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Mika Mad

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Posts posted by Mika Mad

  1. Now I've worked out how to watch it, I've been trying to video it.

    Apparently we can't do it here, but I've asked everyone at work and after "Sorry, no digital" and "Sorry, no video" and lots of "Sorry, haven't got a clue how to do it" I've finally found someone who's going to record it for me tonight. :thumb_yello:

  2. I've got an elderly friend who I visit regularly. She is suffering from depression and my time with her is very stressful.

    I always put Mika on really loud in the car after visiting her and by the time I get back home (usually after the whole of Grace Kelly and most of Lollipop) I feel so much better.

    I have never known any music affect my mood as much as Mika does.


  3. In the booklet with the CD the lyrics are given as

    "She's a player and a downright bore"

    but I'm sure that Mika sings

    "She's a player and a downright whore"


    Do you think that it's a mistake or is it deliberate?

    -it certainly makes it easier for me to explain the words to my young daughter!

  4. I'm back.

    OK, I admit it, I can't keep away for a whole evening.


    I am very glad to be old enough not to have essays, revision etc to interfere with my Mika habit.


    Sunny Monkey -you really are amazing. I don't know how you find time to function in the real world. You have my greatest admiration.





    So I do Mika every now and again, it's not a problem......

    I could stop it any time I like......etc etc

  5. I really am leaving here now and I might not be back for..........ooooh.......at least an hour or two.


    It's just occured to me that I could just lurk quietly here and not post for the rest of the evening, but no, I'm off to live in the real world for a while.


    I do not have a Mika habit, I am not a Mika addict, repeat after me...........

  6. As one of those guilty of spending far too much time on here, I was wondering what everyone here is supposed to be doing instead?


    I tend to be here in the evenings when I should be doing the housework or decorating (I've been doing the same room for weeks now!).


    I haven't emailed anyone much recently, haven't written a letter for ages, my house is slowly turning into a tip and I've just let my children watch a DVD so that I can be here now! :wink2:


    I'd like to know what part of your life has been abandoned due to your Mika obsession.............

  7. I've got it! I've got it! I've got it!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Thank you everyone, especially Strudel. I found it on 302 ('had to get the husband to do that bit!)


    It's the first time that I've seen Mika on television, so it was great to seem him clearly instead of on my fuzzy monitor. What lovely teeth he's got ! :naughty:

  8. I really am useless. I couldn't even follow the idiots guide (thank you Freddiesdouble and Gill). :bleh:

    After spending 5 minutes trying to work out which remote control to use (we've got 4 and I can't tell which works what!) I still couldn't do it.


    When I press the red button a list of things come up, but nothing says Mika.


    Is it only available to view for a certain length of time, like a televsion programme, or is it like on the internet where you can watch anytime?


    Sorry to have to ask this stupid question!

  9. "Press the red button interactive" :confused:

    Hmmmmm, 'not sure if we've got one of those.

    Am I the only person who doesn't know how to work their tele?

    I would have had to ask my husband or daughter if we can do that, so thanks for the link Cautionary Wife.

    I might be rubbish on the computer, but I'm even worse with the tele.


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