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Posts posted by Tia

  1. I think it's better to address the topic when it arises so that newbies get an understanding of why we really don't care instead of bullying them with I DON'T CARE and shutting down the thread. I know it's easier to just lock it before it gets out of hand, but that's just lazy IMO. I'm not picking on the mods here, I think it's all our jobs to help steer these threads in the right direction.


    i totally agree with you, it would b better to tell the truth that we really dont know and mayb steer them in the direction of this thread, which shows that we all have options and you can talk about it here, ask questions etc.


    its great that ppl can come here and discuss the things that mayb we have felt since feb we havent been allowed too.


    i have written so many posts on mfc that i have never posted because of fear of being criticized, so sometimes i read and dont post at all and thats a shame if a forum makes u feel like that.

  2. Yay I'm sure I will too!

    I'm very much looking forward to meeting you too. And your daughter ofcourse!


    hey diana and anyone else around, i look 4ward to meeting you in london too:thumb_yello: and avoca again:wub2:

    london should b fab!!!!


    why is there talk off closing threads i haven been online 4 a couple of days:blink:

  3. .........me too. I have hardly been on here all week and now I've got a whole evening that I was allowing myself to fritter away on the forum and it's playing up!

    We are going to the post office tomorrow morning so that Alice can post her Christmas card to little Tia personally.


    awww tia put hers in the post yesterday:thumb_yello:

  4. Hello Tia, hello Tia, (thought I'd better say it twice, as you double posted:naughty: !)

    This forum is such a nightmare tonight!!!

    How are you?

    Lol oops:blush-anim-cl: ill delete one now if i can get back in!!!

    im fine thx hun, trying to sort out xmas things and fit in mika, myspace, msn oh yeah and work!!!!

  5. I am really struggling to use the forum too, but I just had to get back on to wish you a happy birthday for tomorrow Charlotte.:happybday:

    ......and I don't think I've told you how much I love your avatar. It makes me smile every time I see it.:biggrin2:


    i just wanted to pop in and say hello to MM, well to everyone else too but MM i haven seen you in agessssssssss!!!!!!

  6. thx for the links of d/l, diana. :thumb_yello: will check out interview and songs tomorrow. look very forward :biggrin2:


    should be bedski now.. actually long ago, but this place always manages to trap me ... :sneaky2:


    nite, everyone! :bleh:


    nite avoca....

    when u have time can we have a little chat about London, i wondered wot the place u stayed in was like cos im looking for somewhere in feb!!

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