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Posts posted by kasia87

  1. omigosh i would LOVE to have this on dvd!! You're soo lucky!!


    I was in my psychology class and the professor was showing something on the internet to us on the projector. As soon as it went to the MSN home page, I let out a squeal when I saw Mika on the screen!

  2. Here in the states, I was watching MTV early one morning while I was getting ready for school. and they did an interview with Mika. That was the first time I had heard of him, or the song "Grace Kelly." I was instantly hooked!!! I was like "Omigosh he's FABULOUS!!" :)

  3. okay maybe someone can help me..

    i'm in the US and was wondering, what bonus tracks are on which version of "Life In Cartoon Motion?"

    Doesn't I-Tunes also have a bonus track? Can anyone help me get it all straight?



    Have a Mika-tastic day!!

  4. YES! I saw that one yesterday. I believe it's another Motorola advertisment. I was talking with my boyfriend on the phone when I heard the beginning of "Love Today" in my living room. My mother was watching television and as soon as I heard those notes, I made a mad dash for my living room and was utterly pleased to hear the song. I let out a girly squeal, i was so thrilled!

    of course my boyfriend was less than amused when i told him... haha..

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