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Posts posted by mika_lover

  1. ok, just had a major row with my boyfriend coz we went out with his family, and they think I should conform, and blahhh blahhhh....anyway, I told them I am what I am, and I refuse to conform and all that.... so I left when the party was over.. and was singing Love Today walking home, and my boyfriend said, oh hell no, not tonight, and I said ok, fine, be like that, so I went home by myself....its him with the issue not me...so he went home to his mother...if I had to choose between my relationship with him and me liking Mika.....lol...guess who wins?

    Goodnight everyone!! see u tomorrow

  2. ok, sorry to drag this back up again...I was getting ready for bed last ngiht and my (soon to be ex) boyfriend said, hey, look, Mika on TV...of course I ran out and looked, all excited...but it was Borat!!!:thumbdown:

    Just kidding about the soon to be ex bit....lol

    I toild him I was gonna post his email address so u could ALL email him for being nasty!!:naughty:

  3. OK, I am totally convinced my dream was real....when Mika was down with the flu I was thinking about him feeling sorry for him before I went to sleep, and I dreamed I was nursing him better and cheering him up.

    Anyway, I woke up and had a sore throat and felt like I was getting the flu or a cold...I guess I caught it from Mika, I don't mind catching his flu, lol:roftl:

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