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Posts posted by Laura

  1. Amen Laura. Well said. I agree.


    *bows* thanks lol perhaps we could ask sunny if we could have some sort of age restriction thread thingy........u know, some threads could have certificates slapped on them and if you are of a certain age you can read them?? just an idea..........probably a bad one :naughty:

  2. OH MY! i missed quite a lot of action here i see........ i think its fair Freddie and Sarah said their peace, i can see how this thread could have been seen as 'too much' but not 'desperate' (i for one am not :wink2: ) thats just offensive. I think the thread may have gone a little too far and i indeed i have played my part, but hey it was all done in good spirit, and so far everyone has had a bloody good laugh so lets appreciate that other people have their own opinions, and just get on with it all :thumb_yello: we dont want anyone falling out now do we?? :thumb_yello:

  3. lol :naughty: dont smack it too hard i wanna smack some too lol


    oh no you misunderstood, HE is spanking ME .....hell yeah lol


    well i really have to go now, i dont wana go, mothers chuckin me off and im doing so quickly, dont want her catching a glimpse :blink:


    night night


  4. Hey, am I the only one that gets hot when he says "I wanna talk to you?"

    Just wondering...:roftl:


    Not at all *pulls at imaginary collar* :naughty:


    Yeh twas me playing football with mika.... i was just thinking of his long hairy legs in a pair of shorts PHWOAAAR :punk: i think id fall over 'accidentally on purpose', he'd come running to comfort me and be like 'Wheres it hurt?' and id point right to my backside :wink2: and he'd start rubbing it better and be like 'corrr u gota nice arse! can i smack that till you get sore......'


  5. oh && thankyou guys

    for makin me feel great

    i was feelin ever so dwon before

    I recieved a hate msg etc

    so i decided to tke my mind of thngs nd listen to gracekelly

    which made me feel great

    and readin this thread and havin all you lot soo welcoming and friendly is LOVELY THNAKYOU GUYS I LOVE YOU ALL...X goodnight xxxxxxxxxxxxx


    Awwww, whos sending hates msgs? big bad Laura will sort em out :sneaky2:


    Ima add u all to myspace as soon as my internet stops messing me around, it wont let me open more than 1 window at a time, damn.....

  6. I'm still here too waiting for Grey's Anatomy to finish. But i guess we shouldnt carry on with the MIKA hotness wouldnt be fair on the others :naughty:


    Maybe just a tad?? :wink2: cmon someone needs to write some more Mika porn and impress Caz.........i figure it'll encourage her to write even more you see......like the cunning plan? :wink2:

  7. awww love you! ^_____^


    well. i didnt dream of Mika when pretty much the whole forum was on this one thread and i was saying naughty stuff. i was so disappointed, so i doubt i'll be dreaming of him tonight. altho, hopefully my fanfiction will come true in my dreams ^_______^


    anyways i have to go. i gotta get up in the morning and my computer actually just turned itself off a second ago...must be from overheating.


    think it read my story?




    Could be :naughty: well, night Caz take care :thumb_yello:


  8. lol laura!!! true say!

    My mum will walk in ne minute and is gnna slap me and ask me y am i on da internet sooo late speshally on the internet!

    i wud b like errr i was readin MIKA porn LMFAO

    nah i wud never say tht she wud KILL me! lmao


    :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: she'd so ban you from listening to any of his music :naughty:

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