. That reminds me... the canvas isn't here or in my folder which means it's lost :shocked:

  2. :shocked: This is all so cool! I did a massive load of stuff on Mika for my art GCSE (A2 design sheet, A3 barfly sheet and a canvas) so I'll get pics when I get all my stuff back. That reminds me... the canvas isn't here or in my folder whih means it's lost
  3. I think it was Palladium. I know it was meant to be Pull Tiger Tail tho... unless they're the same band in some weird way :naughty: there are some of their songs on myspace I think :D


    My videos aren't spectacular I'm afraid. My camera likes to make all the sound it records sound like it's underwater for some reason :blink: I've done 2 video montage kind of things, I'll post them tomorrow :D


    We should make a banner of the pic of him with fan club peole for the forum, hehe :)

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