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Posts posted by valv

  1. I doubt its going to be an "all-out" tour, as its only in june. He has dates set outside of the country for months after june so =P I am just REALLY hoping he comes ot Vegas. I asked him but I don't know that he will. If not, I'm going to have to find out how to make it to LA again, which won't be easy as happy as my mom was to see Mica there.


    I don't blame you, Sivan. I just want to see him again but if I could get my first hug or better yet high five I would be SO happy!


    if mika did a show in vegas first i'd drive with you, we could do a mika road trip with all the mfc members!

  2. hmm well yes saw mika but i NEED to see him again and maybe get one more hug?

    lol SORRY! but i loved my mika hug ;) i want more....can u blame me? :blush-anim-cl:


    i know what you mean! im coming of my mika high and im having mika withdrawals!


    we need more mika stat!

  3. Well, at least they know somebody wants it back...

    I hope some nice person could find it and turn it in... :mf_rosetinted:

    Im sorry for you!

    Must have been horrible to notice in the plane that it's missing! :blink:


    i kind of panicked on tha plane, but the flight attended was really nice i was sad so i asked if there was any chocolate on the plane and she found me cookies and kit kats!


    i was sitting next to a little girl so we split everything cause she brought us so much!

  4. Oh my goodness! I feel so bad for you! Did you try contacting the airport or something, maybe someone could have turned them in. It's a long shot, I know, but it might be worth the effort, you never know.


    i tried but the lady didnt care, i was trying to explain that there was SIGNED Nilsson in there, and i knew where it was, the hms host gift shop by the cashier, but she said all she could do was wait for someone to turn it in.

  5. Heres mika in teen vogue magazine! I also have some pics that I found on the internet. I'll give you close up pics so you can read the article later.


    i lost my records cause of this magazine!


    i was at the airport when i saw the mika article and i got so excited i forgot my records at my feet when i went to pay the cashier! when i realized i forgot i was in the middle flight, i panicked!


    i even had a signed nilsson album in there, if mika knew i lost a signed a nilsson album! oh my!

  6. Valv...are those polaroid pictures? If they are, I salut you for being so original :D;)


    ya theyre polaroids ive been meaning to invest in a real camera, but polaroids are just super fun. and you get the picture right after, instant gratification. but you'd think after 20 years they could make it smaller cause its like carrying around a brick!

  7. hey sorry for Jumping in peeps , just curious as to where in Greece , I travelled there a lot , also going to Rhodes Town in June :punk:


    Is he going to Portland Or at all?




    its one of those trip tour things, the itinerary says Athens, Delphi, Patras, Olympia, Argolida, Epidaurus, Mycenae, Mykonos, Rhodes (as well perhaps i'll see you!), Patmos, Kusadasi, so i guess a little bit of everywhere!

  8. Oh yay! I wanted to meet you last night, I went to the Virgin store >_< The girls behind me in line kept talking about meeting up with you but they wandered off inside the store and so I never saw you >_< If he does show in Vegas like I told him to you definitely have to go and we definitely have to meet!


    OMG valv how did you manage that!? :shocked: I don't know if I'm more jealous of you for that or of my mum for getting a high five from Mika :shocked:


    hey i remember seeing you! you were at the front of the line outside!

  9. I don't know for sure, but I assume it's from that Virgin store -- they have the phone number right there, so I suppose you could call.


    Good luck! And tell Mika I said "Hi!" if you meet him -- and ask him when he's coming to Washington, DC!!! LOL!




    for sure!


    i called up the store this morning and you have to preorder the cd at that virgin. i went there right after and i just got my wristbands!

  10. Can I PLEASE have the other ticket!!! I have to go!! I found out about it after the tickets were sold out!! Please let me have it!!!!!!!



    ive yet to buy them!


    tickets are going for 150 for a pair on ebay rite now.


    im looking for someone to split the cost cause i only need one.


    message me if your interested. thanks!

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